The feeling of her heart in her throat was an odd sensation. And it was impossible to swallow and to throw up as she was dressed in full battle armour, a mix of metal and leather as all her knives and her axe were strapped to her body as she walked with her brothers out of the Howe. Both of them were in Narnian armour as they marched, their army cheering as they emerged into the sun, Edmund holding Peter's helm and Elodie his sword as they made their way to the circle of stones where the duel was to take place.
On the outside of the stone circle was a makeshift throne for the king as he sat with his golden armour, his lords and the general of his army all in silver as they watched the three young siblings emerge.
Their centaur general, Glenstorm, nodded at them as he held his sword, and the siblings began to prepare. Edmund began placing his brother's helm on his head as he fitted it, a shield with the Narnian lion imprinted on it already strapped to his forearm. And when he was finally done, Peter met the eyes of his twin sister, of the girl he never really understood until he got sucked into one of her storybook worlds, and a girl he would forever love and feel guilty for not believing her, especially when she never once resented him for it. She'd just accepted the fact that she would never be the same as her siblings. And he'd never forgive himself for that. Which was the reason why he insisted he be the one to fight this duel now. He wasn't going to let her get hurt when he had the ability to stop it.
"Good luck, big brother," she said affectionately despite the grim look on her face as she presented him with his sword hilt and his armoured hand wrapped around it before he pulled. While everyone may not have heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed, they were still able to see the blade glinting in the sun whether they stood in front of the Howe or atop it. And their army roared and cheered at the sight as the High King stepped into the stone circle with the golden king, a complete mask covering his entire head save for his eyes, mouth and nostrils.
"There is still time to surrender," Miraz reminded him.
"Well, feel free," Peter retorted.
"How many more must die for the throne?"
"Just one," Peter said proudly, his voice hard like steel as he lowered his helm cover. And he got a leg up on a piece of broken column as the two kings collided. But despite their faith in their brother, as Peter took a shield to the face, Edmund couldn't help but glance at his sister as she shared the same worried look as him. And without hesitation, they joined hands as they watched their brother fight for his life and the life of their kingdom and its people.
The sound of swords ringing out against each other was actually giving Elodie a headache as the battle raged on, the two kings rather evenly matched against one another. She didn't know how long she stood there, unable to do anything but watch as her hand shook in Edmund's grip. And then they both squeezed each other's hand tighter as Peter had his helm knocked off his head before narrowing ducking a fatal blow from Miraz's sword. Their hope seemed to grow though when Peter drew first blood, slicing a gash into Miraz's leg as he hissed in pain. But his small victory didn't last long before his back was pressed against the stone floor and her brother cried out in agony as Miraz stepped on his shield and his arm seemed to bend at an odd angle. Edmund had to hold her back from running to his side as they watched their brother reverse the roles and knock Miraz off his feet as Peter got up off the ground.
However, the sound of a horse neighing seemed to pause the battle as they looked to the tree line to see Caspian racing towards them on a horse with Susan's arms wrapped around his waist.
And while Elodie was inherently worried for her littlest sister's absence, she was unbelievably relieved that these two were ok, because if they were together then that meant Caspian was forced to reveal his presence as something had gone wrong. And this was not the time for things to be going wrong.
"Does his Highness need respite?" Miraz rasped, also needing a break himself.
"Five minutes?" Peter gasped, the pain in his arm nearly unbearable.
And the two kings retreated to their sides, Edmund picking up Peter's helm as Elodie helped him over to where Susan and Caspian had dismounted their horse and a faun had run in to take it away.
"You're ok!" she exclaimed as she hugged them both, Susan not being the only one to notice that Elodie's hug with Caspian seemed to last a little longer than need be.
"Lucy?" Peter asked worriedly.
"She got through...with a little help," Susan explained with a glance at the prince.
"Thanks," Peter said genuinely.
"Well, you were busy. And it was either me or Elodie," Caspian joked and Peter tried to smile before he was reminded of the pain in his arm.
"Let me take a look at that," Elodie said as she went to take his arm but Peter went to address Susan first.
"You better get up there," he said, nodding to where the archers were waiting atop the Howe. "Just in case. I don't expect the Telmarines will keep their word. No offence," he said to Caspian who shrugged.
"None taken," he replied as Susan hugged her brother before he flinched in her arms.
"Sorry!" Susan apologised as she pulled away, her brother still in pain. "Be careful."
"Keep smiling," Edmund piped up and Elodie lifted her eyes to see where their army was becoming nervous at the sight of their injured king.
And as Susan jogged up to the Howe, Peter grinned as he raised his sword into the air, and they broke into a round of cheers as Edmund then set down a stool for Peter to sit on.
"Let's look at that arm," she said as Caspian helped him sit down before they both began to gently undo the straps of his shield as gently as possible. Yet, Peter still hissed in pain as Caspian undid the last buckle and removed the shield.
"I think it's dislocated," he revealed as Elodie began to softly prod at his arm, feeling for any breaks which she didn't find thankfully.
"I think you're right," she agreed as she felt his elbow.
"You want help, Ellie?" Edmund asked.
"Yeah. Hold him down, would you, Ed?" she returned as he stood behind his brother, one hand on his good arm and the other hand on the shoulder of his bad arm.
"What do you think happens back home, if you die here?" Peter wondered and he flinched, but this time it wasn't from any pain in his arm. It was from his twin smacking his head.
"Don't even go there," she warned as she adjusted the placement of her hands on his arm.
"You know, I've never really thanked you two," Peter continued and Elodie only rolled her eyes as he spoke. "You've always been there, and I never really-"
And he was cut off by another exclamation of pain as Elodie snapped the joint back in place with no warning and a smug smile.
"I told you not to go there. You are not going to die, Peter Pevensie, because if you do, I will kill you myself," she promised, well aware of Caspian's curious eyes on her, even more so at the sound of the words she repeated to him a couple short hours ago.
"You know," Peter groaned as he rotated his arm. "I understand you're worried, but I don't need you trying to kill me on top of Miraz trying to kill me."
"Then don't die," she shot back as she kissed his sweaty cheek.
"And save the sappy speeches for later," Edmund added before he offered his brother his helm which he declined. And the Narnians cheered as round two of the duel began.

The High Queen of Narnia
FanfictionDo you ever feel like you were born into the wrong world? Because that is exactly how Elodie Penvensie felt. Her twin brother Peter, and the rest of her younger siblings never understood her. In fact, they used to distance themselves from her quite...