Fuck, my head hurts so bad. Did I go drinking again? Am I suffering from an hangover? Or do I have a fever?.

With great difficulties, I opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar room. I tried to stretch my body but I could not, I frowned seeing my hands are cuffed to the bed and my ankles are chained.

Just then the memories comes flooding in, which made me panic. I struggled hard against the chains used on me, but the more I struggled against the chains, the more painful it was for me.

"Fuck!!!" I cried out in frustration and helplessness.

The door slowly opens and in comes in the fucking guy who came to my house. He has a tray of food on his hand, he smiles at me while keeping the tray on the table.

"Miles, time to eat"

"Eat? Are you fucking crazy!! You need to release me at once"

He rolled his eyes "Can you quit acting like a princess?"

"Please let me go"

He laughs "Sure"

My eyes spark up in happiness, atleast he is not like his boss.

"Then unchain me"

He smirks making his way over to me and grab my chin tightly "I can do that but, your brother will have to replace you. Sounds good right?"

"Leave casey out of this, I will stay"

He grins and his eyes goes to my lips, and he suddenly pinned me on the bed. I struggled hard against him and his breath fames my face.

"Let me go you crazy piece of shit!!!"

"Shh miles, just let me kiss you"

I shake my head repeatedly, he grips unto my jaw and just as he was about to kiss me, the door was pushed opened.

"That is enough jaden, you may go now"

He stares at me for a while before bowing at her and then walk out of the room.

"You are bandage nicely"

I paid no heeds to her words and lean my back on the headboard.

She rolls her eyes "Can you quit acting like a brat? You have to eat. You have been passed out for Almost 24 hours, I do not want my pet to be starved"

"Let Casey go"

"Casey? And why would I let him go? For as long as you are with me, casey stays"

I grit my teeth "What more do you fucking want from me!!!"

She slaps me hard on my face "Don't you fucking dare use cuss words in my presence and you should never raise your voice at me"

That slap hurt I admit, I have always been fragile when growing up. I had friends in high school who always protected from bullies and never let anyone touch me.

She smirks "Speechless?"

I don't respond and she goes over to the table bringing the tray of food over to me, and place it on my lap. It fucking aggrevate me, so I pushed it off my lap and the content lies on the floor.

"You want it the hard way, I will give it to you"

She angrily walks out of the room and I breath a sigh of relief. I got startled when the door was pushed opened and two hefty men walks in, and she stepped in also.

"Have him sat on a chair, with the chain on"

They nodded. My eyes widened in shock as I was yanked up by one of the men and the other set out a chair for me. The chain on my hands was removed and replaced with cuff.

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