Chapter 5

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(Dipper pov)

He pulls and parks outside of the Mystery Shack. Bill turns the car off before turning to me. "Well, here you are. Back at home sweet home."

" you want to come in? Maybe stay the night? Just like old times."

"Pinetree, I would like to do nothing more than stay here just like old times." He reaches over ruffling my hair before pulling the keys out of his ignition. I sigh as I run a hand through my hair trying to fix it.

"I have told you a million times not to do that. My hair is already difficult enough to deal with, without you messing it up and making it worse."

"Just because you tell me it, doesn't mean that I'm going to listen. You should know that about me by now."

"You know that you severely suck sometimes."

"Maybe, but you love me for it."

"I tolerate you."

"Call it whatever you like."

I roll my eyes as I get out of the car. Bill gets out and follows me into the Mystery Shack. I open the door, seeing Mabel finishing up with a customer in the gift shop.

The minute Mabel sees Bill, she squeals loudly before running over and hugging him. I roll my eyes slightly, shoving my hands in my pockets. Bill laughs as he hugs her back.

"It is amazing to see you too, Shooting Star."

"It has been way too fucking long, Bill." They finally pull apart. "I see you finally managed to find Dipper outside of his cave upstairs."

"Mabel." I hiss slightly. "It is not a fucking cave and you know it."

"You never come out of it. It's like your version of the batcave."

"Shut up." Bill starts laughing at our arguing, earning a glare from me. "You shut up too."

"I'm sorry, Pinetree. But you guys squabbling like children is just hilarious."

"Oh go shove it."

I make my way upstairs, Bill following me up. I open my door, flicking on the light switch for the first time in months. It's weird seeing the room lit up. I numbly kick one of the many piles of clothes out of the way as I walk into the room before turning to Bill, gesturing to the whole room.

"This is it. As Mabel says, my more sad and pathetic version of the batcave."

"She didn't use those exact words."

"She didn't have to." I sit on my bed, fidgeting with my pocket knife in my hand. Bill comes over sitting next to me.

"The knife is new."

"My Sergeant gave it to me. Last time I came to visit Mabel. He knows I'm not physically strong, so he figured I could use a little extra protection. Just in case of emergencies you know."

"I think I kind of get it."

"......I think something is wrong with me."

"What do you mean?"

"Earlier today, Mabel jumped on me to wake me up. She's done that my whole life, because that's just how she is. But this time I didn't register why I felt this weight on me, didn't think it just being her. I didn't even think, it was just like an instict. I just threw her off and already had the knife open and pointed at her."

"You came home from a battlefield after nearly losing your life. It makes sense that instincts like that are still going to be in your system."

"I don't think I like these instincts though....."

".....if you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened?"

"......I had just read a letter Mabel sent me. I looked up and saw a little girl holding a grenade, the pin gone. I have no idea where she got it. I instantly ran over, knocking it out of her hands. I kicked it away while trying to get her to safety, but it went off. The explosion knocked me back and....I heard yelling, shots being fired.....All I could see was red...." My hand reaches up rubbing the bandages over my eye. "Woke up in the hospital, being told I could never go back to doing the one thing I wanted. The one thing that made me feel useful."

He gently takes my other hand in his. "Why did you not let me come see you in the hospital? Or not let me see you once you were back home?"

"Because I was scared...."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared that you wouldn't look at me the same way anymore."


"You are my best friend. I already had Mabel, Stan and Ford looking at me with nothing but pity. I already look at myself with self-loathing. I couldn't stand to see you look at me any differently."

" remember in high school, when the drama department did the play that was based on that graphic novel? What was it called again?"

"Fun Home."

"Yeah, that's the one."

"What about it?"

"Well I know just the way to cheer you up."


He picks up my phone typing something. He sets it down as a familiar song starts playing. I smile softly hearing him singing it.

"Someone just came in the door.
Like no one I ever saw before.
I feel...
I feel...

I don't know where you came from.
I wish I did,
I feel so dumb.
I feel...

Your swagger and your bearing and

he just right clothes you're wearing
Your short hair and your dungarees
And your lace up boots.

And your keys, oh!

Your ring of keys.

I thought it was s'pposed to be wrong

But you seem okay with being strong
You're so...

It's probably conceited to say,

But I think we're alike in a certain way

Your swagger and your bearing and

the just right clothes you're wearing
Your short hair and your dungarees
And your lace up boots.

And your keys, oh!

Your ring of keys.

Do you feel my heart saying hi?

In this whole luncheonette
Why am I the only one who
sees you're beautiful?

No, I mean...


Your swagger and your bearing and

the just right clothes you're wearing
Your short hair and your dungarees
And your lace up boots.

And your keys, oh!

Your ring of keys.

I know you!

I know you.

I know you."

He puts his arm around me, pulling me closer. I close my eyes as I lean into the embrace.

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