𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕 𝟷𝟷

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𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐...

Nagi arrived just when you placed yourself on your bed beside Hyoma

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Nagi arrived just when you placed yourself on your bed beside Hyoma. So you stood up again, the redhead following you, and went downstairs to open the front door.

„Welcome!", you cheered and felt cringe in the next moment since it sounded way too happy for your own perception. You weren't feeling well with lying to Nagi but honestly, you were enjoying the game way too much to just spoil the fun by telling him you were NemesiS.

It would spoil all the fun; if he was Choki56, that means.

„Yo!", Nagi said, his expression indifferent, as it wandered from you to Hyoma.

„Hey, my name's Hyoma Chigiri", your friend kindly introduced himself.

Nagi looked back at you: „Am I interrupting something?"

Your face turned red and you replied a little too fast: „Surely not, come in. Hyoma will leave in around half an hour anyway!"

„That's true, just ignore me until then", the redhead supported you.

„Alright", Nagi stepped inside, got out of his shoes, and went upstairs after you told him to do so.

„So that's him? He's very tall!", Hyoma whispered to you as you slowly followed the white-haired boy.

„I know right?!"

„But what is he wearing? It's all so loose. A white sweater, white sweatpants..."

Nagi's style sure was the complete opposite of Hyoma's, who was wearing fitting plaid pants and a checked sweater that was perfectly accentuating his body type. The redhead even had his hair up in a ponytail today.

„I think he looks super comfy!", you smiled.

„You simp"

„I'm not"

„Which room?", your guest interrupted your silent quarrel and you immediately shifted your attention towards him again. Walking past him and inside your room - while hoping he hadn't overheard the conversation - you told him to follow you and so he did.

„Take a seat", you gestured for him to sit on your bed and he simply did. An uncomfortable silence lingered in the room, with Nagi staring at Hyoma and the other way around, until your friend asked your crush: „So, you know each other from school?"

That was your catchword to leave the room. „I'll get some drinks, do you like tea, Nagi?"

„Mhh, I like lemon tea", he replied, looking at you with an unreadable expression.

„I'll make you some"

„I'll take a water, simply. Have to go soon", Hyoma yelled behind you and only then you realised that you had forgotten to ask him.

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