Chapter Twenty-One - Losing Adelaide Forever

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After Four Years

Rhett sighed, looking at Adelaide's photographs as he sat in his room after dinner. It had been exactly four years since they had last met at the barn. He still loved her and would love her as long as he would live. He hadn't been able to forget her and distinctly remembered the day when he received her brother Andrew's phone call to warn him off her. If it would have been a simple threat, he wouldn't have bothered to listen, but what he told him had hurt him very much.

Flashback To Their Conversation:

"Wilson, listen to me once and for all. I don't enjoy repeating myself for a worthless country bumpkin like yourself. I don't know what Adelaide ever saw in you, but it's time to know your worth. You should not contact my sister ever again. Stay away from her or I'll make her life so miserable that she'll be just barely alive," growled Andrew.

"You have already made her life a living hell. I might be a country bumpkin, but what are you? A money-minded, selfish leech who's sucking everyone's blood out of their body by overworking them just to save some dollars? First out of your mother and now your sister? Shame on you!" said Rhett calmly, not one to be frightened off so easily.

"I don't need your opinion, you, illiterate rat," growled Andrew. "A good billionaire friend is interested in marrying Adelaide and it was my mom's last wish, too. Adelaide likes him a lot, and you're the only hindrance to their wedding. If you don't believe me, I can send pictures of them together. So, fuck off out of her life, loser, and let her live a happy married life with the man who can give her the luxurious life she deserves."

Dumbfounded by what he told her; Rhett's mind went into overdrive. He realized that Adelaide never told him she loved him. Did she really want to marry some rich billionaire? No, he knew she hated those types!

"I don't believe you," said Rhett, feeling hurt.

"You don't? Well, after I send you the pictures of them together, I hope they will clear all your doubts about your misconceptions. Do her a favor, just leave her alone. Thomas, her fiancé, has bought her a penthouse already just above my apartment so that she wouldn't need to be far away from our mom. She'd never return to Montana leaving mom alone. So fuck off and find a country bumpkin just like yourself to marry."

Andrew disconnected the call angrily and after five minutes, fifteen pictures of Adelaide with a refined man clad in an expensive designer suit appeared on his phone. In some, he was feeding her lovingly, in some, they were gazing into each other's eyes, and in some, he was sitting with his arm around her. Adelaide looked so happy with him that Rhett's heart broke at the sight.

Rhett sighed, and although his heart shattered into a million pieces, he decided to stay away from Adelaide. After all, Andrew was right. He couldn't be selfish and expect her to leave her mom and come back to him. The man Thomas had thought about her situation more than he ever did and had bought her a penthouse. Obviously, she liked Thomas more than him!

Despite not keeping in touch, Rhett couldn't move on. He had loved only once in his lifetime and lost her, but he couldn't forget her at all. He knew deep in his heart that he would always wait for her in Montana, as long as he was alive. If she ever loved him, she would return one day when her situation improved. Until then, he wouldn't disturb her.

End Of Flashback

Rhett sighed, feeling guilty for not visiting granny Emma in these last four years since he didn't want her to get the idea that he wanted information about Adelaide out of her. He wanted to know whether she married the man called Thomas and maybe see her happily settled there. It would give him closure! After tossing and turning the entire night, he wanted to go to New York and see her for himself.

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