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Aster didn't know how it went down, whether Draco started it with a bribe or a threat

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Aster didn't know how it went down, whether Draco started it with a bribe or a threat. Or maybe they came forward first, trying to curry favour with the House of Malfoy. No matter, they were insignificant either way if they could sully their name by challenging a mere first year. But Aster knows an act of insurgence when she sees it. He was trying to topple her standing by letting someone else do it for him. Cowardly, but if the end overrides the means.

The House of Donovan was nothing worthy of mention and neither was this scion. He was nothing but a bootlicker of the reigning court. As if he'd gain anything challenging her. Nevertheless, the Queen had given her permission for a duel.

And that was how Aster found herself, a few days back after the holiday break, in the middle of a duelling circle in one of the underground dungeon's chambers. Her own court stood to the side in quiet support, keeping their masks cool and unbothered. But even as she stood waiting for the signal, her eyes can spot the subtle taps of Theo's left foot, Blaise's brows were just a bit too focused, and she can bet Daphne's hands behind her back were in a tight grip. It was quite endearing.

They had a bigger audience compared to her fight with Draco

The rules were simple. No killing, no maiming. Which with the advancements in their healing really meant nearly anything was fair game.

Selwyn, one of Vanna's court, stood as the referee.

Donovan was a third year if she remembered correctly. She took note of that to equate any possible spells he might have in his repertoire, and extra if he did his own reading.

The two stood a foot away from each other, their comical height difference bringing a few chuckles to the onlookers. They turned their backs and took ten steps before facing each other again. Neither bothered to bow.

A bang came from Selwyn's wand and they began.

Aster had to give Donovan credit. The boy was quick to jump, immediately making the first move sending a 'Reducto!' at her feet forcing her to move back and avoid the ashes. He was good enough to know the Fourth Year curriculum and able to perform it at least. She'll give him the favour of stepping up.

When the remnants blew away and revealed her untouched, Donovan only seemed all the more focused on defeating her and back he sent countless reductor curses making her dance on her feet. The crowd looked disgruntled as if already knowing the end of her defeat. That was until they heard it grow louder. The blasting sounds had covered it at first but it was undeniable now. Aster Potter was laughing.

Donovan paused his spellfire, stance still cautious and wand arm raised. The Potter girl stood in the centre of the chaos, giggling.

"Oh, don't stop now," she smiled at him.

Fury took over his features as if she had humiliated him when she didn't even send back a single spell. He wasn't gaining anything more from his bargain. Deciding to end it now, he sent a disarming spell her way.

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