Chapter 8

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Shanks woken up with a loud noises and chaos from the other ship. The red force was anchored beside of moby dick, so he would heard all of the ruckuss that the whitebeards caused and decided that he would went to there

“What's with all of this chaos?” He asks to one of whitebeards

“Oh Akagami, ettoo... It's Lucy, apparently she is missing when she was in infirmary. And until now she still can't be found where” Shanks gasped and then scream to his crew

L woken up his crew and everyone on the red force suddenly get out from their quarters and help the whitebeards

Shanks approached Newgate “How can she be missing, Newgate?” His tone was worry with a little mad

“I also don't know, brat. My nurse just came up when we were dinner and said that Lucy was missing and she smell her pheromones and assumed that she is in heat” His explaining made Shanks less worried

“How about observation haki?”

“Didn't work. She maybe unconsciosly turn off her observation so we couldn't found her”

“Where the hell are you Lucy? You make all of us worried, little bird” Shanks and Newgate watched around with a sad eyes

With Ann, Sab, Izou and Thatch, they were searching around below deck together. Marco then join them after flying around Moby and seems to not found Lucy

“Where is she?” Ann fidgeting

“Wait... The nurse said that she is in heat, right? Why I'm not thinking this option, damnit” Sab said making the others turn and look at her

“What option? What do you mean?” Thatch asks

“We are so panic until we're forgot that when omega in heat, all of them, especially crown omega, they will searching for their mates or the scents. So, maybe Lu is in your room Marco, because your scent was strong in you room” She said

“That is possible, yoi. I will check my room and you all wait outside before I tell you that's everything save” They went to the commanders quarter and stop in front of Marco's room

All of the room in moby could blocked the scent so the scent wouldn't came out. That's also a reason why they couldn't found Lucy according to her scent

Marco then open the door and went in. He turn on the candle and look around until ge spot a bundle in his bed. He sighed in relief and walked to the bundle

“You will really be the death of me, yoi” He ruffled her hair and Lucy just mumbled that makes Marco chuckles
He then told the others to came in. Thatch, Ann, Sab and Izou were breath in relief after saw Lucy was fine

“Her pheromones not so strong like I thought” Thatch said. Ann rolled her eyes

“That's because she ate her suppressant. If not, you would be dizzy now. Not like other omega where the pheromones so addictive to other alpha, ours are so dangerous”

“So, if another alpha or omega smell our pheromones when we heat, they will get dizzy or hard to breath. Remember when Lucy sad? Everyone were so paled and having a hard time to breath. This will be a lot more damage” Sab continued what Ann said before

“Then, what are you doing when your heat is coming?” Izou asks

“We just laying in our room. The first time was so painful, we don't have a mates, or could buy a suppressant. And we ended just laying in a bundle while holding our stomach. And that will be worse again if the heat is in the same time with our period” Sab smiled at him

“Now, we have to tell everyone that Lucy is save and just sleeping in my room. She will be here, I'm okay and I also take my suppressant, so don't worry about me knocking your sister, yoi. Thatch, tell Pops everything. Izou just make sure Akagami not do something. For Ann and Sab, you can rest after this or join your mates, it's up to you” Marco gace them a command

“Sure, take care of her” Ann said and then everyone dissapear to their work
Marco sighed and placed himself on the bed and hug Lucy tightly before join her in a dream

The next day, Lucy woke up first. Record for her because she would be woke up the last if no one woken her up. When she open her eyes, she met with a chest with a tattoo. She looked up and saw her mate's face so peacefully. She smiled and burried her face in his chest. The smell was so good that makes Lucy sleepy again, but she couldn't. The sea said something about reveal and that must be serious, so she couldn't sleep again although she was loving to sleep like this so damn much

She then proceed to sit and make sure that Marco doesn't wake up. She then look around and the window. The outside was still dark, so maybe she was so early to wake up. She shrugged and plop down from bed and tidy up the blanket so Marco could sleep even more. She placed a kiss to his forehead and head out towards deck

