Chapter 11

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Lucy was arrived at the foosha village. She then walked through the road and headed to the party bar, where makino work as barmaid

She entered the bar and welcomed with a soft voice of her mother figure except Dadan. Makino shocked at the teenage girl in front of her bar. She walked over the girl and hugged her with a sob

“You're back, Lucy... I thought I will never meet you again” She cried and Lucy caressed her back

“I'm fine, Makino. You must knows the news from Dadan, right. We were escaped from gramps. I don't want to married with one of his collega, Makino” Lucy said in a sad tone. They were sitting in the chair near bartools and Makino just closed her bar for her sort of daughter

“I'd called Dadan. She will arrived at dawn later. So, tell me Lucy. How was your journey with Ann and Sab? Last time I saw the news of you three was you all in the Grandline and somehow Ann and Sab joined whitebeard pirates”

Lucy smiled at her “I'll tell you later with Dadan. How about I tell you about a certain  someone, Makino?”

Makino beamed and smiled softly “You were interested with someone? That's so nice, Lucy. Okay tell me about him”

And Lucy told everything about her and Marco to Makino. Makino was so happy knowing that Lucy was so health and free these past time. She was also sad that she couldn't bid a farewell when Lucy, Ann and Sab decided to runaway from home

They were telling each other and didn't notice that the sun was started to set below the sea and the sky became such a beautiful orange environtment. And then Dadan was arrived at the bar

“You're here, brat” She gruffed but has a soft tone in her voice

Lucy then hugged her “It's nice to see you again, Dadan”

Dadan was so stunned but return the hug back with a smiled “It's surely nice to see you too, brat. How are you doing all this time?”

And that was the cue for Lucy to tell everything about her and her sisters journey to the Grandline and became one of the whitebeard. Makino and Dadan surely surprised but they couldn't asks anything after saw a beautiful eyes smiling from Lucy's and a cheerful and bright laugh that surrounded them when Lucy told the whole story

They were so glad and grateful that Lucy, Ann and Sab were found a lovely family and a supportived lovers and mates. They were chattering until night and Lucy for sure was sleep between her story telling that makes Makino and Dadan chuckled and smiled. They were missed her so much they thought to themselves

The next morning, Lucy bid a farewell to Makino and Dadan with some of the people in the village and the mayor. She waving her hands and then flew away to the ocean where they were so happy to accompanied Lucy in her journey along the wide sea once again from the started

Lucy flying over the horizon and then spotted a ship. She knew damn well who's the owner of that ship. She then teleported herself and appeared at one of the room in that ship. Fortunately, she was met with the long friend of hers

“Hey, there!” She said cheerfully and waved her hand to the trembling boy

“Who are you? W-why are you here? You-you have to leave before lady Alvida knows and killed you” Said the pink haired boy

“I'ts okay, Coby. Don't worry about me. Besides, why are you not escape?” She asks ignoring the shocked face from Coby

“How are you know my name? And I couldn't escape. She will murder me”

“Just who is this Alvida?”

Coby shocked again “You don't know lady Alvida? She is known as the most beautiful woman in the east blue”

“Really? Is she has a lover or some fans?” She asks whilst scratching her cheeks

“No... She doesn't has a lover nor a fan” Coby now wondered that

“Then why was she called the most beautiful woman?” She doesn't understand the logic here and Coby couldn't answer it

“Say Coby, what is your dream?”

“I want to be a marine. To save all the civilian and captured the pirates. How about you, Miss? Oh I also don't what's your name”

“Eh? You're right, shishishi. My name's Monkey D Lucy. My dream is to be the freest woman in the world. Just like Gol D Roger”

Coby schreeched “You want to be a pirate king then? That's impossible”

Lucy just bonked him “I'm not going to be the pirate king, I'm a pirate king. I just want to gather my crew division and then back to my family”

“Now, if you want to be a marine, why are you not escape as I ask before?” Lucy said

Before Coby could answer her. A loud crash was heard from above them

“Who do you think you would beat, huh, Coby?!!” A fat lady came to their view
Coby shrieked and hid behind Lucy. Lucy herself just didn't care about the fat lady

“Who is this fat old hag, Coby?” As se asked him, everyone around her gasped

“Who are you calling an old hag, ha??!!” The old lady yelled at her

“You of course. Who else?” She said innocently that makes Coby prayed for her safety

“You imbecile!! I'm Lady Alvida. The most beautiful women in the east blue!!” She said with an angry voice and a mace on her shoulder

The sudden ring of den den mushi was heard and makes everyone look around to find that sound

Lucy just took the den den out from her pocket and pick up

“Hello? Who is this?” She shamelessly asks made the other on den den chuckled

“Hey, Lu. It's me, your great brother, Thatch”

“Hey Thatchy!!!” She beamed at him

“Aww, my little Lucy is missed this ol' me so much, I think I will fainted after this” He answered dramatically and a whacked could be heard with a booming laugh

“Stop being a stupid, yoi”

Everyone on the Alvida's ship couldn't took anything right now. They were so puzzled at the scene that showed in front of them

“How are you, my daughter?” A booming voice was heard

“I'm fine, Pops!! I'm in the middle of argument right now” She answer with a bright face

“Ohh? And what are you argued for?” Whitebeard asks again

“Her name is....” She look at Alvida “Who's your name again?” And everyone could be seen felt to the floor comically

Alvida's head twitched “I'm Alvida, you moron!!” She declared

Whitebeard and the others were not happy hearing that tone to their lovely Lucy

“That's her name, Pops. Coby said that she will killed me if I'm not escape from here. And she said that she is the most beautiful woman in the east blue” Lucy still brightly told them

Now Whitebeard was pissed at whoever dare to touch his child “Is that so, princess?” His voice was contained some darkness

“Who the hell dare to touch my baby sister??!”

