Chapter 3

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(A/N: Double update since it's still Christmas in some places of the world. Hope you enjoy. XxD)


Elodie couldn't help but laugh. She knew her sister was trying to be intimidating but it wasn't really working with her choice of words. Because after changing into Narnian-approved clothes, the boys and Elodie in their pants and the two younger girls in their dresses, they made their way back to the beach where Susan had spotted people on the river. Well, two guards and a dwarfish prisoner that was bound and about to be thrown into the lake.

Her first arrow hit the rowboat they were in as she notched her second and yelled, "Drop him!"

It wasn't the most intimidating line nor the most appropriate for the situation as the boys drew their swords and Elodie pulled a dagger from her belt as opposed to going for the axe strapped to her hip. She didn't get a chance to throw it though as the knights threw the dwarf into the river and the boys rushed to fish him out as Susan fired her next arrow. It didn't miss that time. Granted, it hadn't missed the first time seeing as it was a warning shot but this one pierced a knight in the chest as he fell overboard and the second knight abandoned ship as he dove into the river.

Elodie then watched with pride and amusement as her two brothers pulled the dwarf and the boat from the river, Lucy dropping to her knees as she cut his hands free with her little knife. The dwarf was then quick to pull his gag out of his mouth as he spewed out water and then stumbled his way to his feet.

"'Drop him?!' That's the best you can come up with?'" he exclaimed in outrage at Susan as he threw the gag onto the sand.

"Wasn't your best line, Susie," Elodie muttered as the girl scoffed.

"A simple 'thank you' would suffice," she replied as she held Edmund's sword and Elodie held Peter's.

"They were doing fine drowning me without your help!" the dwarf spat.

"Maybe we should've let them," Peter suggested.

"Why were they trying to kill you anyway?" Lucy wondered and Elodie shrugged.

"They probably had a good reason," she taunted.

"They're Telmarines," he answered as he glared at Elodie. "That's what they do."

"Telmarines? In Narnia?" Edmund asked in disbelief.

"Where have you been for the last few hundred years?" the dwarf wondered and Elodie grew concerned.

"How many hundred years?" she questioned but was cut off as Lucy said,

"It's a bit of a long story."

The girls then returned the swords to their rightful owners, and Elodie watched as the hilt of Peter's sword drew the dwarf's eyes before they rested on the axe at her hip.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," he groaned. "You're it? You're the kings and queens of old?"

"High King Peter, the Magnificent," Peter introduced as he held his hand out to shake the dwarf's.

"Show off," Elodie coughed into her fist.

"You probably could've left off the last bit," Susan admonished, knowing how boastful their brother was of his title.

"Probably," laughed the dwarf.

"You might be surprised," Peter said as he drew his sword and pointed it at the dwarf who back up a step.

"Oh, you don't want to do that, boy," he advised, and Peter turned to his brother and sister that always sat next to him in the throne room.

"Not me. Them," he explained as Elodie and Edmund had a quick game of rock, paper, scissors only for Elodie to cuss as Edmund punched the air.

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