Chapter 5

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"Pops!! How long they will be come here, yoi? " Marco asks with a beamed atmosphere and smiled widely

"Just be patient, my son, gurarara" Whitebeard so amused at his unusual behaviour of son

"What's the matter, Pops? Why Marco looks like that? " Thatch approached them

"Thatch!!! Listen, yoi!! " He said cheerfully and his smile never faltered made Thatch scared

"Calm down, brother. You're creeping me out with this behaviour of yours. Why are you so damn cheerful? Just back with your bored face" Thatch said whilst calming himself after Marco shook his body

Marco's face back to his usual bored after hearing that "So, I assume that you won't listen what news I have. That's okay. Pops, I'll be going in my room, if they're near just let me know, yoi" He then walked towards his room, leaving a shocked Thatch and a happy Whitebeard

"What's his problem actually? " Thatch asks his captain

"Gurarara, his mate will came here for some matter. So he's so happy like a teenager who just fallen in love in first sight" He explain and Thatch screeched

"WHAT?!! HIS MATE?? JUST HIS MATE?? NO FAIRRR" He whined at his captain and then made a way to the kitchen for mourn like a drama queen

"I haven't told him and yet he just assumed something, gurarara. That poor child of mine" He continued drink his tankard

Not so far from moby dick, a ship could be sight and made the man in watching duty told Whitebeard about it. Meanwhile on the ship itself was so chaos

"I told you that I won't wear this, Sab!!! " Ann yelled

"Just be properly dressed, you wild girl!! Wear the outter or I would gladly smack your head countless time" Sab said with an irritated voice

"Are they always argued like this, Lucy? " Rayleigh just pinched his nose whilst watching the ruckus by his nieces. They're more like Roger he thought

"Shishishi, they were always like that, uncle. Don't bother to stop them tho. I've tried before, and that ended up with me being tied up on the tree while they were just continued bickering" Lucy said with a soft smile. She remembered that she and her sisters hasn't had enough time in the beforelife. Although she thought that this life was different then before. Someone said about time travel could have a butterfly effect if the person change something, but Lucy just doesn't care about that. From the start where she's became a girl, she knows that everything that she does won't effect in her past life

"Just stop, Sab, for fuck sake!! " Ann whack her

"Ouch, that's it! I'll take you down myself for this, you jerk!! " Sab then launching herself to Ann and fight like their usual activity

Lucy start to feel irritated and then push them until they flying towards moby dick. Ann and Sab screamed and Lucy just laugh loudly. Rayleigh just shook his head after their unique behavior

On the moby dick, everyone could be seen gather around to the main deck when all of sudden they heard a screech and screaming



And then a loud thud and dust surround them. After awhile, they could seen the person who just screamed before

"Ann? "

"Sabrina? "

The sisters just turn around with an annoying face "What now?! " Ann snarled

"Wait wait... I thought that Lucy will be here just by herself" Thatch said with wide eyes

"And let you all tortured her or kidnapped her while we're not looking? No fucking way, you asshole" Ann growled

"Where's Lucy, yoi? " Ann look at Marco then glance at the side of the ship

"There, just arrived a second ago" She replied

"Permission to come aboard, Eddie" Rayleigh voice was heard

"Gurarara, permission granted, Rayleigh"

Rayleigh then hop off to the main deck and Lucy just flying towards them with a cheerful smile

"Woahh, I don't know that there's a lot of people. Last time I'm here, I couldn't take a look at everywhere. Hello everyone" She smiled until her eyes make a cresent shape with her soft and cheer voice and her sweet pheromones too that made everyone blushing

"She's so beautiful"

"Her smell is so sweet"

"How can someone be so cute and beautiful at the same time? That's a little bit unfair"

And many compliments that makes Marco, Ann and Sab glared at them

"Don't you dare think about something dirty to our baby sister! " Ann hissed

"If I heard you all talk dirty about my baby sister, I'll gladly castatrate you all! " Sab smiled so creepy

"I dare you to think or touch her in a wrong way, and not a minute after you will be thrown overboard, yoi! " Marco said with his low voice

Everyone suddenly stop and silent after the warning. They still want to live, thank you very much

"As much as I want to see this, we have another business to discuss first" Rayleigh smiled amusedly

Whitebeard nodded and then called a meeting for all commanders and him with their guest in the meeting room

"So, Rayleigh.. What help do you ask for? " Whitebeard asks makes all the commanders except Marco look at Rayleigh

"Like I said, I want you to help my nieces. They were a runaway from their grandpa" He said

"What's the problem? " Newgate asks and Sab explain to them

"Our gramps is Garp the fist" She said and made all the commanders with Whitebeard gasp

"Garp?!! The marine hero?? " Haruta shocked

"How can he had a beautiful granddaughter like you?! " Vista asks with mouth agape

"Seriously, if my grandfather also Garp, I will just choose to flew away from home! " Rakuyo said

They all shocked and then there's a faint Thatch that made Ann look worried

"Is he okay? " She asks

"Ignored him, he is just so dramatic, although I'm not blame him after hearing this information" Izou waves his hand

"You can continue, Sabrina" Whitebeard said

"Oh yeah, so... We heard when he call our caretaker a day before I and Ann set sail. He said that when we set sail, he would get Lucy and then married her with one of his pupil"

Suddenly the atmosphere in the room became suffocating after Marco's pheromones came out. Everyone became little harder to breath because Marco was one of the King Alpha, except for Newgate, Thatch, Izou and Jozu

Lucy then released her calming pheromones to makes Marco relax and that's succeed. She then look at Rayleigh if she could go to Marco and Rayleigh just nodded

