Chapter Thirty-Four - Ember Meets Rex

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For the next two weeks, Adelaide was busy with her wedding preparations. Rihanna was her maid of honour, while Renée and Ember were her bridesmaids. Recently she met Raine and Ronald, who were uncle Kennedy's children and had just graduated from school in Helena, waiting for their college to start. Raine was eager to be her bridesmaid too, and Adelaide agreed with a smile at seeing her enthusiasm. They had gone to a seamstress in Helena for their wedding dresses where Adelaide gave Ember's measurements, too, since she failed to convince her.

Rhett took her on a few dates, and they were as special as the first one that they went to. He took her shopping to Helena, where they bought their wedding rings. Adelaide wanted to buy a car for herself and although Rhett insisted he would buy her one, she was adamant that she buy her first car with her own money. Rhett took her to a car dealer, and she bought herself a Ford truck. Feeling proud of her first important purchase, she returned home to announce to granny.

She hadn't been able to convince Ember to accompany her to Rhett's house. Eager to see her reaction to Rex's pictures, she clicked several family photographs during the weekend to show Ember. Excited to see her plan succeed, she waited for Ember in the morning and greeted her warmly when she entered the nursing station. Every day, she asked for an update on her wedding plans, and Adelaide enthusiastically complied.

"I'm glad Rhett takes so much care of you, Adel. So, how many bridesmaids do you have?"

Seeing her opportunity, Adelaide produced her mobile phone and showed her the group of photographs of all Rhett's siblings and cousins watching Ember closely. "This is Rihanna, Rhett's sister, my maid of honour. These are my bridesmaids, Renée and Raine. These are Ryan, Ryder, and Ronald and this is, you know who, Rex," she whispered while Ember stared at Rex's photograph with a small smile on her lips, gazing at Rex's playful smile as he fixed his hair for the photograph.

"You still like him, don't you?" asked Adelaide, watching her, but Ember looked up at her and blushed, taken aback by her sudden question.

"I don't like anyone. I have to go, Adel. Catch up afterwards," she said, escaping from the nursing station as quickly as her legs could carry her. Adelaide was sure that she had seen Ember's eyes light up when she saw Rex's picture. Should she try to fix them up? She should consult Rhett about it.

The whole day went by and she didn't see Ember. After work, Rhett came to take her home like every day and drove her over to Wild Creek Ranch.

"Tomorrow's the first fitting, and we're all going to Helena after work. Inform your friend that she too needs to come along with us," said Rhett, and Adelaide nodded.

"I'll try to convince her. Tell me, is Rex available? Should we introduce him to Ember?"

"Why not?"

"Why is Rex still single? Didn't he still find anyone?" asked Adelaide, out of curiosity.

"You can ask him that since I've sworn never to tell a soul as long as I'm alive." His statement piqued Adelaide's interest, and she wanted to find out the truth from him.

After dinner, Adelaide and Rhett strolled like every day down the moonlit path, all the way home. It was the moment they waited for all day. He kissed her lingeringly under the stars, passionately, hungrily, and she kissed him back with a need that matched his. Soon they couldn't get enough of one another.

"All I want right now is to take you to my room and make love to you all night, Adel," he told her earnestly.

"I know. Soon, Rhett." He rested his forehead against hers as they caught their breaths.

"Are you excited?" asked Rhett, and Adelaide nodded vehemently.

"I don't know how I will survive the next fourteen days. We should have eloped and married each other already," said Rhett with a sigh. They walked again hand in hand and Rhett went inside her house to meet granny Emma, spending some time with her to update her on the ongoing wedding preparations.

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