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Wednesday had spent the following week regularly visiting Tyler in the dungeons at night, when she knew no one would interrupt her.

Although it had become less fun, as he would not transform into the Hyde as easily as he once did, she still enjoyed the taste of revenge lingering on her tongue after every hard swallow.

After their first approach, the first night she had visited him, she decided not to listen to his malicious lies anymore, and Tyler gave up trying to explain himself after the first few nights.

He was getting weaker, not that Wednesday would notice, as she desperately tried not to look directly at his slowly fading body.
His voice was getting rustier by the day, until one day he just stopped talking and all the girl could hear were his screams anticipating the transformation, and, eventually, not even that.

His face was covered by just a hint of facial hair, that would cover his sunken face and enhance his protruding cheekbones.

The poison he was injected surely had started to work, as he could barely stand up anymore, and his Hyde would be burried deep inside of him.

Not having the Hyde's thoughts clutter his mind made him feel almost like his old self again, happy and relieved that he could finally be free.

Tyler didn't know if that destiny was fair for him, but he definitely knew that it was fair for it, and it was in everybody's best interest to not fight anymore.

He only wished she would stop her daily torture session, and would just come down to see him. But unfortunately he knew that wouldn't have been possible, and if that was the only way he could get to see her, so be it.

This one particular night he had woken up on his cold, metallic bed, in a sweat, as per usual. He sat down, his body stickly adhered to the metal, and he leaned forward, breathing heavily or, better, trying to gasp for air.

He brought his right hand to caress his neck, as if that motion would help him in any way. Tyler felt his head getting lighter, the dark shapes surrounding him getting more and more blurry, indistinguishable, and, as he bent down, grazing his knees on the concrete, he tried to scream for help, but nothing short of a faint whisper came out.

Wednesday was asleep in her bed, quilt covering her intire body, up to her forehead: she liked the suffocating sensation of barely being able to breathe during her sleep, she found the possibility of potentially not waking up the next morning quite thrilling.

Lately she had barely been able to complete a few chapters of her novel, as her mind, whenever she would seat down to write, would immediately drift to other, highly unwelcome, thoughts.

He did not deserve any of this.
What she was doing was wrong.
What if he really did not have any control over it?
Why was he so silent lately?

Wednesday had made the decision to not visit him anymore, after the last time. She had gotten her revenge, for killing Rowan, for hurting Thing and Eugene, and for betraying her. The best thing she could do now is forget about him, let him come to terms with what he had done, and start preparing herself, mentally, for the arrival of the other students.

She actually didn't know if Mrs. Weems had informed everyone else that she was alive, or when  her colleagues would return to school, she only knew that they were informed via e-mail that lessons would start again by the end of the month.

Enid was texting her nonstop about how happy she was that they would see each other again, hoping they would still be roommates, not knowing, of course, that Wednesday was already back in their old suite.
Xavier, on the other hand, had texted her -as well as the group chat- asking to meet up for coffee. She never responded.
She couldn't be bothered to, also, she didn't see the immediate need to go out and fraternize with the same people that she would be seeing every day for the following year.

There was only one person Wednesday was interested in texting with: her stalker. She had texted the unknown number a couple of times, asking them to reveal themselves, but she received no answer, as well as no more texts since that one day in the car.

Wednesday's phone lit up, illuminating her entire half of the room. She growled, as she turned to the other side, opposite from the source of the light: "Thing i thought i told you to turn it off" - she grumpily yelled, as the hand revealed itself from under her bed, crawling all the way to her night stand.

She heard a light pat on her shoulder, she ignored it.

"What?" - she finally scoffed -when the third pat had officially annoyed her- sitting on her bed, and facing the hand.

He pointed vigorously to the electronic device next to them, so she finally grabbed it, squinting her eyes as the high luminosity was almost blinding her.

"Help him or someone you care about is going to regret it"

An unknown number had sent that message, alongside a photo of someone with blond hair, covered up to their nose in a pink quilt. The photo was from what seemed to be a cracked window.

Wednesday tapped on the image, and zooming in on it she quickly realized.
Of course.

She stood up immediately, still wearing her black silk pajamas, and she rushed to the door.

Help who? And who the fuck do they think they are that they can threaten Wednesday Addams?

That stalker must be a pretentious piece of work.

Wednesday glanced briefly at Thing, which was rapidly following her footsteps, footsteps that were unconsciously directing her to him.

As she entered the secret passage connecting the school to the dungeons, her body started to shiver and, suddenly, her outfit didn't seem that smart of a choice anymore.

She walked barefoot through those corridors, until she reached his cell, and it was there that her heart sunk, leaving her, otherwise expressionless face, colored by despair.

"Tyler" - she screamed, not caring if someone could hear her, completely forgetting about her grudge. She run over to the bars separating the two of them, falling down on her knees as she tried slithering one hand through those bars to reach his, unsuccessfully.

He was laying on the floor, passed out, his head was directly facing her, and she could finally see his scarne image.

It was obvious he hadn't been eating properly for a while now, something she would have definitely noticed if she cared to pay attention to him.

A crushing sensation just over came her whole persona, her hands started to violently shake, as she reached for her mouth, to cover herself, or maybe cover what she might say. Her heart started beating more rapidly, as she couldn't produce one single coherent thought, all she could do was stare at him, slowly swaying her body back and forth.

Thing quickly responded to that unique reaction by rushing through the bars, approaching the helpless body on the floor.

Tears quickly filled her eyes, obscuring her vision. She bit down into her lower lip, sighing in relief when Thing told her he was still alive.

She blinket to that revelation, finally letting her tears stream down her face, warming her petrified body.

"Hang in there Ty, i'll get help" -she sobbed, using one foot to regain stability and get up from the cold floor she was kneeling on- "Don't you dare leave me or i swear i'm gonna kill you".

She brought her forearm to her face, drying her teary face, as she quickly head outside, phone in hand and mind fogged by desperation.

He wasn't allowed to die.

* hey guysss im soo so so sorry i haven't posted lately but finals week at uni really kicked me in the but and i had to pull back to back all nighters to study 💀. anyway i hope you like this chapter i very much enjoyed writing it especially their little """"moment"""" at the end lmao. but yeah now that i'm on christmas break i can finally update more often. happy holidays to everyone <333

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