Prologue - Saving Her

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Twenty-four-year-old Rhett Samuel Wilson drove his black Dodge RAM all the way home to Wild Creek Ranch in Fordsville, Montana. Fordsville was a small town just a fifteen minutes' drive away from Great Falls. His granddad, Joe Wilson's ranch, was at the far edge of Fordsville in the heart of the Rocky Mountains at the base of the Continental Divide. It was a picturesque place surrounded by mountains, fields and forests with a clear, sparkling river running through it.  

"Rhett, stop, I need a pair of new boots," said Rihanna, staring at her torn boots. She was two years younger than her brothers Rhett and Rex.  

"Why do you need new boots every month?" asked a displeased Rex, who was Rhett's twin.  

"Not every month! I'm buying one after six months," said a shocked Rihanna. "You know, I was helping Papaw and Mamaw at the ranch. My boots came off, see?" she said, showing her torn boots to Rex. They were returning from their grandparents' house in the small town of Phillipsburg, nearby. It was their mom; Ruth Wilson's hometown and they visited their grandparents once every month.  

"It's okay, Anna. I'll buy you a pair when we reach the marketplace," said Rhett, who was a man of very few words. He worked hard at their ranch and dairy farm after completing his graduation in Dairy Farm Management. His twin Rex, who had completed his graduation in Ranching systems from Montana State University, dedicatedly helped him.  

With their joint efforts today, they were the biggest dairy producers in the vicinity and also into horse rearing and sales. Rex, Rhett, along with their dad, Keith Wilson, trained the horses thoroughly before selling them off. Their dad's older brother, Kevin Wilson, had just retired from manual work and preferred handling the accounts instead. Their dad's younger brothers, uncle Kendrick and uncle Kennedy, looked into the animal husbandry part of their business and into the packaging of dairy products. Uncle Kendrick's wife, aunt Helen, was a vet and she kept a check on all the animals on their farm and ranch. Their sons, Ryan and Ryder, five years younger than Rhett and Rex, helped too. While Ryder was studying finance, Ryan was into Animal Nutrition. 

 Rihanna, however, differed from her siblings and cousins and wanted to be an elementary school teacher. Therefore, on completing her graduation in Early Childhood Education and Child Services, she was on the lookout for a job at the nearby school.  

They reached the marketplace, and Rhett drove into Fordsville Plaza. "Hold on, bro. I don't want to go shopping with you guys. I'm off to Blake's house," said Rex, getting off the truck. Blake was his best friend who lived a walking distance from the store.  

Rhett drove Rihanna to the store, allowing her to splurge to her heart's content before driving home. "Bro, wait, I forgot I need to go to the new elementary school and check out if they have a vacancy. Don't wait for me. I'll walk home," said Rihanna and Rhett nodded, dropping her off. Then he went to check up on his horses before heading home.  

"Rhett, Featherlite has escaped again. The new ranch hand was mucking his stall and might have left it open by mistake," said Sam, one of his main ranch hands. Rhett climbed out of his truck and ran to the stalls to saddle his favourite stallion, Thunderbolt. He raced towards the vast green fields at the edge of the river, looking for Featherlite, but couldn't find him anywhere. Rhett knew how Featherlite loved the grassy plains and usually wandered off to the small ranch nearby where an old lady lived. She gave Featherlite apple or carrot slices, and he loved her very much. Had he escaped to her? 

Rhett rode towards her ranch, but a slight movement near the water's edge caught his eye. Riding cautiously, he went closer and was shocked to see a young woman, bending precariously over the edge. Before he could warn her, she fell into the icy river. A cry of panic escaped her mouth and she started thrashing, shouting for help, and looking around helplessly. 

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