Chapter 9

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Lucy, Ann, Sab, Shanks, Benn, Whitebeard and all of the commanders were in the meeting room now. Whitebeard was in his usual chair. In his right side was Marco, next to him was Lucy, Ann, Thatch, Jozu, Vista, Blamenco, Rakuyo, and Namur. In his left was Blenheim, Curiel, Kingdew, Haruta, Atmos, Jiru, Fossa, Izou, and Sab. Shanks and Benn were across of Whitebeard

Lucy then started to talk “So, what would you all know about me? I assumed that Sab maybe was pointed out some part of me” She smiled at them

“Are you from future, Lucy?” Shanks aasks

She nodded “Yeah, that's true”
Everyone sweatdropped at her. She was so easily to accept it they thought

“So, what was happened until you were send back here?” Vista asks

“I actually don't know, last memories that I could remember from my past or you can call it future is that I was shot to death with my lover and before I closed my eyes, I felt my father's wrath that maybe destroyed almost all of island and the naval army” She said whilst scratching her temple

“This maybe will makes you uncomfortable, but can you tell us what is happening in your life before, my daughter? We want to help you to get rid of your trauma” Whitebeard said and Lucy flinched at the mention

She knows that she has to told them what's happened. She was not ready actually. Never ready. But she had to
She took a breath and exhaled it slowly “In my life before, I was a man. Monkey D Luffy was my name”

Everyone listen quietly “I have two brothers, Portgas D Ace and Sabo”

The sisters startled and perked up at the mention “They were my sworn brothers. You two, Ann, Sab, were the exact copy of  them except the gender”

“My life just as same as now. Growth with bandits, met Shanks and his crew, Get the strawhat and get two sisters now. When I remembered all my life before, I started to change some parts. Like Sabo's death, though he was saved at that time. But me and Ace thought he was died” She look at the window

“I'm dead?” Sab whisper

“Not really, we thought you die, but actually you were saved by my father and work for Revolutionary”

“After Sabo's death news, Ace and I were crying so much. We were practice all day to became strong. And then there, when Ace was promised me to never die and broke it” She smile sadly

“What's happened?” Ann asks with worried voice

“You died, in marineford. There was a war between marines and whitebeards. They captured you, no, blackbeard captured you with his dirty tricks. Marines makes your execution in public, because they want all the world knows their power if they could get rid from you, the son of former pirate king, Gol D Roger”

“Me and whitebeards almost saved you. But you were stop walking when an admiral provoked you. You know, I'm so hate about your hotheaded and hardheaded. My stamina worned out and I stumbled down. Then the admiral saw this and readied his fist to kill me. The next thing was Ace stood in front of me shielding myself and took the attack. He died in my arms. The last sentences that make me never forget was ‘Thank you for loving me'. And after that, I don't remember much because I got in to the shock” Lucy hands were trembling. She look at her palms like there was a lot of blood

Marco saw this and hold her hand in his warm and big hands “Breath, Lucy. None of that is happen now. Calm down”

Thatch and Izou also tried to calming their mates. Ann was terrified and Sab was looked like she was haunted

Lucy then took a breath again and continued “After that, I trained with uncle Ray for two years. My crew was separated before the war begin because of Kuma, the sichibukai. I send a message to them and we were training for the next two years. After we reunited again, we sailed to fishmen island, and took out some traitor there. Then we went to punk hazard. We met Torao, uhh what was his name again? The surgeon of death I mean and made an alliance”

Everyone look at each other “Surgeon of death? Are you talking about Trafalgar Law?” Curiel asks

“Yes yes, he is” She beamed. She was missed her friends so much

“Why would you made an alliance with him?” Benn asks

“Ohh, for a fight. We were planning to take down Doflamingo in the next island, Dressrosa” She replied innocently


“What the hell!!”

