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Happy New Year

Yoongi can feel Jimin's eyes on him. He sighs.

"Jimin-ah, can you pass me the mangoes?"

"Yes, hyung." He passes the carton on the table. "I am sure you will like them. Wait, actually-", he abruptly gets off the chair, picks some of the mangoes in the carton and heads to the kitchen. Yoongi quickly refreshes Naver's site and turns the screen around when Jimin comes back. He has salt and chilli powder in a bowl too. "So, they told me that it is good to slice and dip it in this powder mix and have."

"Right." Yoongi puts the phone aside and picks up a knife from the holder kept on the table and starts slicing the washed fruits.



The doorbell rings just then and Yoongi quickly drops them on a plate and rushes to the door. It is just the postman. He sighs again, signs for his letter and goes back in.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

"Huh?" He glances up from reading the contents of the letter. "No."

"You keep checking your phone. You almost ran to the door."

"There's no one," he mumbles and sits on his chair.

"Joonie hyung told me."

"Ahh, you gossipmongers."

"So quit lying. After all these years, you shouldn't even think of trying." Yoongi rolls his eyes. Should he tell him about Taehyung? There is no reason to hide from Jimin except that Taehyung hasn't shown up since that day and yes, he did check the news after a week had passed. Finally went through Taehyung's tags. He is stuck on a shoot he can surmise but still. It feels too early to say. Also, it is Taehyung. Yoongi looks at Jimin who is looking at him worriedly and then dips his mango slice in the powder mix and eats it. It is nice indeed. The mango isn't ripe. It is both soft and hard enough to make it a good combo. "Are you with Kihyun hyung again?"

"What?" He stops chewing. "No."

"Okay." Jimin shrugs. "You'll tell me." Yoongi raises his eyebrow. "You always do. In your time." He finally begins eating his share. "It is good, isn't it? My fans are the best."

"Sure," Yoongi chuckles. He looks at the doorway and thinks what if Taehyung turned up now?

"If you want me to leave, I can."

Yoongi looks at his dongsaeng. "Sorry. No. It-"

"We can always meet elsewhere."

"No, Jimin-ah. You're always welcome here. I know how much you're stressed from work. It doesn't matter who else comes," Yoongi says reassuringly, "this place is always open to you. Whenever."

Jimin looks down at the bowl, shyly. "Thank you, hyung. Since you came back, I have had a place to wind down."

"That's good."

They slice up some more mangoes.



"Is Jin hyung really getting divorced?"


"Why now?"

Yoongi pauses and looks at the dancer. "What do you mean?"

"He waited all these years to get married to her."

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