“She said that she will be killed by a non feared pirate from east blue? What a joke”

“Can I fly over there now, Pops, yoi?”

“Wait till I see you, you damn woman!! I'll let my pipes tasted your blood!!”

“My katana was so thirsty for some blood, certainly from woman who declared herself the most beautiful person in east blue”

“How about we shot her? Less messy and efficient”

“Not fair tho. I want to tortured her too”
And more of that...

The pirates were so paled at the mention and now look at Lucy who was so calmly eating the apple from their stock

“I'm okay everyone. Don't worry, she maybe the most beautiful woman in the east blue, but she couldn't take some girl from New World, right” Lucy said and there was a pregnant silent before a loud laughter ecoing from the den den to the room

“That's my little daughter, Gurarara”

“That's right!! Beat her up for us, little birdie”

And the call was ended with a loud laughed from Lucy

“Now... Alvida, I'm not into fighting right now, but you asked for it. So here it is” She punched Alvida and blew her away with her wings

“Now pirates, anyone want to taste my punch?” And the rest of pirates shook their heads

“What are you, Lucy-san?” Coby asked her with a blush and wide eyes

“I'm a white phoenix. I ate the devil fruit. A zoan type, the tori-tori no mi model white pheonix”

“You look so beautiful, Lucy-san” He wad not intend to said it out loud but Lucy just giggled

“Why thank you, Coby. Now, I want you to accompanied me for searching my first crew member” She readied a small boat to them

Then they hop on of the boat and started to sailing

“Where are we going, Lucy-san?”

“To Roronoa Zoro. You must be know him, right?” She smiled

Coby paled “Roronoa Zoro? The pirate hunter? He's a bad man, Lucy-san! Why are you wanting him to be in your crew?”

“Not everyone bad, Coby. Took the example like marine. Not all marine is good, there are a lot of bad marines that corrupt in this world. Same like pirate, not all pirates are bad. My family is a pirate. They known as the strongest crew in the world. Yet, they were so kind hearted and lovely to one another. They cared for all of their family and nakama. So, don't judge their appearance from the looks, Coby”

Coby was so speechless right now. He was once again respected the young girl in front of him. She was the great people and kind hearted. He was captured by her kind, warm and easy behavior. He was in love with her, and he was certain about this feeling

There was a silent after that, a peace one before they reached the dock in the shell town

“Here we are, Lucy-san”

“Yeah, Coby. Now we have to meet Zoro” And they both makes their way to the marine base in that town

They saw a man with black bandana in the middle of execution field on the marine base. Lucy then approached him with a scared Coby behind her

“Yo!! Zoro, right?” She asks

The man just turn up his head a little to saw who was talking

“Leave!” He said and Lucy just smile

“No way. I want you to be in my division, so you better alive, right, shishishi”

Zoro just look at her annoyed “I said leave, stupid!” And Lucy just shook her head

Later, a little girl came to them and brought some food

“Mister, I bring some rice ball” Said the little girl

“I don't need your food! Just leave me alone. The deal will finish not long” He grumble

Before they could react, a boy with blond hair came with some marines

“Well well, look who is here, a little girl, a teen girl with an ugly little boy” He mocked them

Lucy frown at him but remind silent. The blond boy took one of rice ball that the little girl made and then spit that out

“What is this?!!! It's supposed to be salt, not sweet!!!” He yelled and then smack the rice ball until not in the first shape
Lucy shocked with Coby. How dare he do something like that to an innocent kid she thought

“Kill her!!!” His command

The rest of marines were so affraid “But, she is just a kid”

“You dare not to obey my command? You want me to kill you, ha!!!”

And after that, the little girl was flew away. Lucy catch her with her feathers and brought her to Coby

“Take her to home, Coby. I'll follow you later” She said with a dark aura whilst her eyes still followed the blond boy

She then look at Zoro again “Ne, what do you say about joining my division?” she smiled widely

“No. Just leave!” She pouted and want to walked away before Zoro called her again for the rice ball

In the restaurant, where the little girl live with her mom, Lucy and Coby could be seen sitting near the counter

“So, he's not bad?” Coby asks

Rika, the little girl, shook her head “No! The bad man is Helmeppo. He was captured just because he helped by saving me from Helmeppo's dog”

“That's okay, little girl. I'll save Zoro later. So you have to smile again” Lucy smiled and ruffled her hair. Rika just beamed at the teen girl

When they were chattering, the front door was open and the blond boy was there. He makes some ruckuss and Lucy decided to punched him in the guts whilst standing proudly in front of him
Everyone was shocked, and feared about Lucy's live

“YOU DARE TO PUNCH ME??!! DO YOU KNOW WHO IS MY FATHER?? I'LL TELL HIM ABOUT YOU!!” He yelled at Lucy who doesn't give a fuck at him

“Who is your father? A marine hero? Or a strongest marine in the world? An admiral? If your father just a mere captain in this town, don't be so pump up about it, boy! You're just a weakling boy who cried out loud under your father's name” She said coldly

“Bring me so-called-father of yours. I don't care who he is, if I want, my family will be gladly took one of marine base here for their toy to raids” She mocked him with a sarcastic smirked

The boy, Helmeppo, run out from the restaurant, leave the people there in a happy atmosphere after Lucy declared to beat him up


Good day minna...
I'm back ><

I just want to say hello and thanks for the new readers. And thanks for the vote too ^_^

Hope you all enjoy reading my fic

Have a nice day ><

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