Chapter Twenty-Four - Sera Gives Birth

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Thomas froze at her words. Under normal circumstances, he would have been the happiest man on earth, but after seeing her tears and hearing the desperation in her tone, he felt far from happy. "We'll see about that, Adelaide. Let's have dinner now?" he told her gently, composing himself, realizing that she was upset about something.

Adelaide nodded and walked out to the dining table. "I have talked to a nurse, and she has agreed to take over from you, Adelaide. I want you to relax now," said Thomas.

Andrew emerged from his room and overheard his friend's statement, looking at him with displeasure. "You should have asked for my approval before doing such a thing, Thomas. You know I can't afford a nurse after bearing mom's as well as Adelaide's expenses for the last four years," said Andrew.

"I'm the one who's bearing your mom's medical expenses for the last four years, Andrew," said Thomas calmly, correcting him.

"I'm talking about food and other expenses. Adelaide doesn't contribute a single cent at home. I'm bearing it all, am I not?" grunted Andrew. Adelaide stopped serving herself any food.

"Are you inhuman, Andrew? She's saving the nurse's expenses by looking after your mom for the last four years without a break and that is all you have to say about her? The girl has no life. She has left the man she loves back in Montana and slogging here doing a thankless job. She should have been happily married with kids by now. Don't you have any shame for taking advantage of your sister? How can she go out to earn when every single minute she's here looking after you all? You have confiscated all your dad's money without sharing a single penny with your sister. I'm ashamed to call you my friend. Maybe I'll shift your mom and Adelaide to my apartment now and look after them in my own way. Don't worry, I'll bear all their expenses," said Thomas, getting up from his chair and picking up his phone to make a call.

Andrew sat like a statue while Sandy sat looking guilty and at a loss. Thomas made some phone calls, arranging for medical help in relocating her mom to his apartment. He was furious and determined and this time, Andrew had nothing to say to his friend. He was actually glad that Thomas was taking his mom and Adelaide away and releasing him from all responsibilities. That was exactly what he had wanted, but despite waiting for four years, his sister didn't agree to marry Thomas and move out.

It was midnight by the time they could shift Adelaide and her mom into his huge penthouse. He arranged for a trained nurse to take over from Adelaide the next day. "You won't object to this, Adelaide. Let her look after your mom. You can oversee her work and then try to relax and do what you love doing," said Thomas.

"Thank you, Thomas," she told him, overwhelmed by everything that he was doing for her despite not being related to her by blood.

"Don't thank me so much, Adelaide. We're friends, remember?" Adelaide smiled and nodded at him. When Thomas left to go to his room, she went over to hers, which was next to her mom's. With a monitor attached to her mom's bed, it would alert her whenever her mom needed something. She had already given her the last feed for the night and her medicines. So she simply went to sleep, thanking God for giving her a chance to get away from her brother's house. She didn't wish to go to Montana now that Rhett was getting married.

The next day, a new nurse arrived, and she instructed what needed to be done. The nurse, Roselyn Kayla Smith, was a few years younger than her and extremely beautiful. She stared at Thomas with a dazed look on her face that didn't escape Adelaide's notice. Thomas colored several times, seeing her checking him out, and it amused Adelaide a lot.

Thomas called back Mrs Higgs from Andrew's apartment and Adelaide made breakfast with her, feeling lighter and happier. Later, she found a library at Thomas's apartment and explored his collection of books. When she returned to her mom's room, she found the nurse busy feeding her mom. She was good at her job, so Adelaide stopped worrying and decided to enjoy her life now. The next day, Andrew called up granny Emma and informed her of Adelaide's recent developments, explaining to her that Adelaide was marrying Thomas and had moved in with him.

So, when Rihanna dropped by granny Emma's ranch later, she came to know about Adelaide. She was furious to know that while her brother was wasting his life waiting eagerly for Adelaide; she was busy with Thomas.

"Don't wait for her, bro. She's marrying Thomas and has moved in with him already," she informed her brother when she returned home. Rhett slumped onto a couch in shock. His Adelaide had moved in with Thomas and had agreed to marry him! Tears of helplessness stung his eyes as he wept brokenly for his unrequited love. Rihanna tried to comfort him to the best of her abilities. Her own heart broke for her older brother, whom she loved very much. She wanted to do something for Rhett, since he had always taken care of her since the day she was born. Maybe she could talk to Adelaide and put some sense in her head!

Rhett composed himself and went to work to keep himself busy the whole day. In the evening, he came home early to take Sera to the doctor for her routine check-up. He took his responsibilities seriously. After the check-up, he drove her home.

"Careful, Sera. Come this way," said Rhett, as he guided a thirty-four weeks pregnant Sera towards the front porch of the house. She was doing well thanks to the care and love that the whole family showered upon her for the last eight months.

"Sera, how's the little champ doing inside?" asked River's dad with a smile.

"He's always hungry and always kicking me, uncle Kevin," she laughed and River's dad laughed too. Just then, River came in exhausted from work.

"God, I need a vacation," she said, making a huge pitcher of lemonade and bringing it to the table. Rihanna brought the glasses and served everyone.

"Thanks," said Sera, thankfully drinking it all up.

"More?" asked Rhett, and she nodded. He refilled her glass and smiled at her, imagining baby Zion drinking it up inside his mommy's tummy. Ruth Wilson, who was observing them, turned to granny, sharing a look with her.

"Why can't he marry her instead of waiting for Adelaide? It's so obvious that he cares for Sera," she whispered.

"I know. Did Adelaide get married already?" asked granny.

"No, not yet," said Ruth.

They both sighed heavily and Granddad looked at them suspiciously.

Suddenly, Sera's face contorted with pain. "Are you okay?" asked River, and everyone looked at them. Rihanna massaged her chilly hands while Rhett kneeled beside her in a state of panic. River's mom came worriedly towards her.

"What happened, sweetie? Are you in pain?" she asked in concern.

"I was getting a throbbing on-and-off pain since returning from the doctor, but it was bearable. Now it's worse, aunt Kathy," she said as she felt water trickle down her legs much to her embarrassment.

"Her water bag just burst. Rex, start the truck. River, pack her essentials and come over to the hospital. We can't wait a minute. Rhett, you need to carry her to the truck. Let's go," said River's mom.

Rex, Rhett, aunt Katherine, and uncle Kevin took her to the hospital, and they immediately wheeled her to the labor room to get her ready for OT.

After five minutes, baby Zion Reynor was born, but since he was born prematurely, he needed to be kept in the NICU for several weeks. They took Sera to her room to rest, but she was heartbroken that she couldn't be home with Zion sooner because Zion's weight was a little below normal.

The whole family came to her room to check up on her.

"Are you okay?" asked Rhett, with a worried expression on his face.

She smiled at him warmly. "Yes, I'm fine. When will they release Zion? I want to take him home," she asked worriedly.

"Give the little guy a few weeks to gain normal weight, Sera. He's born before his time," said aunt Katherine.

"Nothing to worry about. It happens with premature babies," said aunt Ruth, who had joined them later with River and Rihanna. River stayed back with her and stroked her hair. She fell asleep from the effect of all the medications.

The next few weeks, the whole family came to the hospital to check up on Sera and baby Zion. He was gaining weight and looking healthy with every passing day. Sera, however, couldn't stop thinking about how different her life would have been if she were married to Zachary. Now Zion would be called an illegitimate child all his life! Rhett and River noticed her sad face and knew what was bothering her!

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