Chapter 8

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(Dipper pov)

I sit in my room, leaning back in my desk chair as I focus on my compuer game. I hear the door open behind me but don't turn around already knowing it's going to be one of two people.

"Pinetree, it's been three days."

"I told you that I am not letting you drag me out of this room again."

"I got that message when you bit me yesterday."

"Then just go away and leave me alone."

I hear him walk over and feel him looking over my shoulder at my computer screen. ".....Are you seriously locking yourself in here just to play Wizard 101?"

"No.....I play other games, I just really like this one more....."

"You know that game is like super fucking old right? And the graphics aren't even that good. You also need to spend money to advance through certain parts of the game."

"I know. That is why I am using one of Stan's old credit cards."

"I don't see a credit card near you."

"I memorized the numbers on it a long time ago."

"So you have been using the old man's card to play a game that drains bank accounts, and is made mainly for children under the age of 13?"

"Just shut up and go away. Leave me along to just play my game."

"How about no?" He reaches over shutting my laptop.

"Hey. I was in the middle of a battle with that dark fairy."

"That is enough of being locked in your room and just playing on your computer. You are leaving this room and going out to do something."

"No. Not after what happened last time."

"Alrgith, I will admit that the thing with the fireworks probably wasn't the best idea. But I didn't know you were going to have that reaction or else I wouldn't have done it."

"I know that, Bill, and I'm not mad at you over it. I don't hold a grudge about it so don't worry. But I'm not leaving this room."

"Fine. Have it your way." He grabs the back of the chair pulling me away from the desk and across the room.

"Bill, what the hell are you doing?"

"Well you won't leave the room on your own free will so I am giving you a simple choice." He pulls me out into the hall and wheels me so I'm facing the stairs.

"Bill, don't even think about it."

"It's simple, Pinetree. You have two very very clear choices. I will tilt this chair, forcing you out of it and forcing you to tumble down the stairs. Or you stand up, march your sorry ass downstairs and we go out and find something to do like normal people. So which would you prefer."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh really?"

I feel the chair start tilting forward. I quickly stand up to afford getting sent down the stairs. "Alright alright! I'll walk." I turn to him, glaring at him slightly as he just keeps smirking down at me. "You know, I really hate you sometimes, Cipher."

"I know. But at least it's only sometimes." He pulls my hat down on my head and heads downstairs. I groan annoyed as I push my hat back up on my head slightly. "And don't even think of trying to go back to your room or I'll throw you down the stairs for real this time."

"I wasn't." I call back to him as I head downstairs. He already has his hoodie and shoes on when he tosses me my jacket.

I pull my jacket on and grab my shoes pulling them on. He opens the door and I walk out, him following.

He goes over to the car holding the passenger door open for me. I sigh slightly before I get in the car. I buckle up as he shuts the door and goes over to the driver's side. He buckles up before he starts the car, the radio blasting his annoying music loudly. I reach over turning it way down as he backs out of the parking space and drives down the road leading back to town.

"Where exactly do you plan on us going, Bill?"

"Into town."

"I can obviously see that, smart ass."

"My ass is very smart, thank you." I groan before punching his shoulder. "Ow. Don't punch me while I'm driving."

"Then don't be an idiot. Although that must be very hard for you."

"Ouch. That just stings."

"Now, I know that we are obviously heading into town. But why?"

"To spend the day doing things that normal people do."

"Like what?"

"You'll see."

"You know, acting all mysterious might work for some people, but it is just plain annoying when you do it."

"Shut up."

I stare out the window as he drives through town. I look up as he pulls into the mall parking lot and pulls into a handicapped space.

"Bill, you can't park here. It's for handicapped people."

"Well I can with this." He reaches over to the glove capartment opening it. He pulls out a handicap placard. I take it from him, realizing that my name is on it.

"Why does this have my name on it?"

"Because it's something I got for you. In case you ever want to start driving again, this way you have easy parking."

"Why would you think this is a good idea."

"Because you are handicapped? Is this a trick question?"

"But.....I can't drive. Not with my eye being fucked like this."

He shrugs. "I don't know. I thought that maybe if you wanted to, you could learn how to drive even with your eye being fucked. Your words, not mine."

"I don't know, Bill....."

"Look, you don't have to learn how to drive or ever use the placard. If you don't want it then I'll just keep using it in the meantime until the thing expires. Either way it isn't a big deal."

" long have you been using this thing illegally?"

He gives a small shrug. "I don't know, a few weeks maybe. It makes parking easier. Now come on, lets go."

I get out of the car shutting the door as he locks the car. He pockets his keys before he grabs my wrist pulling me into the mall.

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