Chapter 6

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"Then, I'll be going. Take care all of you! " Rayleigh bid a goodbye

"Bye uncle, be careful and take care. Oh tell Shakky that we will call her anytime! " Lucy said whilst waving her hand with her sisters

When Rayleigh faded to the horizon, everyone on moby were back to their task. ASL sister then went to their room for now on

"Look Ann, Sab, there's a huge bed that can fit us. Not some thin cloth or a lil bed for toddler" Lucy beamed at them

"Yeah, Lu. We will start our new life here and fight for our freedom" Ann ruffled her hair

"I hope we can get a moment of peace from that geezer. Seriously, I'm more than tired and couldn't slept properly these past year" Sab groaned after made herself comfy in that bed

"Agreed/that's about right" Her sisters replied at the same time and then they're laugh together

When the dinner was ready, they were headed to the galley

"Oh hey, you three! Come here. I'm cooking a lot of food. Hope you will enjoy it" Thatch smiled

"You make all of this? " Sab asks

"Yes, I'm the head chef of this ship. Oh right, we're not introduced ourselves properly before. I'm Thatch, the forth division commander of whitebeard pirate and one of king alpha here" He said

"Sabrina. The former brain of ASL pirate and navigator. One of crown omega" She smiled

"Portgas D Ann. The former fire taker of ASL pirate and the main arson attack. One of crown omega" She smirked

"Monkey D Lucy. The former menace of ASL pirate and Ann said that I'm a reason all of my enemy died during blood lost. One of crown omega" She smiled innocently

"Ohh so you three are one of the rare omega. How special" Haruta then came to them

"Nice to meet you, I'm Haruta, 12th division commander of whitebeard"

"Nice to meet you too" Sab replied

They were went to the commanders table and sat there with the rest of the commanders and their captain

"You smell nice, Marco-san" Lucy sat beside him

"Really? What's his smell? " Thatch asks slyly

Lucy placed her index on her chin "Hmm, petrichor and some mint. It's refreshing" She smiled and Marco just smile whilst blush a lil bit

"Your smell also nice, Lucy. A mix of chocolate and cinnamon" He said

"But her smell was vanilla and some bubble gum a while ago" Jiru said amd made everyone on that table look at him

"Ah! That's because her smell was different for one to another people. And some of her emotion also can makes her smell change. But the actual smell is the chocolate and cinnamon itself" Ann explain it to them

"Are all of crown omega like that or just Lucy? " Kingdew asks

"All of crown omega like that. And there will be a lot of smell from now on. This knowledge wasn't any on the basic learning, so I know that all of you maybe not knowing about this" Sab told the detail

"Then, what about you Ann, Sab? What's your pheromones smell? " Jozu asks. Thatch and Izou eager to reply that question

"Me! Me!! I want to answer that!! " Thatch said

"Not you, moron! I'm first! " Izou smacked his head

Everyone just laugh at the two of them "Well, if you can guess, then maybe that's okay" Sab said

"Umm, Ann's smell is something strong, like wine. But also had some ashes smell. Am I right? " Thatch look at Ann whose shocked

"Looks like you got your mate now Ann" Sab wriggled her brows and laugh

"Shut up you idiot!! But yeah, you're right" Ann blushing after whacked Sab's head who was still laughing

"And for Sab, her smell is something addictive, like coffee but also has some blossom" Izou smiled at her and Sab just nodded with a grin

"You're right. Nice to meet you, alpha" She said. Izou shivered after she called him 'alpha' in blessing condition

"Gurarara, I'm happy that you three found your mates, my sons" Marco, Thatch and Izou blushing mad at his words

"Pops!! / Pops, yoi! " They screamed in embarassment, and whitebeard just laugh loudly

"Here, Marco-san. You better eat it. I heard that you were in watching duty before and not eating properly" Lucy gave him a full plate of food with vegetable and some fruits

Marco looks at her with wide eyes "Oh, yeah. Thanks, Lu. I'll eat it" And Thatch mocked him "If I'm the one who said that, you won't even touch that food for the half of plate, tch"

However, Ann and Sab were almost fainted after watching the whole scene with jaws dropped

"Lu... You never shared your food or gave your food to others" Sab terrifying

"I think that the world is ending now" The bread that on Ann's hand's fall

"Oi!! I can be responsible to, you know!! That's just my instinc. Blame my omega, hmph" She pouted

"Yeah, yeah, that was your omega, not yourself, my ass" Ann whisper made Sab giggled

"Speaking of omega, you three are the rare one. Crown omega, right? I thought that this omega just born once for a hundred years. How can Lucy be one of it if she was born years after yours? " Blamenco asks

"That's never came in my mind actually" Sab replied

"Maybe because I'm related to the pirate king? " Lucy said casually whilst munching her meat

"How can you be related to my father? " Ann look at her

"I'm a pirate king, duh" She said nonchalantly

Everyone watch her blankly except Whitebeard, who just raised one of his eyebrow

"What?!! " Sab yelled

"I think she need to rest. I can't understand her words before"

"Is she drunk?? Thatch!! The fuck!! "

"I didn't do anything to her food and drink!! "

"She's high, pretty sure! "

"Are you okay, yoi? "

Lucy look up at him and nodded then back to her food again

"Yep, she's high" Ann dumbfounded

Meanwhile, Whitebeard just watching silently and then smiled amusedly behind his tankard

Lucy just look at them with confusion, but when she turn to Whitebeard, she knew that her Pops was had a great thought about her. So she just smiled widely on the lips and relieved from her eyes

"You know, Pops... " Whitebeard look at his youngest "I'm glad that I can see you again. Just don't drink to much, and I will search a doctor for treating your health later" Then she left the galley leaving a very confused commanders and a concern captain

"She just said what she feels. Don't be surprised that she will talk or looking at you with an adorness and some sad feeling" Ann smiled

"Why? What makes she think like that? " Vista asks

"She always had a lot of dream. Most of them are nightmare. We also don't know when she started to feel like that. Probably after she fought with one of the scum pirate when we were kid" Sab also smiled

"She was beated by that pirate with a spike gloves. She was so injured back then. She just seven for fuck sake! But, a few days after that accident, she always had those nightmares. Sometimes those nightmares was like a messages to her"

"She was also warned Sab about some fire at the town where we lived. One day she told Sab to not go there for anything reason, and we agreed after the horrified look at her face. Turn out that she was right. There was a huge fire and some of celestial bastard that came for some bussiness in that kingdom" Ann said

"And after that, we tried to always listen what she told, and having used to her ability" She adds

The commanders and Whitebeard were silent "So, when she said about Pops earlier, that words maybe one of the message things she had? " Izou asked them

"Yeah, just try to listen to her. That's not harm any of you either"

"Now Pops, listen to your dearest daughter about drink, yoi. Or you will always face the sadness on her eyes"

Whitebeard rolled his eyes but nodded "Not to worry about me, but I will listen for my daughter's sake of course" He smiled

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