Chapter 3

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Marco knew that something will happen, but he couldn't pin point what is that. One time, he woke up with a weird dream that he was shot with some of seastone bullet that made him die with another man but he doesn't know who the man was

After that, he just said that dream couldn't be real and then shrugged. Not long after that, Thatch and Izou also have a weird dream with a beautiful eyes. One was silver-grey and the other was blue ocean

Again, Marco just shrugged that off until he received a news from newscoo and a new wanted poster that maybe change his life

"Pops, we have a news" Thatch said whilst made his way to his Pops or captain

Whitebeard himself just sitting in his throne with another division commander

"What news is that, my son? " He asks

"Another rookie pirates, but this one is a girls. Not having their real name tho" Thatch said that makes everyone interest

"Ohoo, what's name that on poster, Thatch? " Haruta asks

"Just ASL pirate, dead or alive, 200.000.000 belli. They were just few month in Grandline, but could have a high bounty like this"

"Impressive for a new rookie I see" Vista said

"How many in their crew, Thatch? " Izou asks

"You won't believe me if I tell you. That's just the three of them in the crew" He said with a surprise look

"Holy-.. Just three?? And they're girls??? " Rakuyo couldn't believe his ears

"I told you, I also can't believe with this news, but in the poster just have their three. I'll admit it that they are beautiful" Thatch mesmerized with the poster
Then they were saw the poster that Thatch brought

Thatch was right, the girls was beautiful. In the left was a blonde girl with her long curly hair. She wears a white t-shirt and blue skirt with high boots and a blue top hat with a pair of goggles on her head, also a gloves

In the center was a long black haired girl with a cresent scars below her left eye. She wear a black sport bra and an unbutton red shirt with long sleeves and a short blue pants with white cotton in the tip, a yellow sash and a pair of open heels that adores her long leg, and don't forget about the familiar strawhat that casually placed on top of her head

And for the last, in the right was a long-curly black haired girl with a freckles on her face. She wear a black sport bra and an unbutton yellow t-shirt for outter, a short brown jeans with a loose belt, a knife on her waist, a red bead necklace and a black heels boots, also an orange hat with a pair of emoticon on top of her head

They wears the same wide smile and closed their eyes when the picture was framed

"Gurarara, they're sure interesting. I want to meet them if I can" Whitebeard smile amusedly

"Why I'm so familiar with the girl in the center, yoi? " Marco mumbled

"I heard that they were on this side of Grandline, maybe we can meet them later" Thatch said which made everyone beamed

The whitebeards were on the Grandline after finish another ruckuss on one of their territory

"Just hope we don't miss them when we across the sea" Jozu said

The next day was like usual. Another pranks from Thatch, another paperwork for Marco, and another task for the pirates

The day was peaceful and shine for not long before some crash could be heard

"I told you to fly carefully, Lu!! " A girl voice could be heard

"Don't blame me!! They smells sucks. Don't you know that their smell like shit and socks. Eww!! " Another girl voice came

"Shut up, both of you!! We don't even know where we are, yet you two bickering and blaming one another!! " Another one

"Heyy!!! Where's the devil fruit?? The yami yami no mi!! " The second voice came again

"You lost it?? We tried so hard to get that!! " The first voice came

"My goodness!! I'm done!! So done with you two! Whatever!!! " A scream from the third voice now

The whitebeards then approached them and Marco asks "Who are you, yoi? "

The girls, Ann, Sab and Lucy look at him and then turn around to look at the others. Ann shocked, Lucy was beaming and Sab just let a long sigh

"Again, who are you? " Marco repeat the question

"I'm sorry for the trouble, commander. My name's Sabrina, this is my big sis Ann and the youngest is Lucy" She said whilst bowing to them

"Where do I heard those names again?? " Thatch wondering

"You are the ASL pirates, right. I'm familiar with your youngest strawhat" Izou said that made Ann and Sab turn to him and Thatch

They both shocked after the girls look at them. They remember the eyes. The beautiful eyes that always came in their dreams

