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The moment Aster stepped within the boundaries of Black Castle for the holiday break, she didn't hold back from running from her grandfather's grasp and out onto the open fields and gardens with a shriek of delight, leaving behind a startled Arcturus along with her trunk. The old man stared at her figure getting farther with a shake of his head and a fond smile.

She had been well-behaved when he went to pick her up from the platform, if not a little energetic. And now that she was back home there was nothing holding back the little monster.

There was nothing quite like the embrace of family magic in homelands. The soothing hum in the air, her lungs breathing it all in, the concentrated magic danced all around her welcoming her back.

Not bothering to change out of her casual day robes other than to kick off her shoes and lace socks, Aster sprinted towards the forest.

Grandfather knew well enough she'd be back in time for lunch.

No matter the grand time she had prancing in the halls of Hogwarts, nothing felt quite like her bare feet connecting with the untrodden snow. She strode the familiar paths, the late morning sun managing to dapple through the high branches.

It was a sight to behold, snow hanging on every branch, delicate crystalline structures dangled overhead, a magical tune tinkling through with every wind that passed by.

Even with closed eyes, she managed to find her familiar haunts. The same willow tree she sat under, the clearing of unicorns who greeted her with much enthusiasm, and the waterfall.

It was there that she finally let it all free.

Her magic that was so tightly wound, too controlled for her tiny body. The familiar ribbons of red full of warmth, freely winding all around, going wild. Heat rushed all over, the wind blew all over, a flurry of snow rose around her. Aster fell on her back, onto the cushioned snow, and settled in the atmosphere.

Taking slow, deep breaths she centred herself. The rushing waters and the snow all around her brought a balance to her fiery magic.

The Forbidden Forest could not compare. It was too unfamiliar, nothing about it made her feel like she can settle roots there. Its centuries of history unbelonging to her. Maybe it was why she had not ventured out as much as she thought she would.

But she could care less about it now. She was home.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

It had been another successful dayslong celebration of Yule, and the residents of Black Castle were each attending to their own business. Aster was sprawled on the floor of Grandfather's study, surrounded by scrolls, the sounds of quill to parchment filled the room.

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