Chapter 7

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A day became a month, and then became a year. Lucy, Ann and Sab were on Moby for a year now. When they were there, they proved to be strong and could defent theirselves in every fight. They knew about all of haki, not to mention that the two of them possession a haki king

A month ago, Ann became a second division commander with Sab who was her co-commander. And for Lucy herself, she became a 17th division commander because she want to gathered her past crew in her team. Although she wasn't want to be a pirate king, she was still want her nakama sailing with her
The news spread across the world for Ann and Sab that now were one of whitebeards, and have an important part too. For Lucy, Whitebeard suggest to announced it when she had all of her crewmates. They took a whitebeard tattoo too. Ann was on her back, Sab was on her chest, and Lucy was on her left collarbone

Their relationship with their mates also having a progress. Ann with Thatch, although she always reject Thatch because of his idiocy, but they were quite getting along in privacy. Sab and Izou also started to knowing each other. And Lucy with Marco were really sweet from the beginning they met. That's a cute and adorable moment that now be a usual things on moby

“Did shitty geezer look at the news?” Sab sat beside Ann on their bed. Lucy just watching from the chair near the desk

“Probably. Soon he will be here and then try to claim Lucy because she is still his blood related” Ann hissed

“I don't want to come with grandpa. We have to find another way” Lucy frowned

“We won't let him take you, Lu. Marco will become such a devil if you're taken from him” Ann ruffled her hair and Lucy chuckled at the imagination

And they were talking like usual until they were interrupted with one of Ann division

“Excuse me, commanders. They are some guest that want to meet you and your sister”

They were look at each other until Lucy stiffen and her sisters felt the shivers

“Shit!! How are we not feel his presence with observation!!” Ann yelled in whisper

“That man sure was a disaster!” Sab hissed

“But I sense another presence. Ohh, that's Shanks. He also come. We can relax if Shanks and Pops with us” Lucy beamed that made her sisters relax

And then they were walked to the main deck where their guest waiting. When they want to climb the stairs, they could hearing a loud voice

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING, NEWGATE?!!! YOU KIDNAPPED MY GRANDKIDS!” Yeah, this was the marine hero, Garp the fist

“I'm not kidnapped them, Garp. Don't assume anything” Whitebeard replied with his calm tone

“Just what's happened? Why Lucy and her sisters were here?” And the clueless redhead, Akagami no Shanks

Lucy then decided to flying with Ann and Sab towards their Pops and the commanders. They landed safely with a soft ‘thud' in front of Whitebeard

“Why are you here, shitty geezer??!!!” Ann snarled

“Yeah, no one want to have you here, just give up already. Lu won't be coming with you and married with one of your collega” Sab in her defense with pipe in front of her chest

“Be respectful to your grandpa, young girl!” He gave them a fist of love that made Thatch and Izou angry

“Ouch!! You damn geezer!!”

“Oii!!! What the hell are you doing?!!”

“I'm holding back just to watch my mate having a bump in her head huh!!! The fuck!”

“You will be a great marines and I will still make Lucy married with my collega!!” He said

“Woahh wait, waitt... I know that you're Lucy's grandpa by blood. But you can't forced her to your ambition, Garp” Shanks intervened and had enough with the silent action

“You don't know anything, redhair!! You were the one that caused Lucy to be a pirate! No one of my grandkids will be a pirates!!!” He then took Lucy wrist and ready to back to his ship before Lucy spoke

“Are you done, grandpa??” Her voice was small. Everyone look at her

“What?!!” Garp yelled

“I said, are you done?” Now the tone full of icy and dark too

“If you're done, then let go of my hand. You don't have the right to forced me after what you do to me” Her calm face made everyone taken a back. She looks so scary right now

“What are you talking about??!!” He asks with his loud voice

Lucy then yanked her hand from him and took a step forward towards him. Her face was blank like no emotion was there. She pointet her index to Garp

“You let them kill him”Everyone don't know what Lucy said

“You let them captured him!!” She began to laugh sarcastically

“You just sat there, beside him and watch everything with no action!!”

“You never done anything to him!”

“You never heard what they said!” She spat to him


“YOU KILL THEM!! YOU WERE THE ONE THAT DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!! THEY DIED IN MY ARMS AND EMBRACESS!! YOU DON'T KNOW!!!” She yelled and began to panic. Shanks hugged her and brought her back to Whitebeard

Lucy still look at him with hatred now “You were the one that made me alone! So, you don't have the right to stirr my life anymore!”

Everyone was speechless. They could felt some haki when Lucy screamed. Marco let his scent to calm her. Ann with Sab also released their calming scents

“What the fuck are you blabbering!! You never have brothers!!” Garp still hard like rock and made the sisters glared at him with so much hated

“I have, that's why you don't know anything. You don't know that I have two brothers” She said with a sad smile

Whitebeard had enough and he stood up from his chair with his bisento “I suggest you to leave now, Garp. I don't want my daughter having a panic attack again because of your stubborness and idiotic brain. Now leave!!”

“Fine!! But I'll be back again later” He walked to his ship and they depart

“Like hell!! Don't ever come back you bastardd!!!” Ann then throw a ball of fire towards that ship

Lucy plop down still in Shanks arms. Her breath became fast and her eyes not focus on anything

“Lu, heyy. Look at me. Garp won't take you anywhere, don't worry. Breath, Lu” Shanks said whilst slap her cheek softly

“Call Whiskey!! Now!!!” Marco command after he looks at Lucy who was became more frantic

“I'll bring her to infirmary. Ann, Sab, let's go, yoi. Pops, just call a meeting with redhaired and Benn. We will be there after make sure that Lucy is fine” Then the three rushed towards infirmary where Whiskey waiting them. Whitebeard just nodded

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