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Draco's troubles did not end that night

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Draco's troubles did not end that night. Before even breakfast the following day a crowd had once again formed in the common room. They all stood surrounding the large fireplace. Peeking from behind the curtains leading to their dorms, Aster could spot two figures in the centre of it all sitting on the armchairs opposing each other.

She had come to know the name of the girl occupying one of the chairs, the same one where she first saw her. Kolthida Vanna. The current reigning Slytherin Queen for two years in a row after winning the seat from the previous King in her fifth year. And actual muggle royalty through her half-blood father. It seemed fitting.

The Queen sat poised, leaning on the backrest, hands folded on her lap. She held the familiar polite smile on her lips but the irritation in her eyes was unmistakable.

Draco held himself as well as an eleven-year-old boy could on the other chair. Though he looked back head-on, one could see the clear deference in the tilt of his chin. He wasn't that lost of a cause, apparently.

Vanna let out a sigh as she monotonously tapped her finger. "It was only a matter of time before a recreant lets themselves out." She spoke with a faint nasal accent.

"It wouldn't be such a big issue," she continued. "You're first years after all."

Her voice was stable but it reached all over the room. "But you are Slytherins."

Vanna's eyes zeroed in on Draco's nose as if imagining what happened to it last night. "I would have made an example out of you, but it seems it's already been dealt with. I believe in letting out your frustrations, but unsanctioned duels are not something you can get away with under my rule. Couple that with attacking a fellow housemate unaware is simply cowardice."

The fair boy sat frozen, eyes long looking down.

"If you expected to come into this house lording your name over everyone then you are mistaken. Everyone here comes from long lines of nobility, to stake a claim over another's heirship through improper channels is a great insult if not borderline illegal."

Vanna looked around again until she spotted Aster leaning by the curtains. "Seeing as the other party from last night's incident already made her statement and can clearly handle herself, let this be your only warning. And the same goes for the rest of you."

The Queen nodded with finality before making an exit, dismissing her audience.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Breakfast at the Slytherin table was a nonchalant affair, all was going the way it should. Well, from an outsider's view.

Though not far from the truth for those unconcerned, to a select few it was anything but.

Whatever standing Draco had built for himself in his time was in tatters as he sat in the lower ranks of the table, his glare had lost most of its fight.

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