as we used to do.

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Tyler was looking at his image in the mirror, Xavier's white tee was stretching dreadfully around his biceps and torso; he decided to opt for a pair of joggers that he had left him, because they would stretch easier. It was unusually kind of him to lend him his clothes, especially knowing they were for Tyler, as Wednesday had obviously not lied about it.

He might have misjudged Xavier this entire time.

Tyler found, looking through Wednesday's closet out of curiosity, a bomber jacket made from black leather and synthetic fur that he had landed the girl on one of their dates. He smiled, reaching to grab it and putting it on.

"That's more like it" he turned to look at his reflection again, smiling cockily at the fact that the girl had not thrown it away.

He made his way to the door, that had been left ajar, opening it completely and, as he did, the figure of a petite girl was staring back at him with her wide black eyes, hands locked behind her back and pigtails freshly re-done.

He chuckled: "If you wanted to see the show you could have just asked, no need to be sneaky about it"

She lifted her head, outraged by his cocky smile.

"Don't be ridiculous, the only way i could be interested enough in you to sneak around, as you said, is if you were dead and i could dissect your corpse for scientific purposes." -She looked at him up and down, fantasizing about the dissecting kit her parents had gifted her a while ago.

She noticed how Xavier's clothes didn't fit him properly, even though Xavier was taller than him; then she noticed her jacket, well.. his jacket.

She ignored it as he started speaking again.

"A little dark for a date, but it could be arranged" He joked, being unexpectedly grabbed by the wrist and dragged through the corridors by the annoyed girl.
They didn't have time for chatter if he wanted to see his father and not blow their cover up, they had to go. Now.

They had been walking in complete silence for 15 minutes now, since the Wednesday's hadn't responded to any of his jokes, Tyler was begging to worry that he had crossed the line, and during those 15 minutes all he could do was rehearse in his head what to say to her, and how to say it.

"Listen Wens - he begun, receiving a homicidal stare in response- right, Wednesday, sorry. I am sorry about what i said earlier, i was just joking around..." -he lifted his right hand to the back of his head, scratching it in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it, I'm not bothered in the slightest"  - she, almost unperceivably, curved her lips upwards, but noticed, he would always notice.

The girl suddenly stopped her brisk walk, which caused for Tyler to bump into her, as he was, weirdly, the one having to rush to keep up with her speed.
As their bodies collided, Wednesday's head snapped back, her eyes wide open, and all  control over her own body was lost; Tyler immediately realized what was going on, and he rushed to catch her, preventing her from falling on the cold ground.

As he held her tight in his arms, he felt mesmerized by her beauty: her olive skin, beautifully complimented by delicate freckles scattered across her cheeks and nose, as stars scattered across the sky. He would constantly fantasize about kissing every single one of the dots on her face, reminding her of how beautiful she was, a statement that would only ever be met with a look of pure disgust. Her nose would scrunch up at the ticklish feeling of his hair on her face, and he would eventually find the courage to kiss her lips.

As he was slowly forgetting about their surroundings, the cold feeling of the nightly breeze quickly brought him back to reality, as it did to Wednesday's body, which begun to shake in his arms. The boy, desperate to provide her with warmth, inched her closer to his body, towering over her in a close, warming hug, as he took of his jacket, well, her jacket now, and placed it around her shoulders.

She could not feel what was happening to her, nor she could feel, see or know what was happening around her.

All she could feel was what Tyler felt.

The hands of the same woman that posed herself as a mother figure, caressing the wounds she, herself, had caused.

"Tyler, my baby, we need Wednesday, is part of out plan, nothing more" - her red lips curved up into a bright smile, which immediately disappeared as she kneeled down to kiss the young's boy cheek, who was sitting unclothed on the concrete, arms chained above his head, and hunger like he had never felt before.

"Laurel, i swear to you, she's different... i like her very mu-" -he immediately swallowed his words as a sharp hiss filled his eardrums, followed by a burning sensation on the same cheek the woman had kissed a few seconds beforehand.

The ring on her hand had left him a sharp cut.

She never did that. She knew best that to leave visible marks on him, on his face especially.

"I am sorry honey - she pouted, reaching for a tissue that was crumpled in her pocket- you know i love you - she sweetly caressed his cheeks, cleaning the wound perfectly- i want only what's best for you, why can't you see that, why won't you let me help you" - she sobbed, resting her head onto his shoulders as Tyler was staring into the grey wall and empty wooden chair facing him.

"No, I'm sorry" - he sighed, leaning his head on top of hers.

Wednesday's lips parted, and a sharp breath escaped from her.

"Wens, you're okay" -Tyler sighed in relief, his eyes frenetically gazing every perimeter of her face, as he saw the girl regain consciousness, his hand on her cheek trying desperately to calm her down, and warm her up.

"Yeah, I'm okay..." she whispered, looking into his eyes, hers eyes glossed by threatening tears. She swallowed, ignoring the tingling sensation in her nose and the one burning her eyes.

Unconsciously she placed her hand on top of his, cupping the sides of his hand as best as she could, before closing her eyes and taking another deep breath, hoping she could, somehow, take all the pain away from him, even if it meant feeling it herself.

He literally tried to kill you, or have you forgotten?

She quickly regained consciousness, and she got up, freeing herself from the warmth and comfort that she was feeling in his arms.

"We need to hurry or we'll never make it back in time" -she grabbed his wrist again, quickly
resuming her march towards the boy's house, which was now only a few minutes away.

Tyler smiled, and as they were walking towards his residence, he freed his wrist, which caused the girl's gaze to shift towards him with an inquiring look, to which he responded by intertwining their hands.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow, while her heart almost skipped a beat, and not in the fun 'almost dead' way, but in the 'almost feeling something' way, unfortunately.

He had held her hand before, and she got used to his palms almost squeezing hers so much that it could cut out blood circulation. She didn't mind it. In fact, she didn't even mind the warmth of his fingers colliding with the frigid temperatures she was fond of feeling in her digits , due to her poor blood circulation, nor did she mind he's slightly sweaty hands, whenever she would squeeze a little harder than usual... for gripping purposes, of course.

But she had never thought he would do that, ever again.

Well, in all fairness, she never thought she would not kill him if she got the chance.

Wednesday did her best to ignore the emptying sensation that was forming in her stomach, fighting the urge to turn around, and continuing their walk instead.

Tyler, on the other hand, was overwhelmed with happiness at the reaction of the girl.
She did not reject him.
His lips curved upwards into the widest, toothiest smile ever. He held onto her hand, tightly, hoping it wouldn't slip away, hoping he would never let her slip away, ever again.

*helloo babes, how are you doing? i'm hoping great! yo, so, i literally intended for this chapter to be wayy longer (cause i wanted to continue with the main plot a bit) but this is all i managed for tonight. but i have an idea on how to continue this so hopefully imma update tomorrow as well. love uuu, and as always tell me your thoughts on this chapter:))) xoxo

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