She approached Marco and hug his head whilst Marco just sat down on his chair and relaxing himself

"It's okay, breath, Marco-san. I'm here, no one will take me from you" She whispered and Marco raised his hand to held Lucy's arms and clutching tightly

"Yeah, you're here, yoi. They won't be live if they dare to touch you" He said and rested his head in her embrace

"You can continue, Sab. I'll be here for Marco-san" Lucy said and Sab just nod

"After we heard that, we decided that we will set sail that day in midnight. We're runaway for a year now, and nothing we can do if gramps find us" Sab said

"So we ask help to uncle Rayleigh before. He can, but not for long. Meaning that we will still in the runaway case again" Ann adds

"That's why I ask your help, Eddie. Can you help them? " Rayleigh asks and Whitebeard laugh

"Gurarara, of course, Ray. I will gladly welcoming a new family members to my family"

"Wait wait!! How can you be so easily to accept us when you don't know about our parents and our past? " Ann dumbfounded

"Ahh, is that matter?? We are all son and daughter of the sea tho" He said

"What? " Ann voice small

"Ha? " Sab gasped

"Shishishi, don't worry Ann, Sab. Pops doesn't care about our parents nor our past" Lucy chirped and made everyone gasp at the mention of their captain to her

"What did you call him, yoi? "

"Huh? Pops, right? You're all call him that tho" Lucy replied with a wide smile

"Gurarara, welcome to the family my daughter-in-law" Lucy just blushing after hearing him

"But, maybe they have the right to knows who your parents are" Rayleigh said

"Umm, I'm first then. My parents was a noble. I'm born in noble, but I don't like them. They always forced me to arranged married, so I escaped and then meet Ann and Lucy" Sab explained with a sad smile. Ann rubbing her back for comfort

"Pops, permission to kill those bastard noble? " Izou voice was so icy but Sab just felt warm and something like butterfly in her stomach

"You can, but later, my son. We have to listen the rest of the story first, aren't we? " Whitebeard gave him a calming smile. Izou just huffed oh his seat with a crossing arms

"My mom was Portgas D Rouge and my father was Gol D Roger. I supposed to hated him because I was abused and always told that I'm a monster, I'm not supposed to live, and I'm a devil spawn, but after Lu told me everything about him, I'm starting to accept him. Uncle Rayleigh also helped me with his story of their adventures" Ann smiled with a teary eyes

"Pops! Permission to burn them all!? " Now was Thatch voice. After he woke up from his faint, he just silently observe all the story

However, Ann, whose heard his voice just blush and keep her head down

"Again, my son. We can after we listen their story"

"Ohh, now is my turn!! " Lucy beamed and unaware about her arms that left Marco. Marco just frown because his warm left him

"Wait!!!! Before you continue. Earlier, Ann... You said your father was Gol D Roger? The pirate king? That huge idiot, yet so charismatic man? " Thatch gaped with his ugly face that made Ann chuckled and nodded

"You're just beautiful like your mother. And for Roger just your eyes and his black hair. Damn you, Roger!!! " He huffed

Lucy pouted at them "When is my turn?? " She whined and everyone cooed at her

"Gurarara, you can tell us everything now, princess"

"Yeayy!!! Soooo... My father is the leader of revolutionary army, Monkey D Dragon. Monkey D Garp is my blood grandpa and adoptive grandpa for Ann and Sab. I don't know my mother" She smiled innocently afterward

"What's with this disaster family! " Jiru paled

"Woww... I'm like in another world when I heard all of their story" Kingdew said

"And now they're related not just the right hand of the latest pirate king, they also related to Pops, the strongest man in the world" Haruta

"My adoptive father is Shanks tho" She spoke so sudden And there's a cue for another chaos

"What?!! "

"The red haired bastard?! "

"The brat? Gurarara"

"That makes sense about your strawhat"

"Fuck! Why red haired, Lucy, yoi"

And more..

Lucy just shrugged and continued his story

"I, for once was lost all my nakama. So I became such a disaster monster before. I also once was shot and almost dead because of government. And if you still let me stay with you, Mr. Whitebeard, I will be selfish towards you and your crew too. I'm such a possessive human" She finished with a trembling smile and now was Marco's turn to comfort her with a hug

Ann, Sab and Rayleigh don't know about the lost part. They don't know what was happened before Lucy found them. They just know that Lucy was such a cheerful girl with a wide smile and sunshine for everyone

"You were lost your nakama before, Lu? When? " Sab paled with her hand in front of her mouth

"But you hate to be alone... How... How can you stay still with such a lost, Lucy? " Ann couldn't think anything and then run towards her baby sister with Sab after Marco let go of Lucy

They three was crying. Lucy was the most messy and the broken expression from her made everyone in that room look at them with a sad eyes

"Don't worry, Lu. We will always with you. Don't worry about being alone. You have all of us" Ann said with soft tone and Lucy nodded

"It's okay, Lu. We will be pouring you a lot of affection and attention, so you won't remember your past" Rakuyo said

"Yeahh, we will always help you and your sisters. You are one of us now. So deal with it" Thatch said made Lucy chuckled and her sisters smile

"Gurarara, indeed my sons. They're so special. So we have to help them. One of them already my daughter. And the rest will be. So, welcome to the family, ASL pirates" Whitebeard said with a lot of happy tone in his booming voice and the commanders cheers at them.


Hii, I'm back. I'll slowly update because some matter. So I'm sorry if I couldn't update faster

Please enjoy the fic ><

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