𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕 𝟷𝟹

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𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐...

YouAlright! What were the rules again?I'll ask you three questions at once,then you answer 2 truthfully,1 with a lie?

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Alright! What were the rules again?
I'll ask you three questions at once,
then you answer 2 truthfully,
1 with a lie?

Yes. And if you find out which
one's the lie by the end of a certain time,
you will get the truth as a prize.

Is this really a game you thought of?

My friend did.

Haha that's just as fine!
What will be our time limit?

A round of Mobile Raid?

Yes! But let's change that a bit!
Let's say that when the person who
has to guess which one was the lie wins
a round of Mobile Raid, they will get
the truth just the same. Okay?


Good, I will start then!

You were thinking hard about what to ask him. Did you want to find out if Choki and Nagi really were the same person? Yes, theoretically.

Did you feel ready to get to know it? Absolutely not.

You sighed and stared into the darkness of your room. Your body was tensed, unconsciously always remembering the fact that your mother was in the house as well. You felt truly uncomfortable. To relief some of the tightness in your muscles and stress, you sighed again.

Are you okay?

Only when seeing the message you realised how far your thoughts had too you already and eventually you decided to just ask some casual stuff at first.

1. What is your favourite anime?
2. Do you like to read Manga?
3. Do you or did you ever play football?

Choki was typing for some time. Probably it didn't even take him longer than usual, yet it felt like it did. You enjoyed all of these three things yourself and the fact whether Choki played football or not would be a valuable information.

Finally, he replied and his answers made you grin widely.

1. Bono Bono
2. Yes
3. No

One of these was a lie. You assumed that Choki most probably liked Anime because he used stickers of anime in your chat before. Many people who enjoy Anime read Manga as well. So the most probable lies would be 1 or 3. You didn't know which Anime exactly he enjoyed most, yet Bono Bono even was unfamiliar to you.
When you googled for the name it made you laugh.

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