Watching her leave the room made me panic, fuck I am not going to let this happen to me. I don't hate gays but I am definitely straight.

"Finally! I get to bang you" jaden exclaims walking into the room.

I gulped "I dare you to fucking touch me"

He stalks towards the bed with a smirk on his face, I had to think of something to do. I was lost in my own thoughts when suddenly I was pinned roughly to the bed which made me groan.

"You let me go you asshole!!!!" I shouted struggling against the chains that bound me.

He licks and sucks on my neck,I could feel tears in my eyes of the possibility of what is going to happen.

"Fuck! Help me!!"

"You should be enjoying this and moan out my name" he mockingly said.

I couldn't even kicked him because my ankles were chained,I twist my torso in hopes to Stop him. That seems to anger him because he punches me hard on my stomach knocking the air out of me.

"That is more like it" he chuckled climbing off me and slowly took off his clothes.

I was trying so hard to catch my breath, it hurts so bad. He ripped my shirt off and pull my sweatpant down to my ankle, his hand goes to the waistband of my brief when I broke down in tears.

"P-p-please don't do this to me, I don't want this" I sobbed weakly.

"And does it look like I give a fuck? I want to fuck you and that is exactly what I am going to do"

I felt so useless, I am a man for crying out loud. I shut my eyes tightly when I saw him stroking his dick. I was flipped to lie down on my stomach and my ass in the air.

"Please, let me go" I cried out when he slowly take off my brief.

"Sh, it will only hurt a bit"

His palm lands on my ass and it stings like hell, I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming and I could feel his dick poking my hole.

"Please spare Me! I will be good. I will do anything you ask of me but please don't do this"

I heard him groan and shuffling around, I summoned the courage to sit properly and he was pacing around the room.

"Fuck!! This is so fucking annoying!Why won't you just let me fuck you? Do you have any idea what will happen to the both of us if ma Valerie finds out I didn't follow her order?"

I sniffled "She does not have to find out"

"Shut up!!!!" He growled walking over to me and fist tightly to my hair.

I grit my teeth ignoring the pain in my scalp "Just let me go please, she doesn't have to know"

He goes silent for a while before pinning my hands above my head and sealed his lips on mine. I gasped in shock and he shove his tongue into my mouth, I tried wriggling free from him but it was completely useless. He kept on sucking on my tongue, he bits my bottom lip hard and I moan out in pain. He swirls his tongue on that spot before taking a step back from me.

"We need blood, and we both know that she won't believe my words unless blood is found on the sheet"

I frowned "Why would blood be needed? You can say something like you went easy on me"

He chuckled "Easy on you? Her words were make him bleed, and she knows I don't go easy on anyone"

Fuck you and your crazy boss!! I so badly wanted to scream that to his face but I restrained. He was still hard and I know he won't go easy on me, so I have to play cool.

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