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The dark haired pigtailed girl was sitting uncomfortably in her parents limousine, occupying the seat her mother usually reserves for herself, where she spends most of her time shamelessly kissing Gomez Addams, her far too adoring father... a vision that, as soon as portrayed into Wednesday's mind made her feel sick to her stomach, forcing her to revert her attention to something a little less disgusting: the phone Xavier had just gifted her.

She lifted the modern day torture device from her lap, causing it to immediately lit up, something that Wednesday certainly was not expecting.

She quickly managed to get the hang of how the soul sucking device worked, being able to type in and, successfully, save Enid's contact number. She double checked that smudged and unreadable piece of pink paper covered in disgusting glittery purple ink given by her overly joyed roommate on their way out of the school; in fact when Enid found out Xavier had gifted her friend a new phone - after everything she had done to him, no less - she could not help but smirk at the black haired girl, hinting at something that Wednesday did not quite understand, and quickly dismissed as one of her friends many quirks.

Just now, it hit her: Enid was implying Xavier had feelings for her, romantic feelings no less.
An unsettling thought, and also highly unlikely considering that she was the one that repeatedly accused him of being a disgusting, murderous monster, and even got him locked up.
She would of even gotten as far as planting evidence herself just to finally get him behind bars, that is how sure she was of his involvement in the murders.

Unfortunately, she could not have been more wrong, the real disgusting murderer was her... acquaintance, Tyler. The same boy that fooled her numerous times, lurking in the dark shadows of the night and actively sabotaging her investigations while she stupidly trusted him, for some unfathomable reason.

Wednesday finally let her guard down, and as she did she felt a new, not so tremendous, comforting sensation... for a while, until it all crumbled apart at the end.

When asked how she feels about the whole situations she doesn't respond.
She doesn't feel.
Or does she?

Of course, the marvelous irony of the situation didn't fly over her head, she thought of it as a hard lesson learned: never turn into what you despise, a stupid teenager that unconsciously allows her hypothalamus to release dopamine and make her feel in love, whatever in love means.

Karma was obviously out to get her, for the many ears she spent criticizing the stupid act of love, an act that, at the end of the day, brings nothing but desolation and heartbreak: two sentiments that, in different situations, may have even satisfied her.

But not in this particular case.

Was it a lesson?
Was it karma?
Or maybe it was fate?

She didn't know, all she knew was that after she found out the truth she couldn't stop thinking about it, about him... no, about it.
She would obsessively think and rethink about all the the things he, it, said, everything he did and how easily she was manipulated into a tragic charade of a relationship that was.
Wednesday Addams wasn't able to see what was right in front of her, and she got played like a violin.

A new sensation filled her entire body, was it sadness? No, she didn't quite feel like when she lost nero to a heinous hate crime, orto when she almost lost thing, because oh him.
Was it regret? For what? She did solve the case, eventually.
Was it anger? Nothing could compare to the satisfaction of torturing that two faced lying bastard, even though she couldn't completely enjoy the sweet satisfaction of torturing someone while she was bonded by a dark, crazy and insatiable rage.
Maybe in was rage, maybe she was mad, maybe she did have feelings for him,

No, no, it. She could not have feelings for someone like that, not ever.

She stared at the black screen of her new mobile phone, seeing her reflection staring back at her with, glassed gloomy eyes: a sight she absolutely dispised and wanted, no, needed to get out of her mind.

Fortunately fate was, sometimes, good for something, and her screen lit up, showing two text messages from an unknown number.

Strange, who could have already got a hold of her personal information and was bothering her at that particular moment. That is why Wednesday hated modern day technology. She opened the messages, revealing some weird live images that were playing, accompanied by some photos of her and Xavier and her and, him.. disgusting.
Who could have taken those?

'I'm watching you' - Well that was fascinating.
Did she have her own stalker now? Who could it be? And why would they care enough to watch her, not that she was planning to be of much interest now that the case was solved, in fact she already scheduled her days to the minute, she she could be able to get on with writing a new novel, study, and occasionally allow herself some fun such as dissecting dead animals.
Not much to stalk there.

Those questions were intriguing her, but after a long self reflation Wednesday finally raised her eyes from the phone that was on her lap, and glanced over at the obscured windows of the Addams family car.
Another car passed by their, well, a police truck more specifically, and she knew damn well where that truck was headed and, more importantly who was in it.

She felt her jaw clenching, and her fist tighten around the phone she was still holding; she couldn't actually see who was inside that car, but she knew, she just.. knew. She wanted to just get out of the car and go to him, to beat him as furiously as possible, inflicting him as much pain as possible. And even then, that would have been nowhere near the pain of betrayal the girl felt at that moment.

She did not feel, and most importantly, she definitely did not feel pain.
Over who?
Over him?
Over it?
No, impossible, he was not that important.
He couldn't be.

She quickly got a hold of herself as she herd the deep voice of her butler, Lurch, talking to her.

"How are you feeling Miss Addams?" He asked.

What? Why would he ask her that? Wednesday always felt very fond of him, because he perfectly understood the unnecessarity of small talk, or, even worst, the foul act of expressing emotions.
He knew when to turn the volume of the radio up, so she could focus on the horrific sound of her cd compilation of screams from horror movies, and escape the unbearable hell her mind was.

She frowned a little bit, questioning his motives and, as she parted her lips to respond that she didn't, in fact, feel anything, she glanced at the road, immediately realizing that their route was not the correct one and that, in fact, they did just drive in circles, since she could perfectly see the imponente towers of Nevermore approaching the car's windshield.

"Where are we headed?" She asked, her voice a little hoarse after not having talked in a couple oh hours. She cleared her throat. "That is Nevermore, Lurch".

"Trust me Wednesday, I'm taking you somewhere safe"

That wasn't Lurche's voice.
That voice sounded so familiar to Wednesday, yet she could not associate a face to it... until she looked at the rearview mirror, and her jaw unconsciously dropped from shock.

"Principle Weems?".

* ok so since i lost my old profile i created a new one and decided to write this story, hopefully someone reads it and likes it. love u see u next chapter if it doesn't flop.

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