When she arrived at the deck, she listen to whatever sea said. Something about the world, or maybe the beginning of something, and more of it. She was so relaxed after the accident. She knows about her trauma. She knows after this she has to answer all of her family's question. She knows that her life now was different from before. But she also knows that something couldn't be so different or in other word, there will be the same case later on

She leaning to the railing and look at the widely ocean in front her unaware about someone step behind her. She startled when a pair of arm hugged her from behind. She turn around and saw her mate's face and smiled at him

“Why are you awake this early, Marco-san?” She caressed his arms

“You weren't there. The room is so cold when you leave, yoi. Why are you awake this early, hm?” He tightly hugged her

She chuckled “Something came up that makes me up so early. I know that you all curious about me, I will answer that later. I just like to hearing the wind or ocean singing when I wake up early”

“Wind and ocean singing, yoi? Like what?”

“Hmm, the wind always gave me an important news before the newscoo came. And the sea always gave me the accurate information about world and the living human or creature that sail on them”

Marco kissed her forehead affectionately “Could you tell me what wind or sea said to you, yoi?”

Lucy beamed “Yes, of course! Like now the wind say that something will change. You know, about the era. And sea say something about sailing across with some marines because two emperors was meeting”

“Marines, yoi? Should I tell Pops or Akagami about this?”

“You can if you want. Not so soon tho, but we will meet marines later, don't be to serious, Marco-san. Everything will be alright”

“How can you heard all of this, yoi? Since when?”

Lucy leaned to his chest “I don't know how, and I can hear all of this when I was ten. Pretty young, shishishi”

Marco smiled and kissed her forehead again. He became so obsessed with everything about Lucy

“Come on, I don't want you to be sick again just because we stand in outside when the weather is so chilly, yoi”

Lucy snickered and let Marco lead her to his room “Wait, Marco-san!”

“Hm? What's wrong?” He look at her

“Can we go to my room first? I want to take some clothes with me to your room, so I don't have to back in my room when I sleep with you”

“Sure, yoi, let's go” And they went to her room

When they arrived, the room was empty. Lucy just went to her wardrobe and brought some of her belongings with her. When she finish, she approached Marco

“This should be enough. Where are my sisters?”

“Maybe they're sleeping with Thatch and Izou. Come on, yoi”

They're back to Marco's room. Marco then went to the bathroom to bath and Lucy just sat on the bed waiting her turn. She actually not the fans of bathing, but when she woke up in a girl body, wether she want it or not, she has to be clean
Marco then came out from bathroom with a new steam. He just wear one towel for his private area, and the other was on his head. Lucy just blushed at him and motion him to her

“You have to properly dried your hair, Marco-san” Marco just sat on the floor and leaned to his bed. He never knew that he would felt a peace when someone dried his hair like now. Maybe just for Lucy he thought

“Finish! Now you can change to your clothes, I will be right back after I bath, okay” She went to the bathroom and Marco change his clothes before sat to a chair near his desk

“Oh my god, why the paperwork is so damn full, yoi!” He complaints whilst massage his temple

Lucy then came out with a fresh clothes and smell like Marco. She then approached him and hugged him from behind

“Why are you have a frown? You look funny, Marco-san”

Marco chuckled “Just my paperwork, yoi. There's so much”

Lucy rubbed his hair “I know you can. How about this, you finish all of your paperwork, and we can go to date after?”

Marco looked up at her “Are you serious, yoi? How about your sisters? They will kill me later” Now he has a lot expression when he's alone with Lucy. His facade was so perfect. In the outside just a bored facial, but inside was so much facial

“Don't worry about that, we can ask help from Pops. And you deserved such a time off too, right. We can manage that, just don't over when you finish all of your paperwork. I don't want you to be sick” She kissed his head and back to the bed

“Yeah, okay. I'll finish this and we can go to our date later. No take back!” He said with a threat joke that made Lucy laugh and nodded afterwhard

The room was silent and just the sound of scratching pen and letter could be heard. Marco almost stressed when he thought that the paperwork never end. Lucy who was felt his stressed then released her calming scent and start to humming some song. The result was Marco became relax and less stress, so Lucy keep humming until the call for breakfast ringing all around the ship that made her and Marco finish their task for now and headed towards the galley

When Marco and Lucy arrived at the mess hall, everyone looked at them. Before everyone could asks anything, Lucy bowed herself

“I'm sorry everyone, I made you all worried. Marco-san told me about everything last night”

Marco look at her with a frown. Everyone in the galley just waved their hand and says that that's okay

Thatch then approached them “I cook a lot, Lu. What do you want to eat?”