“Insane people I see”

“Or just so much reckless”

“After that, we went to Dressrosa and beat the flamingo pink bastard that almost raped me! Screw him! If I see him again after this, I'll chop his family jewel and one of the feathers of the pink cloak whatever is that” She shivered at the memories

“Hold on, yeah. You said you almost raped by him?!” Ann voice was so monotone

“The Doflamigo? The sichibukai? How dare he touch my baby sister!!” Sab readied her pipe that everyone wouldn't even dare to asked where she got that

“I think we have another toys other then raid the naval base, Pops, yoi!” Marco was sounds bored like always, but they could saw a glint of sadistic in his eyes

“Gurarara, yes my son. We will have to make a plan if we want beat Doflamingo up” Whitebeard was laughed, but not amusedly, more like a murderer plotting

“Count me in, old man! I want him to taste my sword” Shanks eyes was shadowed and Benn just sighed at his captain. But, he also agreed about beating that fucker. Not just him actually, the rest of the commanders also plotting a murderer in their mind

“Okay that's enough, I don't want you all killed someone for now, absolutely not!! I'll continue this. So where were we before?” She asked at them

“You told us about you beat Do-pink fucker bastard-flamingo up, Lu” Sab said

“Oh yeahh... So after that, we went to zou. But when I'm arrived at zou, Sanji, my cook was kidnapped by Bigmom about her alliance with Vinsmoke, Sanji's related family. Oh and before that too, I kinda pissed Bigmom in fishman island. She was being a jerk to fishmen and mermaid just because they couldn't make a candy for her. Those pathetic sweet eaters” She pouted

“And I assume that they couldn't make it was because of you, right? You bottomless pitt” Ann smirked and Lucy pouted more

“You are one to talk, dear sister” Sab rolled her eyes

“Then we fight with Bigmom and escape. We also succeess to brought Sanji back. After that, we fight with Kaido” She was cut off

“How can you fight another yonko after you beat up a yonko too?!!” Thatch screeched. Marco shook his head at his little lover behaviour

“Uhmm, maybe because Kaido is such a jerk? Look... I have a friend that like my little sister there. And that bastard have the audacity to makes her hungry and almost death because of the water was poisoned. Also the scum Orochi too, the ugly fat old man dare to scream at the little child. Not on my watch people!!” She mad, not at her family, but at the bastard Kaido and Orochi

“We won obviously, not to mention I was dead for a moment, shishishi. When we fought Kaido, Marco and Izou were helping us. Unfortunately, Izou couldn't make it. He died there with one of the samurai” Sab took Izou's hand and squeezed it. Izou just rubbing her back hand with his tumb and smiled at her

“Then we met Blackbeard. The rotten bastard have the nerve to naming their group after Pops!!! We fought, we almost win when he was tricked us again. Sabo was there, he helped me and my crew, and the latter was killed by Blackbeard. I was mad. So mad until all of his crew and him were dead because of me. My body was bathing blood of them. And again, there was Marco who comfort me after my last brother died and his last sentence was 'you have to reach the top no matter what'” She has tears in her eyes

“We became a lover after that. Marco always follow wherever I go. He always there when I need a support. We were heal together. And finally we arrived at laughtale, or people know it as raftel. I don't remeber what was there, but after that I was announced to be a second pirate king. Weeks after that, there was another war with pirates and marine also revolutionary. And there was I and Marco were shot to death with seastone bullet and the rest you all know it” She finished and everyone to stunned to speak

“First, who is Blackbeard?” Izou asks

“You all know him, the traitor, Marshall D Teach” She spat those words

“Is his reason was same like before? About the devil fruit?” Kingdew asks

“Yeah, that was same as before. He was after that fruit. And Thatchy, if you still has the fruit, either you eat that now or you have to sink it in the sea. The deeper sea”

“I'll think about it” Thatch said

“I know this is not something related to your story, but why you told them that I were the one that told you about the chaos yesterday, yoi?” Marco frowned

“Ahh, you remember about the wind and sea, sweetheart? The wind told me everything, and the sea just laughed at the scene before, shishishi” She chuckled and Marco having a hard time to hid his blush after the nickname

“You can hear the wind and the sea, Lu?” Shanks was surprised. He just know one people that possessed this kind of things. Yes, his former captain, Gol D Roger

“Yes, I can heard them when I was ten. The nature too. They always told me what happen with the world before me and my sisters set sail”

“Other than wind, sea, or nature. What can you heard?” Sab asks

“Hmmm, Seaking? Dolphin? I have a pet and that was a seaking. His name is Ruo, such a lovely pet” She ignored all the shocked face

“She is literally strong in a weird way”

“Not gonna lie, she was so innocent yet dangerous at the same time”

“Dangerously adorable”

“Oh right, I also forgot something. Actually, I was dumb, never want to think or planning something. But then change when I realised that the next moment I encountered with enemy, I have to prepare. So here I am, little smarter than before, shishishi. I also can cook because of Sanji, and a little bit lying after took a lesson with Robin and Nami”

“So, all of this time you were lying??” Ann couldn't believe it

“Noo, sometimes I still couldn't lie properly. Just little bit, for my own safety. My family or nakama still knows if I'm lying tho” She frowned in cute manner

“Who is the admiral that killed another me?” Ann asks again

“The Red Mutt, Akainu bitch!”

