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(A/N: Hi and welcome. Merry Christmas, and I hope you enjoy the present that is this story. Thank you for reading this story and I hope you enjoy it. XxD)


Perhaps, no matter how ridiculous, Elodie Pevensie has known since birth that she was different to her siblings. Even to Edmund, who from any outside perspective seemed to be the oddball, Elodie was different. Though she was Peter's twin and one of the eldest at the ripe age of 13, she was still younger than him. And no matter how different she was, her big brother would never leave his siblings behind. He'd never leave anyone behind. That's just how he was.

Elodie was the complete opposite.

She wasn't different in a bad way as you may think. Firstly, she looked nothing like her twin. If you were to look at them, you'd say she was more likely to be Edmund's twin or Susan's with her dark hair and blue eyes as opposed to Peter's sandy blonde locks and green irises. And secondly, she'd give anything, perhaps even her own life to be free of this wretched war and escape to the fantastical lands she read about in books. She'd give anything to be flying with fairies and dragons or swimming with mermaids or galloping along the plains with the centaurs. She wished for it all. She wished, she prayed, she begged to be anywhere else than where she was. Motherless, and living in the house of a strange professor that was a tiringly long way from their house in Finchley. A house that had been bombed to smithereens and the reason why their mother was forced to send them away in the first place. And Elodie honestly couldn't say whether her mother would miss her or not. Especially after her father died, she buried herself in the books she read and the few she managed to take with her were precious. They were his. He was always the one that encouraged her love of reading. But being away from their mother and the second eldest sibling, she was reduced to being a babysitter and that was no easy task.

Especially when Lucy accidentally pulled them into the mystical magic land beyond the magic wardrobe that sat in the room upstairs.

The professor had a lot of rooms. And in an effort to entertain their youngest sibling, Peter and Elodie had indulged her in a game of hide and seek where Lucy hadn't hesitated to take her big sister's hand and go running throughout the large house as Peter counted to a hundred.

When counting every single second, time seemed infinite, but in the magic land of Narnia where Lucy and Elodie met a curious creature named Mr Tumnus who was blessed with the torso of a man and the legs of a goat. The older girl had almost burst at the seams with excitement at the sight of the creature she thought a satyr, but alas, he was a faun, the Roman counterpart to the Greek creature she read about. And yet, in the world of Narnia, Romans and Greeks didn't exist. Humans hardly existed for that matter. It had been a shocking thing to learn as they journeyed to Mr Tumnus' house for tea before returning. And Elodie learned that time in Narnia passed differently, both much quicker and much slower at the same time. It felt like they spent hours upon hours with Mr Tumnus, and yet, they were hardly gone a few seconds and the game hadn't even started yet.

Elodie was saddened and rather annoyed when her siblings believed neither her nor Lucy, insisting that Narnia and Tumnus had been nothing more than one of the fairy tales Elodie read about in her books. So that night, they went back. And they'd stumbled across Edmund as he wandered around in the snowy wonderland, but yet, when they returned to the real world, he insisted he saw nothing. He proclaimed that they were the liars and he'd done nothing more but encourage the silly make-believe game they were playing. Lucy had gone running from the room in tears, promptly sending their big brother after them and all of them back into the wardrobe where this time, they were all able to pass through.

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