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Chapter 52

    When he woke up from the hangover, it took Lu Shang ten minutes to remember what he did with Edward.

    They just came to this planet, they didn't do anything, they rolled together for a day and a night!

    After putting on his clothes, Lu Shang was quite calm at first, but halfway through, he suddenly looked out of the window in panic—then Lu Shang's first reaction was to turn back and shake Edward crazily, shouting in a broken voice: "Edward! What are you looking for? Where is it, why are there people outside?!"

    That's right, Lu Shang almost collapsed.

    He has no pressure to be ashamed and shameless like Edward, anyway, his integrity is almost exhausted-the question is why is there a large circle of winged people at the door? !

    Moreover, he stood outside the door very quietly and solemnly, looking at the place where they were, Lu Shang felt that he was going crazy.

    He was the one who was ashamed to be thrown to an alien planet, right? !

    Edward was very happy to see his princess stepping on him alive and kicking, especially when he saw his wings flapping when he was angry, which reminded him of how the princess's wings were struggling to flap yesterday when he was in the dark with the princess...

    "Stop! Are you sick? There is someone at the door!" Lu Shang shook Edward awake, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he suddenly smelled a strong coffee smell, which made Lu Shang almost ptsd the coffee!

    When is it, this person is still in heat? !

    Seeing that Lu Shang was really going to be angry, Edward stood up, found some clothes to put on, shook out his wings, tidied them up, and said to Lu Shang, "It's okay, the king of the winged man asked me to bring him something as a Exchange, I will take you to try the delicious food of the Winged Race!"

    Then, Edward said to the light brain: "Venus, stop the fully closed state."

    "Yes, stop the fully closed state." The light brain received the message, Then the enclosed metal in the entire lair began to shrink crazily, and when it shrank to the end, it turned into a ring in Edward's hand like flowing water.

    Lu Shang also has one in his hand, which is the power ring of Prince Edward.

    "This, this thing can be expanded to such a big?" Lu Shang was dumbfounded, and then looked at the power ring on his finger, which was extremely shocking.

    "Yes, the power ring's chip is directly connected to the optical brain." Edward said casually, and opened the door of the lair.

    Then he took Lu Shang, who was still looking at the ring, and walked out together. As soon as he walked out, Edward said to the leader with long blond hair and wings: "Take me to see Bakashi, I will bring him Gift."

    "Yes, honorable guest." The blond winged man took the lead and flew up, Lu Shang refused Edward's question asking him if he wanted to be hugged, although he was indeed not feeling particularly well right now, but Lu Shang still felt that he still had face very important.

    Fortunately, Edward was flying very slowly. The blond winged man in front slowed down when he saw their slow speed. The two followed. Because they were flying relatively low, Lu Shang took a look at the cloud along the way. City.

    The city is actually very big. From the air, the residential area and the market place have obvious differences in architectural styles. Flying over the moat, they saw a city standing quietly on a single blank land of white clouds.

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