"Oh my god" Thatch mumbled

"Indeed oh my god" Izou adds

Before Thatch and Izou made their way to the girls, Lucy suddenly scream

"Ann, Sab!! Look, I found it. The devil fruit, shishishi" Lucy took the devil fruit and show to them. She forgot that one of the whitebeards was watching her with a hungry eyes

"Good, Lu. Now put the fruit in the chest" Sab said

"Noooo, I'm hungry. I'll eat it, kayy" She whined and then took a bite on the fruit with the same time she was stabbed by one of whitebeard

Everyone shocked at that, and Ann just launching himself to the man that dare to stabbed her baby sister

"YOU!!! How dare you stab her, you bitch!! " Ann yelled and took him with his collar

"Teach!!! What the fuck are you doing?!!! " Thatch screamed an angry tone to him

"Zehahahaha, don't be so agressive, girl. That was the payment for the bite of my devil fruit" The bastard, Marshall D Teach, have the audacity to laugh

Sabrina hug Lucy and took out the knife from her abdomen. She was also mad at that bastard, but Lucy's life was the priority

"How the fuck that was your fruit, you rotten fat bastard?!!!! " Ann then take out her strong pheromones that made Teach kneeled

"What the fuck!! You are just a disgusting omega! How dare you make me kneeled" Roared him

"Listen here you shit!!! You made a mess with a wrong people, you know that! You fucked up, dude. I'm an omega, you're right. But, I'm not a mere omega that you can easily command to be under you if you want" Ann said with her cold voice and everyone except Whitebeard and the commanders were kneeled and some was faint because of her haki king

"Bring the bastard to the brig, yoi!! We will discuss his punishment later! " Marco command to one of his division

Ann just look at him with cold eyes, her pheromones not vanished yet. She just want to made everyone understand that they couldn't mess with their baby sister

Marco then look at Lucy "Can I check on her? "

Sab just look at him coldly "No need, commander. I can heal her myself with my sister. You all just showing your gratitude with the stab on my baby sister. What else after this? You want to kill us? Ha! Scum"

Everyone speechless, couldn't bear a cold stared for the eldests sibling. They witnesses a betrayal. And now the broken sibling because one of them. They will make sure Teach rott in hell for this

"I'm sorry... " Whitebeard was cut off with Ann "No need, old man. I don't want to hear anything. Thanks for your cooperation with the bastard. We will take our leave after this! " She said

"Come on, Sab. Gramps will be here soon. We don't want to be captured by him here"

Everyone in the Moby stay still. Ann then makes a wings from his fire and brought Lucy to his embrace and then fly. Sabrina just tuck with one of her leg and then they flew away from the big pirates

"Teach will be execute with seaking. And I want the death of him is so painful" Thatch said with his flat tone. There's no a cheerful Thatch or a snitch Thatch. Just a creepy Thatch

"Why you want that, my son? "

"The fruit that Lucy ate was fake. I don't know where Lucy get that, but the real yami yami no mi is with me. I found it not long ago. I want to show it to you all, but my guts said that I have to keep it for a moment. Now everything was right. If I showed that damn fruit back then, Teach also wouldn't hesistant to kill me. Just look at Lucy before. She was so hurt yet we could saw her smile directed to Marco if you all not noticed" He explained

Everyone just silent. Not knowing what would they do after this. They feel guilty for the little girl and angry for Teach. The traitor

"And because of him too, my mate hates me!!! " Thatch said then go to his room whilst bang on his door

"He is right, Pops. Sabrina is my mate, and I assume that Ann is Thatch's mate. So if I'm not wrong, Marco, after Thatch explanation before, Lucy is your mate" Izou said

"I know, yoi. The way she look at me with those hurt eyes yet a small smile makes me want to hide her from this cruel world" Marco said with his low head

"We have to give the traitor a damn hell after he makes our commander's mate hate them" One of whitebeard spoke and the others were agreed with him

"Now, my sons and daughters, we have a new family to get their forgiveness. After the punishment for Teach, we will search the siblings and ask for forgiveness" Whitebeard said and everyone replied with 'AYEE'

"Don't worry, my sons. We will find them later" He said with a smile and everyone back to their jobs

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