Chapter 7

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(Dipper pov)

I groan feeling someone shaking my shoulder. "Leave me alone...."

"Pinetree, get your ass up. Right now."

I slowly peel my eyes open looking up at Bill standing over me. "What is it?"

"You have to get up and get breakfast."

"Just let me sleep. It's too early."

"It's 11:55. It barely counts as morning anymore. Get up."

"No." Without warning he yanks the blanket off me and lets it drop to the floor. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

"I don't know what Mabel has been doing with you for the last three months, but your days of laying in here in the dark like a vampire are over. You are getting out of bed, eating breakfast and doing something that involves you going outside."

"All of that sounds like literal torture."

"It's not torture, you drama queen. It's tough love, now come on."

"No." I roll over so I'm facing the wall.

"Well you can't say I didn't warn you."

Bill grabs me by the arm, suddenly throwing me over his shoulder. I kick as I struggle to get out of his grip as he carries me out of the room and downstairs.

"Bill! Put me down right now!"

"No. You can kick and throw a tantrum as much as you want, but that doesn't change anything."

He sets me in a chair at the table. "I'm going back to bed." I go to get up but he grabs me by the shoulder forcing me to sit back in the chair again. "Ow."

"You are not getting out of that chair until you eat something. And even then you are not going back to bed."

"Fine, you big jerkwad." He goes to the fridge getting out a pizza box from the night before. "Pizza? In the morning?"

"It's almost lunchtime anyway. You really need to stop sleeping in for like half the day." He takes out a slice and puts it on a plate. He puts the plate in the microwave pushing the right time before putting the box of pizza back in the fridge.

"You know that no one asked you to stick around all day."

"That is where you are wrong."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Mabel actually asked if I could help get you out of bed and actually doing something besides just sleeping in all day."

"What I do all day isn't any of her business or your business."

"Dipper, you wallowing in your room all day isn't healthy. You're acting like a moody teenager." The microwave beeps signaling the food was done. He takes the plate out and sets it in front of me.

"I'm not-"

"You try to say that you aren't hungry and I swear I will shove that pizza down your throat. Now just eat it."

"You realize that you are very bossy."

"Only when I need to be. Now eat it."

I pick up the slice of pizza as I start eating it. "So what exactly am I supposed to do if you won't let me just go back to my room and go back to sleep?"

"Well Mabel was talking about lighting fireworks tonight. I figured we could walk around in the forest until it got dark enough for her to set up."

"I'm not dressed to be going outside."

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