My eyes slowly opens and I yawned, I look down at the bed and saw it was the guy I hooked up with last night. I rolled my eyes and got dressed in my clothes from last night and make my way out of the hotel room.

I really need to stop having one night stand with guys who can't please me. For crying out loud, I had to fake orgasm!! I got to the underground garage of the hotel and located my car, I drive off and soon I got to the mansion.

"You reek of alcohol" Vince scrunch his nose immediately I step into the main living room.

I rolled my eyes "Why aren't you dressed for school?"

"Mind your fucking business"

I rolled my eyes and walked passed him up the stairs, I got to my room and took a shower, then I got dressed in a see through shirt and a denim jeans, I put on makeup and let my hair fall freely. I grab my backpack and make my way out of the room.

I got to the dining room and everyone was already sat except finn who was nowhere to be found,I grinned before taking my seat.

"How much longer would you keep on embarrassing me Valerie?a footage was released of you"

I sip from my milk before responding "What footage Mr mayor?"

"Do you really want me to remind you?!" He screeched out in anger.

I snort out a laugh "Last time it was a footage of me taking drugs, what is this about now?a sex tape maybe?"

"You!!! The campaign is coming soon and I plan on running again"

"You have been a Mayor for quite some time now, don't you think it's time to step down?"

"Valerie!!!" He bangs his hands on the table.

"Hon please calm down, Don't pay heed to her words. Valerie, apologise to your father now" mom butts in.

"My apologies, Mr mayor" I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Sorry won't change the fact that your daughter is getting out of hand melanie. You best put her in her place, otherwise I wi.."

I cut him off with a loud groan "What more do you want from me Mr mayor?!! Being born in this fucked up family is enough punishment for me"

Vince shook his head "No"

I huffed grabbing my bag and Strom out of the dining room,I got into my car and drive off to the university.

I groaned, remind me again why I have to go. Oh, Mr mayor literary threatened my ass!! fucking fucked up family,I screamed in frustration but I still felt so pissed off.

I drive into the school and walk to the back of the school,I bring out a cigarette and light it. I take a large drag from it and a smile made it to my face,I have never felt so relieved in my whole life. Just kidding! I chuckled on my own thoughts.

"I knew I would find you here"

I turned around and saw it was sunshine "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

She scoofs taking the cigarette from me "Since when did I give a shit about class?"

I giggled "Well I got to go,my old man is on my ass"

"Sucks right?"

"You bet" I sighed grabbing my bag.

Sunshine step on the cigarette and link her hand with mine "Shall we?"


We have first class together because of the fact that we are on the same major,we stepped into the class and the professor stared at us but doesn't dare to say a word. The university is made for rich kids, whatever happens stays in the school or they would be sorry.

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