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Rumour and gossip always found a way to make their rounds and not even the Slytherin common room could be free from it. Especially not the Slytherins.

The merry energy from the Samhain celebrations carried on for several days, making them immune to everyone's frenzied energy that made speculations jump off the walls. The Chamber of Secrets and the Heir was all anyone could talk about.

To Aster's pleasant surprise and satisfaction, most of them didn't even think to suspect her. That was how much they trusted her. With how much she had built her relations over the past months, she'd been glad her and her court's efforts had paid off. Of course, there were still those she hadn't touched and was still very much stuck to their prejudice, but she won't worry her pretty little head over them.

History of Magic seemed to where it all boiled over.

Granger from Gryffindor had the spirit to change the topic to the bloody message, making Professor Corbyn pause on lecture.

"Is that why no one from your House has been paying attention during my class today?" She crossed her arms.

The Slytherins on the other side of the room suppressed chuckles.

She stood in the middle of the room, straight as ever, tapping her wand. "Hogwarts was built well over a thousand years ago, if you all can remember." Professor Corbyn smiled sardonically.

"Four Houses for the Four Founders, the greatest sorcerers of their time. They built this school not just for young witches and wizards to learn magic, but to protect them as well. The fall of the Roman Empire brought more than just a new era of rule. The dark ages is exactly how they called it. It was a time of ignorance and ignorance brought fear of the unknown."

"Muggles, overcome by that fear began to hunt those who showed any signs of being different. Thus began the witch hunts. I hope you're all familiar with that, at least." She raised a perfectly manicured blonde brow. "Hogwarts became a refuge for us magic users, but Salazar Slytherin was more careful than most."

Those under his House sat up a bit straighter, making the Professor show a hint of a smile.

"More and more wizards came under attack by muggles, and yes we have our magic, but not everyone is as strong especially if overcome by mobs. Slytherin thought it best to keep magic to those who already knew it and not endanger those within by taking in muggleborns. He thought they were a safety risk."

She left no time for someone to interrupt her as she kept walking around the room as she spoke, keeping the whole class's attention as she always did.

"The legend says that before he left after the disagreement, he left a creature within these walls that would protect us and only the Heir can have it under control. The Chamber itself has been sealed since his departure and can only be opened upon the Heir's return."

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Days upon days and the Chamber was finally at the back of everyone's minds. Quidditch took the forefront in the halls that resembled a battle field more with the amount of spells bouncing on wands and walls.

House rivalries don't spike up quite as much than during matches, especially when it's Slytherin versus Gryffindor.

Aster liked quidditch as much as she found anything entertaining, thought it can get quite boring whenever the players get out of sight with how uncaged the match grounds were. Sure, brooms made the gameplay a bit more competitive but sometimes she wondered how'd they fare on even soil and play like regular football. Now that was exciting. Just imagine the fouls she could see.

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