Chapter 4

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Ann, Sab and Lucy fly away from Moby after that. Ann and Sab were so mad at them, yet they couldn't be mad for long time. The looks from one of the commanders made them rethinking what the fuck just happened. Fortunately, they were near Sabaody, so they could stay for awhile in there

"Ann, Sab, don't be so mad. That was not whitebeards fault. That was jus Teach fault. I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you both about the jerk. I dreamed about the betrayal before, the different is one of the whitebeard was the victim. The forth commander if I'm not wrong"  Lucy said with a small smile

"Don't speak to much. We will arrived at sabaody a minutes later" Sab said

"Can we stay at Rayleigh place? " Lucy asks with pleading eyes that made both of her sisters sighed in defeat

"Yea sure, whatever. I'm no longer hate my father's crew after all" Ann said. That's true that Ann was not hate them anymore after Lucy tell Ann the exact stories. Just a lil bit dissapointed she thought

They arrived at sabaody and went to Rayleigh place after check on Lucy's condition. When they went to the bar, they just met with Shakky, Rayleigh's wife

"Yo, Shakky, can you help us a bit? Lucy got stabbed. Her wounds is heal now but I want to make sure that she is okay at least" Ann said when they went in
Shakky approached them with a wet cloths and some warm water. She then look at Ann and Sab

"What's happened before you guys came here? " She asks

"We strayed at whitebeard pirates, then all of sudden, one of them was stabbed Lu. His name's Teach if I'm not forget. That fat rotten bastard with a piano theeth, ew" Ann spat the words with venomous

"Where's Rayleigh, Shakky? " Sab asks her

"Like usual, he went nowhere then suddenly pop up like a ghost" She snickered with Sab and Ann just smirked when the front door open and reveal a fine man, Rayleigh of course

"See, I'm right" Shakky adds that made Rayleigh's brows up in question

"What's happen to Lucy? " He asks after take a look to the youngest

Lucy just giggled "Stabbed from a traitor, Uncle Rayleigh. But I met my mate though" She smiled

"Really??! /really? " Ann and Sab was shocked, and Rayleigh just amused

"Uh huh, didn't you saw him too, Ann, Sab? " Lucy tilted her head

"Whose again? " Sab asks with a nervous smile

"The first commander of whitebeard. The right hand man of whitebeard... " Before she could finish, Rayleigh cut her "Marco the phoenix, right" He said

Lucy chirped and nodded "Yess uncle. Marco is my mate, shishishi"

Her sisters jaw dropped after that and made Shakky with Rayleigh chuckles at the oblivious girls

"Your mate is Marco the phoenix? " Sab asks still couldn't believe

"Yeah, Sab. If you look closely, you will also saw that one of the commander is look at each of you with an adorness eyes" Lucy said innocently with a sweet smile

Ann and Sab just look at each other dumbfounded. So, their feeling before that made them couldn't mad at the commanders was because maybe one of them were their mates

"I can't believe that we will meet our mates on that circumstance. If we meet on another circumstamce, maybe we will easily catch up to them" Sab said whilst pinched her nose

"Not want to destroyed your imagine, Sab. But, we did hate them to the bone after the accident yesterday" Ann said with a cocky smile that made Sab growled

“But, Lu, how about the devil fruit before?” Sab asks and Lucy giggled

“That was fake, Sab. The real one I'm sure was with the forth commander of whitebeard” She said in joyful

“You let that bastard stab you for nothing then” Ann shakes her head at Lucy idiocy

“At least we help them found the traitor” Lucy said

“But you were stab, little one!!” Sab pinched her cheek and Rayleigh decided to interrupted their peace conversation

"Then, why are you here? " Rayleigh asks

"Anoo... Uncle, can you save us? " Lucy said

Rayleigh look at her with confusion "Save you from what exactly? " He questioning back

"Gramps. Uhhh, you know, Garp the fist. I assume that Lu was told you before about our gramps" Sab explain that made Rayleigh nodded

"She just told me about how abusive your grandpa was. Mind telling me what happened before that made you three runaway?"

