Chapter 2

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(Dipper pov)

I groan in pain, my head feeling like it was going to explode. My eyes slowly peel open, the white walls and bright lights feeling like they were trying to blind me. Feeling bandages around my face I reach up to take them off, needing to know how bad the damage was, but a hand pushes my hands down. Looking to my right I see James, one of the few friends I made during my deployment.

"Don't. Doctor said those need to stay on for a few weeks still."

"This isn't a triage tent."

"No, we're back in the states. Specifically your home state town."

"What happened?"

"A grenade went off. No idea how it got that far into the village or who gave it to that kid. You were really close to it, the doctor said that you were lucky not to be completely blown up with how close you were."

"What about the kids and other villagers? Were they hurt?"

"No. You pushed them far enough away that no one but you was hurt."

I let out a sigh of relief. "I'll just have to be more careful for next time."

"Next time?"

"When I sign up for another tour." He sighs looking down at his hands. James has never been good at hiding what he's feeling. I can tell that he is deeply upset about something. "James? What's going on? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, it's not you. Just.....fuck.....why did I have to be the one to tell you this......"

"Tell me what?"

"You won't be allowed to do another tour."

"What? But why not? Even with the injury, I can go through physical therapy and-"

"Dipper, just listen. That grenade, it burned the whole right side of your face. Mostly around your right eye. It was so bad that they almost had to take the eye out in order to save your life. When those bandages come off, you will forever be scarred and half blind. No hope in ever seeing out of that eye. No matter what you argue, the army will say you are medically unfit to go back in combat ever. They will send a formal letter, but you are given honorable discharge on account of your sacrafice."

"......I......what am I supposed to do now......."

"My best advice? Go out and live your life. Spend the time you have left with your family and friends, people who love and care about you."

"I was supposed to save lives......"

"And you did that. Now go do anything else. You have been given the chance to spend the rest of your days with people who have your back no matter what. Most people deployed never get that chance. Don't waste it."

He pats my shoulder as he gets up and leaves. A doctor soon walks in.

"You'll need to be here for about a month for observation and for the wound to properly heal. But if you would like, we can send in the two visitors of yours that have been waiting-"

"No!" I see my outbursts startles him but I currently don't care. "No visitors. I don't want to see anyone and you legally can't tell them about this."

"......Understood." He walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. I look up at the ceiling, struggling with every bone in my body to not just break down in tears right there and then.


1 month later

I pull on the rest of my clothes and my worn sneakers. I pick up the bag of antibiotics and bandages that the doctor gave me before I walk out of the room. I make it to the waiting room and with horror I see Mabel there. She stands up and rushes over to me trying to hug me but I just push her off of me.

"I told them I didn't want any visitors and was walking home myself. I didn't want them to call you."

"Dipper, they didn't call me. I have been coming every day for the last month on the hope that you would finally let me or Bill see you." She reaches for the bandages on my face but I just angrily swat her hand away.

"I don't need your fucking pity, Mabel."

"Nothing I do is out of pity. Dipper, what is-"

"Just fucking forget it. Let's just get home already."

"Yeah.....right this way."

I follow her out of the hospital and into her car. I remain silent, looking out the window watching the town pass by as she turns the radio off.

"Bill was worried too, you know. He would sit with me everyday when he was done with work. He's coming over later today when he gets out of work to see you. I figured the three of us could have a movie night and-"


"No? What do you mean no?"

"I mean no Bill. I don't want him coming over. Not now, not ever again."

"What? But, Dipper, he's like your best friend."

"Not anymore."

"Did something happen between the two of you that no one told me about."

"It's none of your concern. I didn't want you to come to the hospital but you did anyway. Just this one damn time respect my wish that I won't want him to come around."


We pull up to the shack and both get out of the car. She leads me up to the attic, opening the door. I step in, her half of the room being empty.

"I moved into Ford's old room and he moved into the basement. Figured you would want the room to yourself. I'll let you get settled in. I am here if you need to talk about anything."

She walks out leaving the door open. I go over to it, shutting and locking the door.

I open the closet, looking at the mirror on the closet door. I take the bandages off my face as I finally look at what happened to me.

The whole right side of my face is covered in burn scars now, my right eye completely white. All vision from that eye is completely gone.

I take out new bandages from my bag and wrap them over my eye. I can't hide the burns but I can at least hide the eye.

Shutting the closet door, I go to the center of the room and lay on my back. Looking up at the ceiling I feel myself finally break down in tears at my miserable situation.

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