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Chapter 103: Low-key "...Is this what you call a low-key stay?"

    Lu Shang was full of question marks, and wanted to ask Edward why he was crazy, so he simply closed his eyes, did not speak, and continued to listen.

    He wanted to hear what Edward was going to say.

    "Little Red Riding Hood met the big bad wolf in the forest... Why can the wolf talk, it's impossible, right, so this is definitely a kind of spiritual confusion, Dudu, if you encounter this kind of thing, you remember, directly on the spot Kill me, don't be fooled by this!" Edward's voice was deep and elegant, and he fluently mixed Nat and Chinese C, although he was a little sneaky lying on the bedside, but it didn't hurt his handsomeness, handsome and silly, he first I briefly talked about "Interstellar Warfare: Terrain", and then started to review "Little Red Riding Hood", teaching Lu Dudu, who was born with the rustic name Lu Hui, how to improve combat vigilance from all aspects of combat.

    During Edward's replay practice, Little Red Riding Hood went to the forest to find her grandma. The whole process was like killing a person in ten steps without leaving a trace!

    Lu Shang closed his eyes and planned to listen calmly. He will return to Earth tomorrow, and he will have to hide from the media and log in quietly to go home. He wants to recharge his batteries and get up early.

    Recently, his stomach is getting bigger and bigger, his feet are a little swollen, and he can't sit for a long time. He has already started to have many symptoms of late pregnancy, which is very uncomfortable.

    Originally, I planned to be calm and not to care about Edward, knowing that he was a bit stupid, and Lu Shang planned to say nothing too much. After all, he secretly said it in the middle of the night, and he always felt a little pitiful...

    Don’t be angry, Lu Shang told himself, Don't be angry, he can go to sleep when he hears nothing serious.

    But this guy, if he doesn't stop himself, he is getting more and more energetic.

    Hearing that Edward has already begun to analyze how to arrange troops in the entire forest if there are a large number of wolf-shaped monsters, how to arrange sentries and guides to be in place, and strangle them most efficiently...

    Edward does not know that the seemingly sleeping princess is enduring and still talking endlessly.

    "The battle in the forest is over, Dudu, did Dad tell you a story called "The Little Mermaid" the day before yesterday? Then today we will use "The Little Mermaid" as a terrain guide to continue talking about if your enemy lives in the water, How can we effectively kill them? This is too simple. The hunting of aquatic organisms is divided into the following categories... I once hunted and killed races that could be invisible by disintegrating them on a planet full of fog. Let me tell you how to use the particle resonance method to kill them, starting with our landing..." What Edward said in a sneaky way made his eyebrows dance, and his son's mental strength moved slightly, obviously listening.

    Lu Shang couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't bear it any longer, his tolerance and love for Edward had reached this point, and his patience was completely exhausted when he described how to choose a sword to strangle monsters, and he could no longer be calm!

    Both father and son didn't notice that Lu Shang, who seemed to be in a deep sleep with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes with bruised veins on his forehead.

    Edward thought something was wrong. The sentinel's five senses were very strong. When he looked up, he saw that the princess was looking at him with her eyes open.

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