"Gramps said, uh not exactly towards us, he said to one of our caretaker, that when me and Ann set sail, Lucy would be married with one of his student" Sab said

"We runaway almost a year now. But we don't know any place that will make us save. So, if we aren't burden you too much, can you help us, uncle? " Ann continued her

"Hmm, that's complicated, I can help you but just for a few month or so. If you want to be save from him, Edward is the right option" He told them whilst strocking his beard

"Who's Edward? " Lucy asks made Rayleigh chuckled

"Edward Newgate" He replied and Sab paled

"You don't mean that Edward is Whitebeard, right? If so, how can we ask help from him after that accident? " She asks with a scared and madness voice

"The traitor, who's the traitor from him? " He look at them

"Teach" Ann spat that word

"Ohh, then I'll accompany you to talk with Eddie if you want, and we can talk about the betrayal too" He suggest

"But, uncle... Won't that made them mad at us? Like, we are the one that spat a bad word to them. How can you be sure that he will want to help us? " Sab anxious

"Didn't Lucy said that Marco is her mate? " They nodded

"Then it's settle. He is the man that keep his word and kind for someone who he care. If they know that Lucy is his son's mate, he will easily or proudly or gladly help you three" He smiled

"If that so, how would you tell him about this? " Ann titled her head with her sisters made Shakky and Rayleigh tried their best not to cooed

"We have their den den number" Shakky said and then call them

"Wait, Shakky!! We don't know yet.. No wait!! " Ann protest not Shakky hear and to late that the call was connect

"First division commander of whitebeard, to whom I speak? " Marco's voice could be heard that made Lucy's heart beating so fast

"Oh hello, phoenix-kun. Can I talk to your captain for a moment? " Shakky said

"Oh hey, Shakky... Yeah sure, let me get a hold to him" Then the booming voice came

"Gurarara, Shakky, nice to hear you. Is Rayleigh there? "

"Yeah, actually we want to ask your help if you don't mind" She speaks

"Nope, not really. About what? "

"Can you help my nieces for their safety, Eddie? " Rayleigh asks. Ann, Lucy and Sab just nervously waiting in their seat

"Sure, I don't know you have niece, more than one too, Gurarara"

"I'll tell tou everything about them later when you send me your coordinate. And may I ask about Teach? How is he? Is he dead? " He asks again and made the sisters ears perked up

"How can you know this? But to your dissapointed, he is escaped with another man that I assume that help him and another traitor" His voice full of hatred

Ann yelled at Rayleigh "Uncle!! How can you made us live with him when the traitor is escaped?? "

"Ann, shussh. The bad man is the traitor, old man whitebeard's not wrong. Don't blame him" Lucy calm her down

"Lu is right, Ann. Calm down, trust uncle will you? " Sab smiled and hug them

"Is that your nieces, Rayleigh, yoi? " Marco's voice full of surprise and beaming

"Yep, I assume you know them, Marco"

"Pops!! Can we?? Just accept it, yoi" Marco's eagerness made every adult chuckled and Lucy smiled. Ann and Sab just grumbled

"Hello to you, Marco-san" Lucy soft voice made Marco screech that his mate talk to him

"Hello to you too, yoi. When will you be here? " He asks

Lucy giggled "Not so fast, Marco-san. It can be soon or later. Just be patient"

"Okay, yoi"

"Then, we will discuss the next plan after I visit you, Eddie"

"Gurarara, sure sure" And the call ended

"I'm still mad at them" Ann said

Sab sighed "Just don't start to fire someone, okay"

"Tomorrow we will get going, rest for sure" Rayleigh said

"Sooo, we still have a time to girls talk with Shakky, yeayyy" Lucy cheerful tone made everyone laugh for the rest of day


Hii everyone, thanks for coming and see my no good story. I just make this for hobby. So it may take a lot of time

I'm sorry for the grammar. My first language not english actually

Hope you enjoy this fic.. ><

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