25 ¦ One In A Billion

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When I finally woke up from my stupor, I exhaled the held air and looked at Victoria. She was looking at her mobile phone. 

"Vic did you hear what the girls behind us said?" I whispered softly to her so the girls behind us didn't hear me. "No, what?" She looked up at me and put her phone in her backpack. "They said that 'hot Ni-ki from twelfth is dating Lilien." She frowned. 

"I'm sure that's just a rumour.... I mean, Ni-ki's not the relationship type, is he?" Definitely not... I shrugged my shoulders in response. "And even if it's true, no guy lasts long with Lilien, so don't worry." Said Vic. 

"I'm not worried." I said immediately. It just pisses me off that yesterday he told me he liked me and today he's already again with Lilien. "Okay. You can ask him later if it's true." Just as I was about to answer, the class bell rang and I turned to face the front. I'm sure I won't ask him or he'll think I'm interested in him. 

The double lesson dragged on forever and I just couldn't concentrate. All the time I was thinking about Ni-ki and Lilien. I was slowly getting angry with myself because I couldn't think of anything else. When the bell finally rang for break, I almost groaned with relief. But only almost...

Vic and I walked into the schoolyard and who did I see there? Right...Ni-ki. When did he stop standing behind the school? 

I got my answer when Lilien walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Since today, that is. 

When Lilien pressed her lips to Ni-ki's, I couldn't look away. So it was true after all, they were together. He returned her kiss and pulled her closer. Why am I even looking?

As if Ni-ki had sensed my gaze, he opened his eyes and looked straight at me. I must have looked like a nutter standing there watching them kiss. But I didn't manage to look away because Ni-ki's gaze locked on mine while he kissed Lilien and it made me totally furious. I would have loved to go over and slap him. Just to let out my anger. 

"Hey Camila." I finally managed to break my gaze from Ni-ki's and instead looked at Yeonjun, who was now standing next to me. "Hey Yeonjun, how are you?" I asked him, smiling slightly. "Good, I was wondering if you'd come to my party on Friday?" Another party? 

"Why are you having a party?" I asked instead of answering him. "It's my birthday." I looked at him in surprise. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I don't have a present for you at all." 

"Oh no you don't need to give me a present. If you come the present will be enough." I grinned. "Suck up." He laughed lightly. "It's true though. So you'll come?" I glanced again briefly at Lilien and Ni-ki, who by now were no longer eating each other up. 

Ni-ki looked bad in a relationship...Or maybe he just looked bad in a relationship with Lilien?

"You can bring Victoria too." Yeonjun said and I looked back at him. I wouldn't have gone without Victoria anyway. "Okay I'm coming." He smiled at me and I returned his smile. 

I didn't feel like going to a party, but I would put up with a few hours for Yeonjun. "Cool, I'll see you at the party then. It starts at 8pm." He still told me his address, which I wrote in my phone, and then said goodbye to me. 

A few minutes later Victoria came back. "What took you so long? I thought you were just going to throw out your rubbish?" I asked her as she sat down next to me. "I saw Heeseung on the way..." "So, did he say anything?" I asked curiously. 

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