a moment that would last forever.

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Weenesday was frenetically pacing back and forth, facing the entrance to the school, then the road leading to it, then the entrance again. She knew she had done a reckless move by sending that text, but at that moment consequences were not on her mind.

"Hei, Addams" - a familiar voice called out for her, so Wednesday took a deep breath, and she slowly turned around, dropping all emotions from her face as she stared deadly to her savior's blue eyes.

"If you don't mind, i brought back up" - Bianca said, as Xavier appeared from her left, smirking at the raven haired girl and slightly waving his hand; immediately after, a high pitch squeal came from behind the siren and a petite blond sprinted towards Wednesday, opening her arms in a warm hug, that was, obviously, not reciprocated.

"Explain yourself Wednesday, what do you need my help for, at this ungodly hour nonetheless?" -she continued, crossing her arms across her chest.

Wednesday proceeded to turn around, and walk towards the secret back entrance of the school, leading her classmates to the dungeon.

She thought it best to not explain her predicament in words, because she knew that as soon as they would hear his name, no one would come to his rescue: so she decided to play on their emotions, hoping it would work.

The petite black eyed girl, still wearing her night wear, suddenly stopped when the group arrived in front of Tyler's cell.

She promptly noticed how Enid parted her lips, letting her jaw almost touch the floor.
Bianca's face was puzzled, her eyebrows were curved in disbelief from seeing him and, most importantly, seeing him like that.
Xavier, on the other hand, was quite content with the situation, an observation Wednesday had made by analyzing the sparkly look in his eyes and the triumphant smirk on his lips.

"I need you to help me free him"

Everyone went silent.
Everything went silent.
The only thing Wednesday could hear was her heart racing, almost trying to escape from her chest, and her breaths getting heavier by the second.

"Are you nuts? -Xavier shouted- why on earth would you want to free this psycho monster?" - he continued, with his voice was being raised higher with every word -a sound that made Wednesday feel sorry for her ears- , and his body standing directly in between the two.

"Yeah, there's absolutely no way i'm helping you free him, he's dangerous" - Bianca stepped in, placing her hand on Xavier's shoulder, in a
miserable attempt to calm him down.

"Guys, i am sure Wednesday has a plan, she is not stupid" -Enid added, stepping next to Wednesday, in support of her decision, even though she was questioning her motives as well.

Wednesday did not hear one single word of what the other people in the room had just spoken, her eyes were unwavering, her gazed locked towards one person and one person only.

She finally decided to take a step back, removing her stare from Tyler and directing it towards Bianca, who was shocked to see the cascades of emotions pouring down her complexion.

She seemed... broken.
Her head was bowed, shoulders falling down like teardrops: "please" -she managed to say, before stopping herself, as she knew that, if she tried to speak another world, her walls would collapse, crumbling into a million pieces, and the tears lingering in her eyes would fall down as a cascade.

Everyone quieted themselves as they saw that unique image being depicted in front of their eyes. They had never seen her cry, they never even thought she was capable of such action.

And yet, she almost did, she was human after all.

"Tell me what to do" Bianca promptly proclaimed, a statement followed by various complaints made by Xavier that were, obviously, not considered.

After Wednesday explained the whole situation, Bianca had mesmerized Mrs. Weems, obliging her to unlock the cell, and then forget everything had ever happened.

Wednesday wanted, needed, answers, but most importantly she needed to know why she was doing this to him, or better yet, what she was doing to him.
Nonetheless she decided it would be better to get those answers in another setting, adopting different methods, as she didn't want to interfere with their perfectly laid out plan.

Immediately after the slim figure of her headmistress disappeared into those dark corridors, Wednesday knelt down besides him, placing her hands to cup his cheeks as she pressed her forehead against his. She could feel the faint resemblance of a warm breath brushing against her face. Their lips were separated by what seemed to be an infinite millimeter, and her eyes were attentively scrutinizing every single inch of his figure.

"Take him to my room" - she ordered, as she got up and started rushing towards the same passage the older woman had used before.

They did.

Wednesday could hear her heart drumming in her years as she was racing through the school's corridors, knowing it was only a matter of time, the only thing he did not have.

She finally reached their potion laboratory, ironically enough, the same place Mrs. Thornhill used for her lessons. She started scavenging through all the potions and all the books the school possessed, until she found just what she was looking for.

As she entered her dorm, slamming the wooden door open, she ignored the people sitting on the bed on the other side of the room, afraid of what an unconscious, weakened and dying person might do to them; instead she walked rapidly, maintaining her usual composure, to her own bed, in which he was laying. She seated herself near his torso, and she placed her hand right under his chin, raising it as she poured a yellow-ish substance down his throat.

"Every potion has an antidote" -she quoted her old botanical science teacher, hoping she would be useful at least for one thing in her pathetic existence.

As the room filled with murmur from her friends, and the birds outside signaling the beginning of a new day, Wednesday found herself doing something she never though possible: she removed her amulet that was adorning her neck, placing it in between their intertwined hands, and she rested her head on his chest, hoping and praying to whatever mystical creature was allegedly listening, to help him, to help her.

She clinged to his body for as long as possible, hearing his heartbeats slowly fade away, and having all her hopes brutally crushed by reality; as much so that what she heard though it was only a figment of her own imagination toying with her.

"That's something i never thought i'd see again" - she raised her eyes anyway, gasping audibly when she saw his deep drown eyes staring back at her, and his cunning smile teasing her.

"You're ok!" -she yelled, forgetting about all the people in the room and throwing her body into his arms, which he locked around her, not wanting her to get away, as she always did.

Tyler couldn't help but smile, feeling her warming body cling to his in a way it never did before, and, as she let herself feel in his arms, he hugged her tighter, hoping that moment would last for eternity.

* bro i am so in love with them and with wens being all mushy mushy around him sknalsjal. also i'm having bi panic lately cause i literally cannot stop simping over jenna and tyler (not hunter i just stan him but imma let him to his husband lmao🤭). yeah anyways i was hoping for the next chapter(s) to be a little less centered around this weird plot that i literally just dreamt about one night and be more of a wens and ty finally in the same room together without any sort of torturing device. what do u say? lemme know xoxo

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