2 ¦ Him.

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02:30 AM

It was deadly quiet in the car. No one dared to say the first word... I didn't even dare to breathe. It took a few minutes, a few very LONG minutes, until Jay finally broke the silence.

"Could you at least please explain to us why you haven't come home yet? But instead wandered around here in the park?", Jay asked from the passenger seat.

"I-" "Just be quiet. I don't want to know. Can you both please just shut up until we're home?"

Well, and that's how we ended up driving home without saying any other words. To be honest, it was perfect for me.

You are probably wondering why he was also speaking to Jay in that tone, well that's easy to explain. Sunghoon is very introverted and only shows his feelings to his siblings, okay, and also his closest friends but now in this case when he is angry, he can't control his feelings anymore and answers everyone who gets in his way in this aggressive tone. What you also need to know is that he is not really mad at me, okay maybe a little bit, but mostly he is mad at the thought that something could have happened to me, and he didn't know anything because I didn't tell him.

- - - 

09:00 AM in school

"Sorry HAHAHAHA what??? Can you please tell me that again? You didn't seriously fall asleep in the Central Park at midnight on a fucking Sunday knowing damn well that school starts again the next day and Sunghoon freaked out? HAHAHA sorry but that's too much for a Monday morning."

"Yeah very funny, thank you Vic." Ah, wait, I forgot, you don't know her yet. Meet my best friend, Victoria Vazquez. She's in the same class as me and we've known each other since we were little.

"No, but seriously, only you are able to do stuff like this. So, what did you actually tell him?"

"To whom? Sunghoon? Haha nothing. He didn't want to hear any more from me, we also had to drive home dead quiet in the car and then guess who got to take the bus to school this morning because someone didn' want to wait for me?"

"Well, you deserved that. To be honest, I would have left this morning without you too after what you did." "That's exactly why I usually don't tell you these things, because I know that as soon as my "oh so handsome" brothers come into play, you're always on their side. Anyways how was your W-"

The ringing of the school bell went on.

"Oh, this is our sign, my dear. We need to go into our lessons now. Do you know what our first subject is?" "Yea your favorite..." "OH NO, please tell me we don't have maths now." I just gave her the sorry-but-unfortunately-we-do-look and dragged her with me to our classroom. 

Vic and I were on the way to our classroom, when I suddenly bumped into something, or should I say, bumped into someone. We were kind of under pressure already to get punctual to our classes, as we were running short of time again because we were dawdling too much at our lockers AGAIN and now, I bumped into someone? Why does this always happen to me? 

We both fell to the floor and the books I had been carrying went flying in all directions. I stretched out my hands, trying to soften the crash with the floor.

I was just about to apologize to the person I bumped into when I heard Him speak.

"Can't you watch where you're going??? Damnit, now I'm definitely going to be late for class and it's all because of you and your bloody stupidity and from the looks of it, also because of your lack of visibility." 

Yup that's HIM.

Nishimura Riki. Also known as Ni-Ki.

He was one of my brothers' closest friends, but that didn't apply to me and him.

Out of every person in this fucking school I had to bump into him?

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