Jaycen and Aubrey are settling into married life with children; but will a new doctor on the scene tear them apart? Chancez is still reeling from the return of his presumed dead mother and his new half brother who happens to be Derby's son. Will the...
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An entire month in that hellhole seemed like a lifetime, my lifetime. Although, I was in a special holding cell that allowed me the amenities of any meal I wanted, movies of my choosing and visitations whenever someone wanted to visit; I was still in a jail cell. Walking out of the courthouse three days ago was like getting a whole new lease on life. I went into overdrive on reclaiming my life, my position, my legacy. I had to let it be known that Jonathan Prentice was alive and well. So, I did what any rich and powerful man would do. I scheduled a press conference in the boardroom of Prentice International. Jaycen wasn't too pleased with the idea, but after some persuading from his husband and my granddaughter Kaylen; he agreed. Today was the day I assured the world that I was back and better than ever. I was dressed in style wearing a black tailor made Armani business suit with diamond cufflinks.
As the reporters, various local and worldwide news stations, magazine publications and other members of the press converged on the streets outside of the skyscraper building; Jaycen walked towards the podium that was set up in the front of the room. My family that included Kaylen, Jared, Alexis, Aubrey, Antoine, Deray and Chancez all sat behind him in carefully set up chairs, as he was poised to speak. The flashbulbs and cameras of the press that was allowed in the meeting began to do their job, as Jaycen looked back at the family before turning to speak.
"I know you are all wondering why my family has called this press conference. Well, I am about to tell you," Jaycen sighed, as he stared out into the crowd of news peddling vultures. "For over a year, my family has been dealing with the loss of my grandfather Jonathan Prentice. We had come to believe that he had died overseas after undergoing extensive chemotherapy and other treatments to treat his acute pancreatic cancer. But, over a month ago, we found that was not the case," he paused for effect before starting again. "A month ago, my family was floored and shocked to see a man who resembled and claimed to be my grandfather walk into the foyer of my home," the crowd gasped and whispered in muffled tones. "After testing his blood, it has been confirmed. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my deepest and profound pleasure to present to you, Mr. Jonathan Prentice."
As the doorman opened the door and the sunlight from the huge window hit my face, I immediately stuck my hand up to cover my eyes. I walked into the room behind the press towards the podium, as the crowd applauded and whispered with wonderment. I walked towards the podium where Jaycen was applauding and smiling at me. I knew better than this crowd that his smile was a show, but I held my composure and continued towards him anyway. He shook my hand and stepped aside as I leaned towards the microphone. I smiled at the crowd as I basked in their attention and praise. I wanted to take it all in before I started answering their bombardment of questions. I sighed as I started to speak.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the press; international and national, it is a true honor to be standing here able to address you in sound mind and body. I have a few things to say before we open it up to questioning, so please, bear with me," I said, appeasing the crowd. "First of all, let me start by saying that I am indeed Jonathan Prentice. Rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated," I smirked, as the crowd laughed softly. "It is a fact that I did indeed flat-line, but was pulled back from the great beyond. My time here on this planet was not done and I have returned to reclaim my place in this society, my family and in my company," I stated, as I shot a look at Jaycen. "Yes, my grandson, Jaycen is indeed the CEO of Prentice International. I am not here to dispute that fact. I am however here to let him know that I will be going through the legal system to regain my shares and indeed my position at the company."