My eyes slowly opens but I still felt sleepy, but I knew I couldn't go back to sleep. I make my way out of the room and decided to have sandwich for breakfast.

I was about to take a bite from my sandwich, when a loud banging was heard on the door. With a frown, I place the sandwich back on the plate and walk out of the kitchen.

I opened the door and my frown deepens seeing it was the landlord, and four other men.

"You have to move out miles"

I stare at him dumbfoundly "I still have two months before my rent expires, what did I do wrong sir?"

He rolled his eyes "Hold him down, and destroy everything"

I gasped and before I could protest one of the men held me back and I couldn't even move. For crying out loud! He is thrice my size and I couldn't comprehend what was going on.

"Stop!!!!" I yelled as they began destroying everything in the living room "Stop please!!"

I felt completely useless as I couldn't do anything to stop them, when they were done, they walked out of the house. Giving me 24 hours to move out, or he would destroy more.

My eyes goes down to the only family portrait I had lying on the floor. The glass was shattered but I was thankful that the picture was safe.

I go up to my room and grab my backpack, luckily the rooms are safe. I walk out of the apartment, willing myself not to cry.

Should I have this reported to the police? Would anyone come to my aid? You have to miles, you can't let them go scout free for what they did. Yes that is exactly what I would do, only after my shift is done.

Getting to the cafe, I was called into the boss office. I look over at Anne who shrugged in response, I sighed and go over to his office knocking twice.

"Come in"

I twist the knob and walk in "You called for me sir"

"Yes, you are fired"

I frowned in confusion "I don't understand sir, I did nothing wrong"

"Miles, get the fuck out of my cafe and never return"

"But si..."

He cuts me off with a glare, tears Wells up in my eyes as I hurried out of the office. I go over to Anne and I give her my best fake smile, and hug her.

"What is wrong miles?"

I pull back slowly "I got fired. I have no idea what I did wrong, but sir west seems really pissed off at me"

"Miles, I am so sorry. Maybe I could try changing his mind"

I shook my head "No need for that, I will search for another job. Besides, I still have my job at the supermarket"

"Are you sure you will be ok?"

"Yes, get back to work and I will see you around"

She nods and I shakily walk out of the cafe,I walked until I got to the police station. You can do this miles, you lost your job and they have to be sued for what they did to my apartment.

"What can I help you with?" The officer who i approached asked.

"I will like to sue someone for damaging of property"

He sighs, clearly exhausted "Name"

"Miles Lockwood"

His eyes widened in shock and he called unto another officer,they both stared at me for a while before gasping. Before I could comprehend what was going on,I was kicked out from the station leaving me gaping in shock.

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