41 ¦ Under The Influence

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"Let's go up to my room." Yeonjun said and took my hand after we put the dishes in the dishwasher. 

"Actually, I have to go home now. I still have homework to do." I said honestly and looked at him uncertainly. 

"Oh come on, just another half hour." He smiled at me and kissed me briefly on the mouth. I still wasn't quite sure if I should go home or not, but Yeonjun was already pulling me up to his room. 

"But I really have to go in half an hour." I said, thus admitting defeat. We arrived at his room and he closed the door behind us. 

"Of course." Yeonjun and I sat down on his bed, me cross-legged, and he intertwined his fingers with mine. 

"I'm glad to have you." He whispered suddenly, gently stroking my cheek with his hand, which made me smile. Throughout the past week, I had spent a lot of time with Yeonjun and was starting to develop feelings for him. I was sure that I hadn't made a mistake. We had just needed some time together. 

"I'm glad I have you, too." Yeonjun smiled and kissed me on the mouth in response. I returned his kiss as he moved a little closer to me. 

As I wrapped my arms around his neck, he pushed me backwards so that I was lying down and he was above me. I didn't feel bad yet, because we had gotten that far a few times, but I always broke it off then. But then Yeonjun broke away from me and looked at me. 

"Do you think now is the right moment?" He asked me softly and I looked at him a little confused. 

"For what?" I asked back and he stroked his hand along my side. 

"For our first time." I bit my lower lip uncertainly. 

Once again, I was torn. On one hand, I thought it was way too fast to have sex after barely 2 weeks, but on the other hand, I had said no many times before. I didn't want to disappoint him again, but I just wasn't 100% sure. 

"Ehm..." I started and he waited anxiously for my answer. Apparently he saw that I was about to say no, because he kissed me softly on the mouth and then down my chin to my neck. 

"Come on baby... I want you." He looked me in the eye again. 

"Okay." I whispered and a big smile formed on his face. 

"Yes?" He asked again and I nodded. 

He then literally lunged for my lips and I returned his kiss, going through his hair. His hand went under my shirt and I got goosebumps when his cold hand touched my warm belly. He took off my shirt a short time later and threw it on the floor next to the bed. Then he kissed along my chest, down to my belly and he was about to take off my pants as well, when I suddenly heard a noise. I immediately opened my eyes and looked around, 

"Did you hear that?" I asked him as I scanned the room with my eyes. I'm sure the noise came from inside the room, I just couldn't figure out where.

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