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Chapter 8: High Fever

    Are you happy?

    Are you happy?

    Are you happy?


    The veins on Lu Shang's head are coming out again!

    It was this familiar taste again, every time he said something seriously, Edward could always coax him with a loving and indulgent expression, as if he was willing to get him even the stars in the sky, making it seem like he was making trouble for no reason , making people even more uncomfortable!

    Lu Shang thought of getting angry again here, and he pointed at Edward's face on the screen and cursed: "I'm so happy! I don't want to see you, do you hear me? Don't look for me again!"

    Then Lu Shang Fearing that he would be pissed off, he turned around and walked out, deciding not to see anything.

    Chang Feng glanced at the bewildered expressions of the petrochemical bosses and Prince Edward behind him. Obviously, this noble prince still couldn't understand why he angered the princess...

    Chang Feng went out alone, and brought Lu Shang and his brother The two went to the cafeteria and found the chef's best spicy beef pot.

    "...So you really turned into an omega after you crossed the wormhole?" Chang Feng, the political commissar, has dealt with people all the year round, and after dealing with Lu Shang for no more than an afternoon, he figured out what kind of character Lu Shang might be.

    At this moment, he calmly arranged delicious food and drinks, and it was a small box in the cafeteria. Seeing Lu Shang eat a few mouthfuls of food, he opened his eyes and smiled, and then began to talk slowly.

    Lu Fan is also a genius to be able to get along in the workplace. Seeing Chang Feng calmly coaxing her younger brother to be happy, and talking about some things about the Nat Empire while eating, she felt very complicated.

    On the one hand, I feel that my younger brother is really naive since he was a child. On the other hand, I am a little wary of Chang Feng. On the other hand, it is because I just saw that Edward seemed to really care about my younger brother, although his brain circuit is the same as his own brother It was unbelievable, but it seemed to Lu Fan that the result was good.

    After all, the more Lu Shang was valued, the safer he would be. Even a fine person like Chang Feng chose to make him happy and slowly probed.

    For Lu Fan, her younger brother is safe and happy, which is enough to make her feel a lot easier.

    At the same time, Lu Fan was also very curious about some things about the Nat Empire, especially about the gender division. After all, the alien just said that Lu Shang was pregnant, so Lu Fan was beside him, silently watching Chang Feng and his family. The younger brother who only cared about eating talked.

    "So even if an omega is a man, it can really conceive?!" Chang Feng happened to be talking to Lu Shang at this moment.

    "Yes, I've taken their physiology class. Omega is the one to conceive regardless of gender... But I'm not pregnant, I've tested it! He must be trying to scare me back!" Lu Shang brainwashed himself for the past few days. Very confident, it sounds very certain now.

    But the expressions of Lu Fan and Chang Feng obviously did not particularly agree with him.     However, Lu Shang didn't notice that he greeted

    his sister while he was eating and drinking: "Sister, eat quickly, this beef pot is really good, as expected of the chef himself!"


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