Lucy smiled at him “Thatchy, can I borrow your kitchen for a moment?” many forks were fall down after that
Everyone have their jaws dropped especially the sisters. Marco still looked at her with frown, and Thatch gaped at her

“For what?!” He asks

“I want to make something, promise that I won't fired your kitchen, Thatchy. So can I?”

And Thatch just nodded with a shocked face when Lucy walked through him and went to the kitchen. Marco sat on his seat with other commanders

“Are you sure you let Lucy in your kitchen, Dove?”Ann asks with concern

“I don't know, she is full of surprise. I'm so shocked that I couldn't recall what she was saying before” Ann rubbed his back with pity

“I don't want to know if Lucy suddenly fired your kitchen, Thatch” Sab just resigned

“Gurarara, just let her be. If the kitchen is on fire, we can always save it later” Newgate just amused with all of the reaction

Not long after that conversation, Lucy came back with one bowl of soup and a plate of cinnamon cake. She sat beside Marco and set the foods on Marco

“Just eat this. I make you a cream soup after your hardwork for your paperwork before. And the cake is your dessert” She said

Everyone was so wary about the food. Marco included, but he shrugged and ate the cream soup before released a pleasant crooned. Lucy just smiled and continued with her big portion of breakfast, leaving the curious and agape commanders

“Is that really good, Marco?” Haruta asks and Marco just nodded

“Slowly, Marco-san. No one will take your food” Lucy brought a glass of water to him

“Seriously, Lu. When are you learning to cook?” Sab asks

“Yeah, last time I checked, you were burn all of the bear meat when we go hunting” Ann adds

“Shishishi, I learn from someone. I'll tell you all later, kay”

Thatch so curious about the taste of the cream soup, so he asked Lucy “Hey, Lu... Is there still any of your cream soup?”

“Oh.. Yeah there still any, I accidently make a lot. Maybe still enough for five people” and then there was a lot of noise about who would eat the cream soup

“Thatch! I want one, please” Haruta pleaded

“No, no. Please, I also want to taste it” Ann rarely behaving like this. The power of Lucy's cream soup

“Don't be ridiculous. I also want!!” Rakuyo yelled

Sab couldn't take it anymore “Quiet!!! Why are we not sharing? One is for Pops, and the rest just sharing” She suggest and everyone agreed

When they were tasted it, they turn their head towards Lucy who was eating the cinnamon cake with Marco

“What??” She tilted her head

“I will ask you again, Lu. Did you make this? Really really make this?” Ann asks and Lucy just nodded whilst munching the cake

“Okayy, I want you to make one for me every breakfast, Lu” Sab said and again Lucy just nodded

“Hey! That's unfair, yoi. She will make one of me too” Marco protest

“Okay, stop! I'm starting to get dizzy. I'll make the cream soup for everyone, but not everyday” She said that makes everyone whined that they couldn't eat the soup everyday

“Gurararara, that's okay, brat. Don't overdo it” Newgate just laugh at them. The soup was tasty of course, and he was always glad that he could felt the warm feeling everyday

But, that day just some beginning for every reveal and Lucy had to prepare for later. She knows it


Hii again everyone...
I just want to added that I'm not so focus in the ABO cases. I just add it for some entertainment, so if in the late chapter or the next chapter not to much mention about ABO, I hope you understand

Thanks for your response and vote too. I'm happy that you enjoy reading my crap fic~~

Have a nice day ><

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