Chapter 4

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(Dipper pov)

We sit in a booth at the diner, silence hanging over us heavy and thick. We used to be able to just be in silence like it was nothing. Now it feels suffocating.

Why did he have to be at the store and see me having a panic attack like that? I thought that if I just ignored him then he would take the hint and go away. Instead I run into him the first time I leave the house, and to make matters worse he even ended up paying for all of my groceries. I don't even know how the hell I got talked into having lunch with him.

I look down at my hands on the table, silently tracing the grooves of the wooden table.

".....I've been calling you. For three months."

"I know....."

"I tried to visit. But Mable said you weren't up for visitors. That you were still recovering. Yet here you are, walking around fine."

"I told her to tell you that."

"Why? Why would you ignore me and have your own sister lie to me? For three fucking months?"

"I didn't want you of all people to see me like this."

"Why? Did you think I would judge you?"

"No, of course not."

"Then why?"

"Because I know that you would try to make me feel better. But nothing anyone says could make any of this better."

"So what was your plan? Just live in your room forever, drowing in your own feelings?"

"Kinda of...."

"Pinetree, how long have we been friends?"

"Since freshman year...."

"Exactly. No more pulling this bullshit. No hiding and lying to me. You are my best friend. If you want me to leave you alone then just tell me so and I will back off. Just don't ignore me hoping I get the message. And don't shut me out. I only want to help. And if that means sitting around as I hear you complain, or just us sitting in a diner in an awkward silence then so fucking be it."

".......I missed this.....missed your stupid pep talks.....I missed you."

"Then don't shut me out like that again. Understood?"

"Yes sir." I give him a mock salute. He laughs before lightly kicking me under the table.

"Shut up, smart ass."

"Then make me."

"Maybe later. Been meaning to ask, what are your plans now that you're back for good? Any college plans lined up?"

"Not yet. I haven't really thought of anything. Just been kinda dealing with the loss of everything."

"Well there's no rush. Not like anything is going anywhere anytime soon."

"I don't know. Saving lives was all that I ever wanted to do and now...." My hand grabs at the triangle necklace without really thinking about it.

" really still wear yours?" It takes me a minute to realize that he's talking about the necklace.

"Of course I do. You gave it to me."

"I also gave you a hoodie a few years ago and you never wear it."

"It was a sweater and that thing is just too fucking ugly."

"It's an ugly christmas sweater."

"Unless we run into some ungle christmas sweater contest, then I am never wearing that thing."

"Your loss."

"Do you still wear yours? Necklace I mean."

He pulls it out from the collar of his shirt. "All the time. Because unlike you, I wear everything you give me. Regardless of how ugly it potentially could be."

"Oh shut up." I reach for my water on the table but accidently knock it over and hear it shatter on the floor. I mentally kick myself for that. Why the hell did I put the water on my blindside? "Shit."

"Calm down, it's not that big of a deal." He gets some napkins and works on cleaning it up. I grab some napkins and kneel down to help him.

I hiss in pain as I hold my hand, realizing that I had just set my hand down on a bigger piece of glass. I can see the glass sticking out of my palm as blood trickles down my hand.

"Fucking fuck...." I mutter under my breath, angry at myself.

"Oh shit. Come on, I have some stuff in my car we can use to fix that up."

He helps me to my feet before he tosses some cash on the table and leads me out of there.

We get into his car, him searching for something as I just try not to bleed all over the place.

He finally finds a first aid kit in the glove compartment. He opens it and gently grabs my wrist, turning it over so he can see my hand.

Grabbing some tweezers from the kit he uses them to gently remove the glass. I wince slightly as its taken out and wince again as he cleans the cut with some alchol wipes.

"Almost done." He grabs some gauze bandages and wraps them securely around my hand. He brings my hand closer to him and I feel heat rise to my cheeks as he plants a soft kiss on my palm before letting go of me. "There. Good as new."

I look down at my hand, confused for a few moments, before I look back at him again. "Why the hell did you kiss my hand?"

"Because kissing the injury always makes it heal faster, duh."

"What kind of logic is that?"

"Why else would parents always kiss their children's injuries? It's obviously because it makes it heal better."

"I honestly can't tell if you're being funny or just that much of a dumbass. That isn't how the human body works."

"Whatever. Either way you should be fine."

"It will leave a scar."

"So what? Scars are kind of cool I think. Besides, if you really are that insecure about it you could start rocking some gloves or something."


"Like black fingerless leather ones. Maybe get a motorcycle to go with them. Become a complete badass."

"Not in a million years."

"Your loss. Either way, lets get you back home."

He starts up the car and I watch through the window as he pulls away from the diner.

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