31 ¦ Intro : The Invitation

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"You want what?" I couldn't help a short, confused laugh. 

"To teach you how to fight." Ni-ki repeated and I took a step back to put distance between us.

"Why?" My head was buzzing with more than just that one question, but he was the first to blurt it out. 

"Because you definitely can't defend yourself, as seen in your little incident with Lilien." He explained to me and I wasn't sure if he was making fun of me. 

I narrowed my eyes and scowled at him. 

"Thanks, but I can manage on my own." I replied a little bitchily.

"You don't!" He retorted and looked at me meaningfully. Indignantly,I crossed my arms in front of my chest. 

"I won't let you tell me what to do Ni-ki." How does this boy manage to get me so worked up all the time?

Ni-ki said nothing and instead looked at the bruise on my temple. I watched him lift his hand and gently stroke his thumb along my temple, his brow furrowed as he did so. 'Yeah, I don't like the bruise either,' I wanted to say, but Iremained silent. Then he lowered his hand again and looked me in the eye. 

"Why are you so stubborn and don't just listen to me?" He asked.

"Because I don't want to listen to you." Before he could say anything else, I turned and quickly walked out of the room. In the hallway, I saw Vic standing with her back to me, apparently looking around for me. I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to turn around. 

"There you are." She said in surprise. "Sorry, I was in the bathroom." I lied, but she nodded and we walked to our classroom. 

I didn't see Lilien for the whole school day and Amanda had disappeared off the face of the earth too. Honestly, I couldn't care less what happened to either of them. Hopefully Lilien had been suspended, but sadly I doubt it. 

During the break, my mobile phone rang, interrupting Victoria's talking. I looked at my phone, which said 'Sunghoon'. 

"Hello?" I answered my phone and looked at Vic.

"Hello little sister, how are you feeling?" Sunghoon asked me.

"Good." I answered honestly.

"That's nice. I wanted to let you know that unfortunately, neither Jay nor I can take you home after school today like we had planned. Is it all right for you to walk home?" 

I thought it was something bad because you know Sunghoon and I rarely talk on the phone.

"Yeah sure. No problem, I usually walk home when it's not storming or snowing too hard" I said.

"Yeah, but otherwise you're not hurt." I rolled my eyes slightly and Vic raised an eyebrow questioningly. 

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