14 ¦ Side By Side

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When I finally got home, I dropped onto my bed in my room. Thank God, I made it through today's school day. 

"How was school today?" I turned my head to the door and saw Jay standing in the doorway. Didn't he have practice? 

"Fine." I replied. A/N: That moment when you say good but definitely don't mean it.... 

"Anything new?" I shook my head and smiled a little forcedly. My fake smile has always been the best, I could convince anyone with it. And sometimes that was necessary, because you don't always want to justify something or explain something. 

"Everything's the same..." I assured him. "Okay. Hmm, let me know if you're hungry." With those words, he walked away and I turned back to the window. 

Tuesday 10:00 AM

The rest of the day yesterday passed normally, as I was home all the time. By now I was back at school and my hickey was well covered. 

It was the last 5 minutes of history class and Victoria and I were playing Tic Tac Toe. No one was winning. No wonder, it's the most pointless game in the whole world. Unless you're playing with a first grader, it gets boring after a while because nobody wins. 

"I talked to Heeseung today." She whispered, but looked at the blackboard so the teacher wouldn't see that we were chatting. 

"When?" I whispered back and couldn't help glancing at her. This made me curious, because Victoria rarely found guys she liked. Or rather, guys who met her standards. 

"Before school started." She smiled slightly and started scribbling on the piece of paper. "And what did you talk about?" I asked impatiently.

Why did I have to drag everything out of her? 

"He told me to come to the back of the school to meet him and his friends during yard break." She smiled and now looked back up from her paper, straight into my eyes to see my reaction. "And you're going?" I couldn't help a surprised brow furrow. 

Vic and I usually grumbled about how the "cool" students were behind the school, like they were special and needed to get away from all the normals. Even if they were friends of my brothers and therefore also my friends, I liked to bitch about them with Victoria. Mostly, though, I just bitched about Ni-ki.

"We'll both go." Just as I was about to answer, I was interrupted by the school bell. 

We packed up our things and walked out of the room. I waited until we were out of the classroom before I answered her. "Vic I don't want to come. They smoke behind the school and I hate smoking. You know the smell gives me a headache. You can go if you want." I said as we walked out of the school building.

Actually, I wanted to ask her why she was suddenly acting against her principles, but I didn't want to give her a bad conscience. In a way, I could understand why she wanted to go to her Heeseung. 

"No, I won't let you stand around alone at the yard break. We don't have to stay there long." She looked at me pleadingly. Apart from Vic, I didn't really have any close friends anymore. I got along okay with all of them, but not enough to stand around next to them like a deaf-mute for 20 minutes. 

"Right, because I'm sure you won't be talking to Heeseung for long either." I rolled my eyes. 

"Oh come on Cami. Let's at least have a quick look and besides, your brothers are there and you get along with the other boys more than just fine too, so stop pretending." 

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