I struggled to sit in the car, my backside still hurt a bit and I feel suffocated being in the car with her and Jaden as the driver.

"Behave yourself when we get there babyboy, or you won't like the way I will punish"

I internally rolled my eyes by her words, what punishment can she give to me that would destroy me like what she ordered for days ago.

"I expect a response when I speak with you babyboy"

I slowly lift my head "Yes ma"

"Good boy" she said patting my head like I am a freaking dog.

I hate being here and I would have jumped out of this car if Casey wasn't in their hold. Would I be able to ever see him again? Will I ever be able to be free from them?.

I don't know how long I stayed in the car but it comes to a stop in front of a gate. I don't pay attention to my surroundings as the car drives in, or even when we stepped out of the car, my mind remained blank.


I cut her off "Remember to behave myself or a punishment awaits me"

She chuckles "You are learning but don't ever cut me off again"

I nodded and we walk into the mansion, Jaden excused himself and walked away. We walked for a while until we got to a door, she pushed it opened and I froze on my spot.

"You are late" the man who I have known as the mayor of the town spoke immediately he saw us.

She rolls her eyes "Vincent isn't even here yet, so I am definitely not late"

"I see your pet is well tamed as you said"  a boy spoke with his brown hair slicked back.

She chuckles and sat down, I took a sit beside her and she smiles at me. I could feel someone gaze at me, so I looked up and saw it was the mayor's wife, I know because I have seen her in the news. Her eyes are filled with pity, why the hell is she pretending!!.

"Mr mayor, I told you I could handle him didn't I?"

He nods sipping from his wine "Did you make him mute? He hasn't spoken a word since he got here"

"A pet shouldn't speak unless they are told to" she spoke casually, just then maids walks in with different food in their hands.

I was not even a bit hungry, being stucked in this room makes me suffocated. They all know she took me against my will but no one cares and they seem proud of her.

I played with the food on my plate and sip from my glass of wine. I could feel her gaze on me but I didn't care, I won't eat.

"You are finally here" Mr mayor said to someone and I look up from my food.

My whole world comes crashing down on me seeing him. His eyes locked with mine and I could see the pain in his eyes, but what was going through my head was his Betrayer.

She smirks "Vince this is miles, I am sure you guys have met before"

He nodded stiffly and sat beside his brother, everyone returned to their meal. But I couldn't stay here anymore, I have to ask for permission.

"I need to use the bathroom" I spoke loud enough for only the both of us to hear.

She rolls her eyes "Do you take me for a fool miles?"

I sighed "Please, I really need to go to the bathroom"

She doesn't respond and called Jaden to lead me to the bathroom. He walks into the dining room bowing his head in respect, I shakily stood up and walk out of the room with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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