“He is totally a pain in the ass, yoi”

“Then, what was it about your grandfather not doing anything?” Fossa asks and makes Lucy's blood was boiled

“In my life before, my grandfather was kind hearted, although his acted was kinda abusive. He want us to be save, with a big background on me and Ace, he affraid that we would be killed by marines if our past were revealed. But again, he couldn't do anything. He let the execution and let Ace to be killed. I knew he cried, and Dadan punched him for the love of god, I knew all of it. But I still couldn't let my feeling towards him to be eased. When Blackbeard killed Sabo too, marine was there. The corrupt one of course, but at that time he was retired, so where was he when Sabo was killed? And then I never trusted him again. I just trusted my nakama, my family, and the reminist of whitebeards. My father was a lot of kind if you want to know, though he doesn't with me when I was kid, he still let me do whatever I want and support me”

“In this time, gramps was different, he still abusive, but he never let me go wherever I want. He always push me into one of married proposal with one of his collega or disciple. I'm tired, Pops. I'm so fucking tired. I just want to be free and happy with my family. Because of that, I don't want to be a pirate king again. No offence Shanks, but I had experienced it once and that was enough. I just want to be in peace now” She cried and Marco hugged her
Everyone looked at her with sad face. They now knew what was happened with Lucy that makes her has all of the trauma

“Don't worry, Lu. We will try to avoid all of the bad scenario from now on” Ann smiled at her

Lucy still cried, her body was trembling so hard that makes Ann and Sab also sobbing

“Princess, you have to be happy from now on, okay. I will protect you. And I will try to less my drink from now and then, so you don't have to be worried with your old man” Whitebeard said with a bit joke in his tone and made Lucy giggled

“Yeah, Pops. You have to try harder, okay, shishishi. And Shanks too, Benn... Make sure he doesn't throw a lot of party in the middle of day” She whined and Benn just chuckled at her before nodded

“You heard her, Captain. Don't upset her with your drunk ass” And Shanks was sulking in the corner that makes everyone laughed

They laugh interrupted with a loud noises from Lucy, Ann, and Sab's stomach

“Oops, I think I'm hungry again, shishishi”

“Uhh, this is embarassing”

“Better hurry up, before Lucy become a little menace”

“OI!!!” Everyone laughed again and then went to the mess hall because that was near a lunch time

They all gathering to the mess hall for lunch. The atmosphere was so cheerful and loud like usual

“So, Lucy, what can you cook except for the cream soup and cinnamon cake?” Thatch asks

“Hmm, let's see. I can cook some a simple dishes. Like egg, bacon, bread, sandwich, soup for hangover, and the rest” She munched her meal

“You can cook all of them yet burning a bear when we teenager?” Ann asks in disbelief

“Hey!! In my defense, I was so much lazy back then”

“That's not a defense” Sab murmured

“I also can make some meat buns for mission. Yeah something like that”

“Really? You have to make one for me if I'm in mission” Thatch beamed

“Sure, Thatchy. Don't worry about that”

“You also can make some after we throw a party, yoi. This lazy ass always drunk in the night and hangover on the next morning and that was so annoying”

“Shishishi, of course”

“Shanks probably so envy if I told him that we can eat Lucy's food” Haruta snickered

“Luckily he was set sail when we finished the meeting. Or I will throw him overboard because he annoyed me again, yoi”

Lucy and everyone on that table laughed lively until a loud boom could be heard

“Pops!! There's marine. Three ships” one of the guard told them

“Ahh, I forgot to tell you all that we will encounter with a marine” Lucy said nonchalantly

“How??” Izou asks

“The sea told her before, yoi”

“Gurarara, what are you waiting, my sons? We have some marines to beat up” He stood up and went out to his throne with all of whitebeards ready to fight with a unison yelled ‘AYEE' From them


Hi I guess hehehe...

I'm sorry for the late update. I have one or two duty that makes me couldn't update and write the chapter

I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a nice day ><

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