Chapter 11

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Azalea: It is a great present for someone you love because it can express your desire to be with that person. In some cultures, azalea means taking care of yourself and the people around you; associated with the feeling of being homesick. Although beautiful, azalea easily falls off from its stem, even with a slight touch. For this reason, the flower is used to represent a fragile love that can still blossom and turn into a long-lasting relationship

As Yoongi pushed the door open, Dr. Sakuramoto looked up, his eyes widening fractionally in surprise.

"Is everything alright, Min-san?"

Yoongi smiled as he pushed the door shut and stepped forward to take the patient's chair across from the doctor.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you without an appointment but my next date was in two weeks' time and I'm afraid it would have been too late."

Dr. Sakuramoto's brows barely furrowed. "How do you mean?"

"I'm moving back to Korea."


"I just wanted to see you one last time," Yoongi admitted, a little self-conscious, "and thank you for everything you did."

Dr. Sakuramoto leaned forward, planting his arms on the desk and clasped his fingers. "It is only my job."

"But I have to thank you, nonetheless."

"If it makes you feel better," The doctor accepted genially and then added as an afterthought, "You were a good patient too."

Yoongi chuckled.  "That gives me relief."

"If you are moving back now... have you given any thought to how you will proceed with your treatment?"

"Not really." When the doctor's frown deepened, Yoongi confessed, "This was a sudden decision. I find myself in a situation where I have to take care of more than just myself. I have not had the time to think about that."

Dr. Sakuramoto leaned back, humming. Yoongi watched as the doctor's eyes roved all over the ceiling before settling back on him. "It is imperative that you do not discontinue or delay your treatment. I understand that there will be times when you might want to put your own health on the backburner but you must remember that the initial few years are crucial."


Dr. Sakuramoto roughly pulled at his desk's drawer and pulled out a business card before sliding it across the desk to Yoongi. "Dr. Kim is renowned in the field of Hanahaki. It is his specialisation. He has extensively worked on PBD - which you have - in recent years. He is a good colleague and a brilliant scientist. I have run into him at many a conference before. If you would like, I can talk to him for you and ask him to take over your case for me." Yoongi blinked in surprise. "That way you wouldn't have to skip any of the checkups. If he isn't able to directly be involved with your case, his juniors are good enough. They could do it as well and he could supervise."

"I don't want to -"

"Min-san, Dr. Kim Hakyun does not handle celebrity cases anymore so you would need a special recommendation," Dr. Sakuramoto said, his eyes twinkling. 

There were a number of protests on Yoongi's lips but something about the name stopped him. He glanced at the card again. Embossed on a thick, quality paper was Seokjin hyung's brother's name.

The same doctor who had first treated Taehyung.


"Is something the matter?"

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