(A/N: Thank you for 1000 reads. Please enjoy this bonus chapter. XxD)
The ground was shaking heavily as the round rocks were catapulted towards them, some of their army falling as they were hit, and Caspian mounted his horse as he waited for the signal. And as the first battalion of Telmarins charged at them, Elodie began to raise her fingers to her lips before she let out a shrill whistle. And as Solomon landed at her side as she mounted him, Caspian and the centaur charged into the Howe.
And when the fanfare started, Peter began to count. Elodie's eyes remained on the approaching army as her heart seemed to beat faster with every number Peter counted because their timing had to be perfect. And when he got to ten, he said nothing as he looked to his twin whose steed reared up as he let out a mighty roar, and the ground began to collapse beneath the feet of the Telmarines.
"FOR NARNIA!" Elodie screamed as she raised her axe into the air and the archers let loose a volley of arrows that sailed through the air before sinking into the fallen Telmarines.
"Be careful," Peter whispered to her as Edmund mounted his horse.
"You can count on us," she promised as Solomon leapt into the sky, his large wings strong as they flapped and Elodie was given a perfect view of the army of Telmarines as they were surrounded, and Caspian led the underground troops onto the surface and the Telmarines began to fall like flies. "Alright Solomon," she said encouragingly as they dodged the rocks shooting through the sky and she stroked his neck. "Let's take down those catapults."
"With pleasure, my queen," he replied wickedly, and he dove, his wings tucked in tight as the wind whistled in her ears and he neared the first catapult and Elodie drew her axe. Seeing as the Telmarines were more focused on their army, they didn't see their approach from the sky until it was too late and Elodie slashed her axe through the wooden contraption, specifically the wheel that kept it turning, Caspian having explained the design to her, as it promptly crashed to the ground and on top of many Telmarines, but it wasn't enough. One catapult down and five to go as Solomon weaved his way to the next one that went down just as easily. They began firing at them as Elodie took down the third.
"Solomon!" she cried out as her griffin roared in pain as an arrow impaled one of his feet, the blood matting his fur.
"I'm ok, Ellie," he promised, despite the pain in his voice. "We have to keep going," he urged, and she had no choice but to go with it as she struck down the fourth and they moved on to the fifth. But the fifth catapult didn't fall.
"Watch out!" she warned as watched an arrow leave the crossbow of a Telmarine and come flying at them, but rather than move out of the way so that the arrow didn't hit her, Solomon adjusted himself to that the arrow hit him instead. "SOLOMON!" she cried as the griffin let out a sound of complete agony as he grabbed onto the catapult, the pain great as his wings fell slack behind him.
"For Narnia and her queen," he groaned before he let her fall from his back. Elodie didn't even have time to scream but rather than let her fall to the ground littered with Telmarines, she fell into the catapult in place of the spherical boulder as it began to rise into the air. And her scream didn't leave her lips still as she was launched towards the Howe, watching simply as her griffin gave her one last smile before the light left his eyes and his body disappeared as he tumbled onto the ground full of Temlarines. And only then did she let out a heartbreaking cry.
And as she floundered through the air, her body tossed about by the wind, her eyes closed as she accepted her fate, as she wanted to fall with her friend, but it was not yet her time.

The High Queen of Narnia
FanfictionDo you ever feel like you were born into the wrong world? Because that is exactly how Elodie Penvensie felt. Her twin brother Peter, and the rest of her younger siblings never understood her. In fact, they used to distance themselves from her quite...