Chapter 15

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a/n: Today/Yesterday (depending on where you are) was Sakimashita's 7th Year Anniversary. With this, the main storyline ends. Thank you for reading :)

There will be a Part 3. More on that later.

Yoongi is walking back into the main entrance of the resort with his hand in Taehyung's when the hushed whispers around them increase. Taehyung continues to walk as if oblivious but it makes Yoongi look back over his shoulder.

He turns just in time to see Seokjin step out of fellow senior actor Namgil's car.

Taehyung feeling the backward tug of Yoongi's hand looks down where they are joined to back up to his face. Then he looks back as well.

Taehyung offers no comment despite having an inkling of the conclusion Yoongi's mind has jumped to.

Seokjin spots them.

He drags his own luggage refusing the offered help by the resort staff. He takes his sunglasses off when he is closer and hooks it on the top button of his shirt. The concealer around his eyes is unmissed.

"So? No hugs for hyung?" Jin says, teasing as ever, and raises his hands.

"Always good to see you, hyung," Yoongi replies as he embraces him, hooking his chin over his hyung's wide shoulder when Jin leans down a bit.

The hug is as warm as it is light and they let go.

Seokjin turns away partly from Yoongi to give Taehyung a look.

"We may be on a foreign land but there's still something called manners," Seokjin says, his lips wide and mock chiding.

To Yoongi's surprise, Taehyung acquiesces and says amiably,

"Good Morning, hyung."

"That's more like it," Seokjin laughs as he lightly punches Taehyung on the shoulder and then unfolds his glasses and puts them back on. "Now where's Hoba, our most important person? Our groom. I came all the way here for him. Why isn't he here!" he says loudly to no one in particular as he drags the luggage further in with a bunch of flustered staff trailing after him to relieve him of his bag.

Yoongi laughs seeing his hyung's antics.

They watch as Seokjin is ushered away to the wing guests for Hobi's wedding are lodged.

"Want to go back to our room? Are you tired?" Taehyung asks.

Yoongi and Taehyung are sharing the same room. His daughter Minji is currently back in Daegu with her grandmother.

"I'm not that old."

"Okay, Old Man," Taehyung quips.

Yoongi can't sometimes stop comparing himself to old people and his old, waning body so Taehyung has taken up instead to tease him back with names like 'Senior Citizen', 'Senior Cat', 'Uncle', 'Old Man' etc... A lot of times he uses it to flirt with Yoongi saying how he's into older men and other times he teases and pesters Yoongi. Though they make Yoongi whine and complain and pout, he enjoys them.

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