the fate you deserve.

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As the black eyed girl was wandering those mud filled, fly infested woods, looking for some trace, any trace, of the monster she so despised, she couldn't help but constantly remind herself that she needed to find him, trap him, torture him.

She knew that, of course, but nonetheless, when she closed her eyes, when she blinked, even, she couldn't help but picture his face.
His golden brown hair that would so annoy her when coming in contact with her face - as it tickled her slightly, a sensation Wednesday could not suffer. His little moles on the side of his right cheek, that she could not take her eyes off of, since they would make up an intriguing constellation, that would drive down to his neck. His evident frown, and the line in between his eyebrows that formed as soon as he became puzzled with, honestly, anything the pale girl had to say to him.
Eventually, his soft smile, that was mostly reserved just for her. It was different that the polite greetings he was used to offer to his costumers, or his acquaintances... it was softer, candid, genuine.

Well, definitely not genuine, you stupid idiot! - She said to herself, interrupting her own squalid train of thought.
She had become sorry for herself, or for the version of her that she, sometimes, caught of guard, the version that would still find herself somewhat drawn to that too faced lying sack of garbage that deserved nothing more, nor less, than pure, delicious, agonizing torture.

She smiled, thinking she will finally be able to fulfill her wishes: torture him, put him on his knees, like he did to her, make him regret all the things he had done, make him regret meeting her and, most importantly, crossing her.

Wednesday finally regained awareness of her surrounding, not that she ever really lost it, but now all her senses were concentrated and devoted to finding her prey.

A sound, a movement of leafs or bushes, the girl wasn't entirely sure, made her turn the other way around, having her face the green and brown nothingness she was surrounded by.

A warm, longing breath eased down her neck, and she froze, just for a second. She needed to concentrate all the strength in her body to prevent herself from reacting impulsively, aggressively... so she slowly turned around, taking a step back.

"Hello Wednesday" - Tayler said, in the soft pinched voice that she once used to associate with him, not anymore.

The young man, standing right in front of her, took a minute before speaking again, a minute so he could breathe in and find himself mesmerized by the sight of those two black eyes that were staring back at him, deadly this time.

"Did you come here for a second round?" He asked her, with a hint of irony in his, now, hoarse voice and a deep frown that embellished his forehead, strands of moist hair clinging to it.

"I very much would think so, considering how our last encounter went. I believe I owe you one."

"For what?" - Tyler asked, crossing his arms around his chest and slightly tilting his head to the side, taking a step towards her. Wednesday mimicked his actions, finding herself only a few centimeters away from him, her face tilted upwards, so she could look him straight in the eyes, a hint of a smile giving emotions to her, otherwise emotionless, face. At that moment he could feel her sour perfume pinching at his nostrils, a sensation he longed to perceive again, but thought he never would.

Wednesday carefully placed her cold, deadly hand on top of his right cheek, covering the dotted cluster that, once, used to enhance his features.
"For showing me who you really are" -she said, as she moved her body to the side; Tyler, on the other hand, felt a sharp stabbing sensation on the his neck, he couldn't move his hands to cover the area, to understand what had just happened to him. His legs went numb, the smile that, until a moment ago, was set on his lips, started fading as he found himself kneeling to the ground, looking up at the young girl, proudly towering over him, a true smile on her lips and her friend, Thing, settled on her shoulder, holding a needle.

Wednesday finally kneeled down, grabbing Tyler by his locks, in a successful attempt to bring him closer, before the drugs could completely put him down.

"Guess déjà-vus really are our thing, aren't they?" - she let go of his head, letting it hit the hard, cold soil beneath him, as his eyes slowly closed and all he could see was dark.

A ray of light, dim, trivial, hit his cornea, making his eyes squint a little bit. Tyler could only make up shadows of his surroundings: a wooden chair, a metal slab, very similar to the ones at the morgue, and a face, a person, not Wednesday but... Larissa Weems.

The captive shook his head, immediately regaining consciousness; he tried to stand up, unsuccessfully, as he was tied down to the same wooden chair he had previously seen. A grunt escaped from his lips as he desperately tried to yank himself free of the chains.

"Don't bother, even if you transform, you will not be able to escape this cell" - the older woman explained.

That it was, Tyler thought, a cell, a dark, cold, isolated cell.

"Why are you doing this? How- how are you still...?"

"Alive? -she cut him off- You must be shocked, I bet. After the pitiful attempt you and your master tried to pull on me, must be shocking to think that little, poor, Laurel forgot that all she knew she learned from me." - a soft, though vengeful, smile curved her red tinted lips.

"She forgot that every poison has an antidote, you just need to know the right combination...good thing I did." Larissa winked, approaching his cell and lowering her voice: "She's dead and, I'm sorry, but you need to die too - she slightly tilted her head, eyes softening- you see, the poison I had Wednesday somministrate you didn't just temporarily paralyze you, it will kill you, it will give you a slow, painful, deteriorating death... the death you deserve, after all."

The principal stopped taking, for just one second, giving Tyler enough time to swallow, and try to hold back the emotions that were choking his voice. Did she know?

"The same death your mother deserved, after all. You see, Tyler, I really am sorry but your spices is too unpredictable, too dangerous." - Weems stepped away, turning her back to the strapped boy, that was deadly staring back at her, hoping those words would come out of his mouth before she disappeared, and he would be let alone.

He tried to chase the anguish away and then, finally, he managed to murmur: "Does she know?"

"Who, Wednesday? - she asked turning her head back- No, of course not. She would never admit it, to herself, or to others, but she does still care about you -those words, regardless the circumstances, faintly wormed Tyler's heart, almost making him smile- She will have a little fun with you, she is still hurt after all, but eventually she will get bored, and you will die a slow, lonely, death."

As she finished announcing his destiny, she restored her pece, walking up the dreary stairs, leaving him, Tyler, chained to his future, tears lingering in his eyes, head down and one single thought running through his mind: Wednesday.

*i hope you liked this chapter. also, i didn't mean to do my homegirl larissa wrong but you just have to wait i have a whole plot in mind lmao. alsoo i've got a little question for you, i would like to know if you guys would like if i did some smut scenes between ours truly (obviously in a foreseeable future, if my plot takes a certain turn, cause now it would just be anticlimactic wouldn't it lmao) or would you prefer if i kept it pg? lemme know cause your wish is my command <33

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