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"Ah, I'm afraid simple healing charms wouldn't do," Aster nonchalantly mentioned. "Best bring him to Professor Snape."

It goes without question that inner House matters don't simply pass by their Head of House. Awfully convenient for such a macabre crowd to have someone initiated in their ways and did not question such level of challenge. Being a potions master certainly helps, in more ways than one.

A few helpful hands carried Jasver Donovan's spasming body towards a well hidden passage that gave them a faster route to the professor's office.

Aster made her way down the throne, towards her awaiting court.

Theo, Daphne, and Blaise, poise ingrained to their body, could barely hold back themselves from buzzing towards her as well. Gleaming smiles shone towards her despite her display from earlier, if anything they looked satisfied.

As soon as they met in the middle, Blaise got on his knee and bowed his head. "Long live the Queen."

Theo followed suit, getting on his knee as well with Daphne falling into a low curtsy, her knee near brushing the ground. "Long live the Queen."

Aster returned their smile with a sharp one of her own, like a snake bearing its fangs.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Severus tried not to question much what went on in his own house. He really tries. Gods knows what they could be up to. Surely it couldn't be anything worse than when he was in their shoes.

Yet when he tried to question those who carried in Mr. Donovan who was catatonic what on earth happened to him, even they couldn't answer. He couldn't comprehend how they made the trek when even they seemed to be in shock.

Nevertheless, he did his job, like any other day.

Except for the fact his patient was near drained of his magic stores. And how did a snake bite get into his hand? He dreaded to know if they were to start pulling pranks. A shudder goes through him.

Donovan would probably miss a week's worth of classes just to replenish his magic. Not with how he was pushing his magic. Even then he was lucky because of it. Had he been any fuller and the venom would have spread faster, and he made it here with enough time to spare. Whoever did it knew what they were doing

He'd have to be brought to the Hospital Wing come morning.

And morning did come. Poppy never asked much questions when it came to Severus, knowing full well in the years he'd taught the propensity of his subject and the innate stupidity that came with being teenagers. Even if classes were yet to start.

Severus's eyes roved the Slytherin table. They were lesser in number compared to other houses, but he could tell nearly all of them were present, unlike the other tables where there were empty spaces.

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